November 28, 2008

Soot & Ashes Quote of the Day

"They kept shopping. It's not right. They're savages"

- Kimberly Cribbs, witness to the death of a Wal-Mart worker as a crowd of savage American consumers bum-rushed a Wal-Mart in the desperate pursuit of cheap sh*t from China, November 28, 2008


Anonymous said...

That's truly awful. The entire crowd should have been sent to jail. People are out of their minds.

ApleAnee said...

Andrew Hac where are you when we need you?

Anonymous said...

Not surprising, since so many people are still so much in love with the stuff, and care so little about people.

Stocking up for this, and next years Christmas, is much more important.

Unfortunately, we have a long way to fall yet still.

Paul E. Math said...

It's funny and sad what people will do when they think they are getting a deal.

People will do just about anything for a freebie. They will go to tremendous lengths to get a discount.

Yup, they'll do anything except actually work.

Does this tell you something about our warped value system?

Our moral compass has been lost for so long we have forgotten that we ever had one.

Anonymous said...

More signs of societal collapse.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to report that Andrew Hac was the Wal*Mart employee who died in this year's annual black Friday stampede.

His last words: "Get this piece of sh*t fat pig off me."

Anonymous said...

...and crown thy good with brotherhood...

Anonymous said...

"From the Halls of Montezuma To the shores of Tripoli We fight our country's battles In the air, on land, and sea..."

The national fighting spirit behind that song has now degenerated into blood thristy national greed during frenzied shopping sprees to buy poisoned Chinese goods manufactured by laborers who labor for next to nothing.

Anonymous said...

The lesson here is don't spend time near large gatherings of Katrina victims.

Lost Cause said...

There is something more evil than the love of money.

Anonymous said...

just think about what those food lines are going to be like.

Anonymous said...

The stores call them "DOORBUSTER SALES". Helllooo??
Why is anyone surprised when the Wally-World-cheezdoodle-roused-to-a-frenzy-by sales-mania crowds actually finally do bust down the door, oblivious to any hapless clerks standing on the other side of it?

Anonymous said...

If the employee is killed on the job, does he still get workman's comp?

AndrewHac said...

Oh, Lordie, Lordie, Lordie...

Can the Americano specie stoop this low ?


This is the funniest nation on the planet Earth. And its occupants are no less funny as hell. No doubt about this. No BUT, IF, WHEN, WHAT, WHY. WHO, or HOW...

And you asked yourself the question over and over again "Why is the Americano so toasted ? ". Well, the answer is: This pitiful nation is comprising mostly of Joe6Pack and JaneZinfandel whom muddles through life having no clue as to why their existence on this planet Earth matters to them or the people around them.

The Americano Housing Bubble has now revealed the true anatomy of the Americano Australopithecus species to the whole wide world. And what that anatomy amounts to is a heap of putrid, rotten to the core, maggot filled, rat chewing pile of garbage.

Greed, Ignorance, Irresponsibility, Laziness, Materialistic-Craze, Hoity-Toity attitudes are all part of the Americano rotted anatomy, stinky gut.

How a fat-ass, obese, beer-gut, rotten teeth, putrid breath, dumb-ass Americano male driving by himself a Ford Expedition on the road, consuming 10-15 miles per gallon of gasoline is just beyond the realm of reasoning.

How a whole family of cracker-nuthead, GrandPa and GrandMa, Joe6Pack and JaneZinfandel, 6 of the spoiled-brat runny nose snotty kids swarming the Walmart aisle after aisle piling junks on the shopping cart is pure hilarious and pitiful at the same time. And the result of that is one ignorant, Jamaican-trash, piece-of-human-excrement temporary worker died being trampled on from the mad rush of tootless Grampa and Gramma.

How a whole family of Hicks and HillBilly chomping down on oily, greasy McDonal french fries and Wendy’s hamburger is just so resembling the scene of the bunch of hogs roosting and wallowing at the feed trough.

Who can we blame on this hilarious nation with its hilarious citizens except ourselves ? The mentality of the current Americano is just amazing if not stupefying. Empty of feeling, obligation, morality, duty, honor, sense of self-worthiness, the only way to go for the Americano is to be roasted slowly skewered from mouth to ass on a green Chinese bamboo stick, all sizzling nicely, fat popping, juices dripping over a bed of white hot charcoal.

