November 4, 2008

Welcome to Soot and Ashes. Let's get to work.


tom12008 said...

Thanks for opening "Soot and Ashes". A better future is indeed possible.

Anonymous said...

I will miss the old HP and debating some of the more mentally challenged responses. Along with America PANIC we all did contribute to a New Day in America, and I'm Damn proud to have been relentless in my zeal to out the vicious thugs that would have continued to control America.

I will redouble my efforts to call for the censure of the sitting President of the United States, George W. Bushco and VP Shotgun Dick Cheneyurton to prevent them from pardoning their felon friends and supporters and doing anything more stupid and destructive than they already have. Remember, the End of an Error, 1-21-2009 is a long ways off by Bush-time...

There is masssive blood letting in the halls of GOP this morning. MANY ARE BEING CROAKED politically at breakfasts all along K street...

Many will be killed politically, and it couldn't happen to worse people. They are scum, liars, thieves and pimps.

At least the morgues and undertakers will have work for a short time, unlike most of the rest of America after the selloff.

Thank you for HP, AmericaPANIC and this new one. It will be another doozy I'm sure. Godspeed to All!

Carpe Diem! Censure Bush


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Keith,

Enough with the fluff. Count me in.

Straight up...I think Dylan Rattigan on CNBC needs more attention. He's on a crusade to make all government expenditures transparent, and it seems to me this is the best way to restore trust and confidence in the near term.

Budgetary details can be worked out as events unfold, but Americans have a right to know how their money is being spent.

My first suggestion is we get behind this initiative. On that note, he's offering tickets to his show on the subject in Wash., DC, Nov. 7th at

Boy, this situation sucks, but something has got to be done. It's a new world and this an opportunity. Help you neighbor, write your congressman, stop living beyond your means, etc., etc.

They may be small steps, but at least they are in the right direction.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Is that a Phoenix I see rising?

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