White male.
White male.
White male.
White male.
White male.
I could go on.
And in twenty years, maybe the single lesbian atheist daughter of poor Chinese parents.
Only in America.
A politically incorrect pamphlet hitting on all the unspeakable stuff: Politics. Economics. Fiscal Policy. Foreign Policy. Moral Issues. Culture. Investments. Religion. Humor. Life.
Grab a broom and lets get to work!
What's the European perspective Keith?
OK Democrats, you have your mandate. Time to go after oil's windfall profits. Try that and see what happens. I dare you.
Our first Muslim president. Yes, it will be great for this country--more taxes on the so called "rich" (2 earner wage familes making under 200k per year), punishing businesses and growing the government. Yeah, I have hope all right.
Hide your white woman, lock your car doors, and get out of the neighborhood.
Where's all your sycophants?
This kinda reminds me of the time Tom Lykis tried to start a second radio show about wine tasting.......
Of course it crashed and burned....
And he went back to his shock jock routine.....
I thought race was not an issue?
"shultzie said...
Grab a broom and lets get to work!"
More like a massive quantity of handcuffs and a orange jump suits.
Immediately Censure George W. Bushco and Cheneyburton to prevent the pardon parade of their loyal thugs. Mozilo, Perry and Dodd need to go next and then the entire rogues gallery responsible for the Wars that Bankrupted America. Everyone. Some mistakes will be made, eggs broken, etc.
They ALL have to go to Prison for a long, long time fo their crimes and be exposed to the world for the heinous traitors they really are. Their lives must be ruined an their families shamed forever.
Yeah, you can't deny that republicans are the party of the straight white males, and the democrats are the party of everyone else.
The financial house of the US government needs to be put in order. So taxes are going up. Hopefully the US will avoid defaulting.
20 years? How about 100 years?
Surrounded by all the red neck motherfu*kers in Arizona and for that matter most of the US makes me want to move to Europe.
Am soooo glad people voted for someone with a little pigment in their skin. Took only 200 years. Do people know where he got his 650 billion for the campaign????
How about the AZ Constitution banning gay marriage, and the ones in Florida, Ark., Utah, and even California, Etc.
So proud to be an Amuuurican. Lets all chant God Bless Amuuurica.
Sorry to be so negative, but I see nothing for my basic rights.
White male, white male, half-white male.. does it matter that much?
And a significant number of people said that race was "definitely a factor", and they voted for Obama. It would be nice if we lived in a country where race didn't matter, but I guess we aren't there.
How many people voted for Obama, not because he was qualified (only 2% did that), but because they wanted the U.S. to look "sophisticated" and "diverse" in the eyes of the world?
I have absolutely no problem with selecting a black president. But selecting a [any race/color] president because he's [race/color] is a very bad idea when choosing your leader.
ya, maybe we will see an asian up there one of these days...but too many barriers for that to happen...btw, i am a married, chinese male, atheist who is a son of poor chinese parents.......for me, all politicians (dems and reps) are all crooks and are bought and paid for by someone or some groups...the don't represent real people...and you see that with obama as well as the honeymoon wears off...they all have to pay back the people that got them there...let's hope he can do some good out there...can't do any worse than bush who literally ran this country to the ground...
[quote]Surrounded by all the red neck motherfu*kers in Arizona and for that matter most of the US makes me want to move to Europe.
Am soooo glad people voted for someone with a little pigment in their skin[/quote]
I look forward to the day when France elects a Moroccan, and Spain a Jew.
I don't really think it matters much. This proves that racism has long been dead in America.
As a racially color-blind individual, I believe a socialist is a socialist, no matter the color of his skin.
Obama is the first black president. I just think he's the WRONG choice.
I not only fear for the future of this country over the next 4 years, but I feel for the millions of proud african americans, because the first black president is going to sit right next to Jimmy Carter in the history books.
You can see it happening already with the dimwits he's choosing for his cabinet.
Not everyone has been conned by Obama fever like Keith and the rest of the Obama-naut moron parade.
Here's an article from the black community that exposes Obama for what he really is:
Barack Obama Ain't Nothin' But a War Ho'
Look, we'd all like a great black president. One that really fights for the people and isn't a whore to the corporations, bankers and military industrial complex. Someone like MLK.
Somethings have changed.
7 out of 10 blacks and most Hispanics and about half of whites voted for a gay marriage ban in Cali. (And other states.)
Don't they see how stupid and ironic they are? Guess not.
It doesn't matter what ethnic backgroung a person is, it only matters if a person has a functioning brain and isn't a sadistic, selfish short-sighted Nazi-wannabe freak.
I think I'm more pissed off today than I have been in a long time. And that's alot after 8 years of non-stop pissed off.
Maybe now I understand the riots in LA in the early 1990's.
keefer et al, Prop 8 in California was a real shocker...no rednecks here to blame, black and Mexican 70% support carried this through...wait, i thought because they were dark meant they were 'progressive' ..just wait till they get veto proof state majorities, gays, bend over!
of course they voted yes on prop 8. and obama gave them the green light to do it. he refused to risk his campaign for that little issue of human rights. it's cost the dems before. i guess that we're all for discrimination and denial of civil rights as long as we're not in the group being persecuted. interesting that he went ahead and mentioned homosexuals as a group that would be included in his acceptance speech. beautiful words - no action.
yep. it certainly won't happen in europe. all of our racists should consider moving to europe, they would fit in better there.