The Americano nation is pathetic and sinful beyond the point of redemption !

ApleAnee said...

Wind Farmer said...

I'm sorry to report that Andrew Hac was the Wal*Mart employee who died in this year's annual black Friday stampede.

His last words: "Get this piece of sh*t fat pig off me."

Damn them crackernut head, chicken barn, F250 drivin, americano-pithecus anyway. :-)

Gone to meet the guy with the white beard...... RIP

Anonymous said...

doesn't anyone watch those news reports of stampedes in the stores at 5 in the morning. did anyone watch worlds worst shoppers. if you think it's bad here, it's as bad in other countries. i have never gone to one of those events no matter the cost of anything they sell and i can't understand the herd mentality of the people who do go. those sales probably come along until christmas, and the closer to christmas the sales are even better. but then i was young too, i sat outside all night to get tickets for Princes' Purple Rain tour, and it was then I knew I would never do that again. LOL

Mammoth said...

Refusing to participate in this annual end-of-the-year madness.

Instead, all during the year we keep our eyes peeled for things that our loved ones woild like. Nearly all of these gifts are already wrapped, and today while the crazed masses are – quite literally – elbowing one another on the way to the checkout line, we are heading to the post office to mail the first of these packags.

Not only does this give us the luxury of picking & choosing nice presents as opposed to rushing to buy ‘I don’t know what’ for a loved one, but come December one can focus on enjoying the holiday season rather than breaking one’s head trying to figure out what to get for whom.

This is the next best thing to just dispensing with the guilt, hassles, and pressures of Christmas gift-giving altogether, but unfortunately we’re not quite there yat.


Anonymous said...

What happened is a disgrace to America and a disgrace to humanity....

This is a time for all to introspect and change their behavior.

- Big box stores and chains need to stop this Black Friday madness starting next year. No more early bird specials and no more special opening hours for this one day.
- Boycott Back Friday sales. You may get a good deal on one item but overall you are not going to save more than $5 or $10, considering the 3-4 hours waiting time in the checkout line.

I happened to visit the neighborhood Kohls store at 1.30 pm this afternoon and the lines were snaking back all the way to the back of the store from both sides with at least a couple of hours wait time. People could shake hands with people headed in the opposite direction to checkout their stuff. Prices were no different than your general weekend sale prices. Idiots! I cannot imagine what the situation might have been at 4 am or 10 am this morning. If those monkeys were ready to bang in at least a couple of nails while waiting, I could have built 5 of those monstrous McMansions by the time the store closes for the day.

Greedy, insane and stupid people. Thinking they get a deal when in fact they are wasting their time & depriving their kids and family with the quality time they deserve on this special weekend.

It is not difficult to comprehend what went on during the housing bubble and why we are in the mess we are in today!

Anonymous said...

and yet some people in this country have the nerve to say we are #1

are you f@king kidding me?

a nation of zombies can't be #1

tom12008 said...

What was that post the other day about Americans having so much respect for the law because we are a law-and-order-valuing people?

Anonymous said...

Just think what these same proud Americans will do to YOU when they are homeless, hungry and destitute and cannot watch NASCAR or Idol because their TV and groceries were just stolen by their neighbor at gunpoint...

I hope you slide under a gas truck and taste your own blood.

Get It?


ApleAnee said...

Andrew Hac said...
This pitiful nation is comprising mostly of Joe6Pack and JaneZinfandel whom muddles through life having no clue as to why their existence on this planet Earth matters to them or the people around them.

I knew you were still here :-).

Lost Cause said...

The Black Friday death toll now stands at three. Be sure to join us for an hour of special coverage, as Channel Two News continues our live, uniterrupted coverage of Black Friday Watch 2008.

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine if there were food shortages due to bankrupt transportation and distribution companies. People would kill drivers and hijack trucks.

We live in a truly sick me only society. I am afraid to grow old since I wont be able to defend myself.

Anonymous said...

Anon Said:
Boycott Back Friday sales. You may get a good deal on one item but overall you are not going to save more than $5 or $10, considering the 3-4 hours waiting time in the checkout line."

SO WAS A HUMAN LIFE WORTH THE $5 or $10 ? I AGREE NO MORE OF THIS!!! Make it a crime to incite the American Sheeple like that.

Anonymous said...

THIS HAPPENED IN MY OLD HOMETOWN OF VALLEY STREAM NY...It's the first town on Long Island outside of south Queens.

For those who don't know, Southside Jamaica Queens is where the likes of '50 Cent' hail from.

I'm not surprised by this in the least. Green Acres is drive-by and stabbing central. Add stampede to that list.


Truly savages.

Anonymous said...

This is a Wal-mart we're talking about. I'd wager half the people stampeding weren't Americans, but rather "undocumented immigrants".

Anonymous said...

WalMart should of had guards at the door only letting in 20 people at a time .They have had these deaths happen at sporting events also.

It is really a crying shame that the employee was killed . Just like Katrina was a omen for houses being underwater ,so this death is a warning as to the sick society that places consumption above all else .

Anonymous said...

Wind Farmer & JaneZ - you flushed him out. Well done...and the part about Andrew's last words was a LOLer.
Welcome back AH.

As for the WalMart worker, vanilla ice said it best.
keyser soze

Anonymous said...

more toothless wonders at work.Bunch of worthless pos.Get a life and quit buying shit on credit you don't need.Or maybe find a friend to talk to instead of wasteing time on gay websites like myspace and facebook, losers I say.

Anonymous said...

I live a twenty-minute ride away from the mall where this happened yet I found out from this blog as I stay away from the malls on Black Friday.

I thought such stampedes happened only in third-world countries. Here's to America becoming one. Here's to the wonderful tradition of consumers driving the economy by getting in the gaz-guzzling cars and driving to the mall on Black Friday. The sheeple showed they CAN KILL to get their cheap Chinese stuff.

DIE U PIGS. Misery and poverty is all America deserves. And misery and poverty will come. I sh*t on Christmas; this is not a Christian holiday anymore.

Ross said...

"Greedy, insane and stupid people. Thinking they get a deal when in fact they are wasting their time & depriving their kids and family with the quality time they deserve on this special weekend."

I could not have said it better myself. I was forced to work for 3 hours yesterday, but I spent the rest of my time with family. Those are the memories that last, unlike the stupid junk you can buy at WalMart or even Nordstrom's for that matter. America, you are truly getting what you deserve.

Anonymous said...

Some people have mentioned "hillbillies" and "undocumented immigrants", but I guess you did not see the actual photos?

Take a look, and report back what you see-,0,1736056.photogallery


....maybe important, maybe not. Nice to know tho'.


Anonymous said...

They represent the large percentage of society who are NOTHING but cattle.

Anonymous said...

From Rancho Mirage Ca.,

Somebody Anybody,

call a Spade a Spade!

The Toys r us shootings were gang related!

Two uncivilized Mexicans (redundant, I know)

At least they killed each other!

Now those two aren't a problem anymore!

In Palm Desert Ca. ????

A Retirement and Vacation area, largely white... and No problems

Add the Hispanics quotient and...


Go ahead call me a Racist Biggot,

It's this self evident act that proves me right!



Anonymous said...

I saw the pictures of the people up front that crushed the employee before the store opened mostly african american.

Anonymous said...

Bum rush the Walmart!

A stampede of pathetic, pathetic people all thinking they are getting some great deal on a knock off Sorny flat screen or Toshita laptop (only thing Toshiba about it is the logo stuck to the case). How about some shitty work boots or substandard auto parts or what ever other crap that they can peddle.

I am amazed at the uselesness of americans. Maybe the walmart clerk sacrificed his life for the greater good of low prices and value. I never shop at Walmart and will continue to encourage others to do the same.

Only in america can a person get killed by a ravenous crowd eager to throw its money away. Now there is an idea for a business: Place brightly colored trashcans around Walmart parking lots and tell people that they can dispose of any extra cash they have in these trashcans and their wishes will come true. Sadly I think it would be a great success.

Anonymous said...

This whole Black Friday thing is a lie and a joke. If anything you get 20 or 40 dollar savings. Is all B.S. I can't wait till all these corrupted skunk of retail stores go out of business! I hope they get sue for putting employee life's on the line with these Savages!

Anonymous said...

These people need to audition for the Movie WallE. That is our future with these brainless idiots.

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