Yeah, you can't deny that republicans are the party of the straight white males, and the democrats are the party of everyone else.
the party of everyone else?????
that is a good one.
dems are not the party of women. nor gays. dems barely tolerate minorities.
consider women in 2008: the dems totally tore apart hillary. commenting on her cleavage, pant suits, etc.
Gays? where is the legislation to support gay marriage? dems have control of congress, had it for 2 years now.....???? obama's official position is that he believes marriage is only between a man and woman.
minorities? dems tolerate blacks. how about other races??? what immigration legislation have the dems proposed??? oh, that was mccain that did that last year!
Yeah, you can't deny that republicans are the party of the straight white males, and the democrats are the party of everyone else.
the party of everyone else?????
that is a good one.
dems are not the party of women. nor gays. dems barely tolerate minorities.
consider women in 2008: the dems totally tore apart hillary. commenting on her cleavage, pant suits, etc.
Gays? where is the legislation to support gay marriage? dems have control of congress, had it for 2 years now.....???? obama's official position is that he believes marriage is only between a man and woman.
minorities? dems tolerate blacks. how about other races??? what immigration legislation have the dems proposed??? oh, that was mccain that did that last year!
I am not saying the republicans are any better. it is just that the dems are not the champions of other groups.
I look forward to the day when France elects a Moroccan, and Spain a Jew.
and the UK an asian.
I not only fear for the future of this country over the next 4 years, but I feel for the millions of proud african americans, because the first black president is going to sit right next to Jimmy Carter in the history books.
You can see it happening already with the dimwits he's choosing for his cabinet.
yep, i have been saying that all along. obama is this generation's jimmy carter.
Here's an article from the black community that exposes Obama for what he really is:
funny thing is obama has more arab blood in him than african.
interesting that he went ahead and mentioned homosexuals as a group that would be included in his acceptance speech. beautiful words - no action.
that is obama, all pretty words.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Our first Muslim president. Yes, it will be great for this country--more taxes on the so called "rich" (2 earner wage familes making under 200k per year), punishing businesses and growing the government. Yeah, I have hope all right.
November 5, 2008 3:16 PM
Can you please stop lying about Obama's stance on taxes? Obama will give a tax cut to people making under 250K and a small tax increase to those who make over 250K. But I guess you can keep repeating the same lie; "oh Obama will tax the daylights out of us", "he is a Muslim", "he is a Socialist", etc...
I am happy, I have hope. For the first time in years, I feel positive. It has nothing to do with a black man, and everything to do with a new leader that has a completely different way of doing things than the fuckheads that have been running this show for the past eight years. This is going to be a more moderate, more peaceful time for the US than any of you haters will ever acknowledge. I woke up in a better America today.
Thanks for starting the new blog, I felt sick to my stomache when you signed off on HP!! Even though I like to join the crowd in cheers and hope I can tell you that the book I read years ago "Animal Farm" keeps popping up in my head.. Nobody mentioned it to me and I have not told anyone of this though.. I do tend to try to look at everything fully without choosing a side.
Thanks Keith
It has nothing to do with a black man, and everything to do with a new leader that has a completely different way of doing things
how the hell were you able to determine he has a different way of doing things?
I don't see much that he has done, let alone done it differently! did he write his two books using a piece of charcoal and his left foot? that would be different.
"of course they voted yes on prop 8. and obama gave them the green light to do it. he refused to risk his campaign for that little issue of human rights. it's cost the dems before. i guess that we're all for discrimination and denial of civil rights as long as we're not in the group being persecuted. interesting that he went ahead and mentioned homosexuals as a group that would be included in his acceptance speech. beautiful words - no action."
There is no civil right to marry, let alone change the definition of marriage! You can make arguments to have marriage include same-sex unions, but you guys do such horrible job of it with your extremist rhetoric.
Supporters of gay marriage would have far more support if they did not resort to the flame-throwing of calling people "Nazis" (as did venetiancafe). The use of this type of rhetoric almost always results in increased resistence.
"oh Obama will tax the daylights out of us", "he is a Muslim", "he is a Socialist", etc...
technically obama is Afrirab, part African, part Arab. he happens to be more Arab than African by a 4:1 ratio.
lost cause said:
"Yeah, you can't deny that republicans are the party of the straight white males, and the democrats are the party of everyone else."
Except for all the closet homosexuals in the republican party. They are more rabid than the straight ones.
Ummm, I think you are supposed to be a citizen of the United States, so lesbian, atheist daughter of poor Chinese parents would be a problem.
No, you just have to be born on US soil to be a US citizen. Just ask the kid of any illegal mexicans
anchor babies away
skin color doesn't mean sqat. look at colin powell.. and what he did at the UN. look at kindaliesa rice... and what she's done as secretary of state.
Mexicans are not the only ones who come here illegally. There are illegal Irish, Africans (Obama's aunt), Central Americans, Canadians. Many come on tourist visas and never leave.
I thought you said this was going to be a blog for people with open minds ? Are we here to bash certain minorities only ?
He Won!
I guess this means America is no longer a racist nation!
Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton will be out of work!
There were folks in Memphis the day after the election that were ready for their cash and or checks!
What were they told and whats it going to be like when that hand is just as empty?
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