November 10, 2008

Will the Republican Party ever be able to win an election outside of the ignorant states again?

And if so, how do they get there?

Arkansas, Mississippi and Alabama, no problem. But how does the GOP take California? Or New York? Or Illinois? You know, places with internet access and good universities.

Serious question. I want a strong Republican party, running on fiscal and foreign policy soundness, not the hijacked one running on ignorance that we currently have.


Frank R said...

Yes, they will, thanks to the fact that we're ushering in the worst president since Carter, and the most incompetent congressional leadership in American history via Reid and Pelosi.

Obama's chances for re-election in 2012 will be so bad he may even have to pull an LBJ and bow out gracefully.

blogger said...

Frank - your read on this so far has been pretty abysmal. Tell me, who does the GOP put up against Obama in 2012? And what Obama states will flip back to the GOP?

It's the math. It no longer works for the GOP. They need to do something radical, like they did after Watergate.

Or they can just go away. Their choice.

Frank R said...

It doesn't matter who the GOP puts up in 2012, just like it didn't matter who the Dems put up this year - that's how they got away with running a totally unqualified candidate.

The fact that he spent $650 million vs. McCain's $84 million and still only won by 5% should tell you something.

Anonymous said...

Why do you say he is the worst president since Carter?

Didn't G.W. take that title?

Not to be partisan but I think G.W. - on his watch there has been far more damage done on many levels than what you are predicting for Obama. Plus Obama is inheriting the biggest pile of manure probably ever. He's not going to be able to turn that around. Nobody could, not McCain, not another 4 years of Bush, not another Bush, not a Clinton or a Clinton clone.

There are fundamental facts that cannot be changed. Like an airplane that suddenly loses an engine. Having the best or most capable pilot in the world will not change the fact. But having the best pilot for the emergency just might save lives.

The guy isn't president yet and the time between now and Jan 20th leaves an enormous amount of time to screw things up even more.

You don't like Obama, that's fair but you are already throwing baby out with the old bathwater.

Every new president inherits problems and this one deserves your support just as we all got behind G.W. in his first year and especially after 9-11.

I make over 250,000 jointly with my wife and even I can see that the people on the bottom won't have enough to pay for this. We'll be beating a weakened and emaciated horse trying to get it to pull another pile of granite up to the shining house on the hill when it just can't.

Sorry but we are going to have to pony up more of our wealth.

Think of it as a "protection" against the mobs - if that time comes.

Pay your taxes. It's not patriotic to want to pay them, but unfortunately it's the best thing for America right now and the American people as a whole and the act of wanting the best for all our people is indeed patriotic.

Rich, but not that rich, guy.

Anonymous said...

I love the guy who admitted that their only strategy is to run on an anti-gay platform.

If that's all they've got, it'll be decades before they get back into power.

Anonymous said...

Hey Keith - Is there any way to show the public the outrage and sickness of the CEOs of the banks still getting their taxpayer funded bonuses this year? While we are budgeting our holiday expenses, is it fair we are funding their new home in the Hamptons? How can we express this to those who may be able to stop it?

Anonymous said...


Bush and Rove killed them

Anonymous said...

they had their chance w/ RP and crapped all over him.

and for the record, Eric Cantor winning re-election proves that parts of rural VA are gay-friendly :)

Frank Schwartz said...


give it a rest and see what happens. im no fan of pelosi/reid, but bush is completely not defendable. backward looking, religion karl rove abusing (gaming - voting issues). obamas got a good of a possibility of doing a good job. people gave you chances in life

Devestment said...

Nosebleed taxes and stiff gun laws cost the Dems the house every time.

Anonymous said...

Arkansas, Mississippi and Alabama, no problem. But how does the GOP take California? Or New York? Or Illinois? You know, places with internet access and good universities.

don't think they are so stupid that they cant find you.

Mammoth said...

"The fact that he spent $650 million vs. McCain's $84 million and still only won by 5% should tell you something."
Yes, Frank - it tells us that many Americans are still racially biased and will never vote for a black president.

(Never mind the fact that Obama is just as white as he is black.)

Be a decent person and give the guy a chance. We need to throw away the divisiveness which is consuming this nation, and give the incoming president our support.


blogger said...

Obama outspent McCain because he was popular and had an army of supporters willing to donate. McCain didn't.

Also, the RNC outspent the DNC $280 million to $199 million. Those big money donors and corporations could cut the big checks where they were barred at the candidate level.

That said, this whole campaign finance thing is terrible and corrupt.

My proposal? No more PACs, no more lobbyists, and candidates restricted to $1000 per person per year to be given only on phone or internet. And parties same thing.

Every candidate for every office in the land, same rules.

Anonymous said...

LOL, love those superlatives the conservativess like Frank are so fond of. "most incompetent in history......". I would have to say that the last republican Congress, the one that was taking bribes while the country sank into a financial meltdown, was the worst in my lifetime.

Let me tell you Frank, Carter wasn't a bad President. That's just one of those republican myths they repeated so often it becomes a true legend. Carter followed 8 miserable years of Nixon/Ford, years of very high inflation and unemployment. We had a very deep recession in 74, two years before Carter. I won't even go into the damage republican Nixon did to our society through Watergate.

Bonus question: When did we have the first gas lines and fuel crisis? Under Carter, right? That's what most brainstems think. Real Answer: 1973. Again, under NIXON.

Bonus bonus question: What was unemployment when Carter left office compared to what it was in 82, two years into Reagan's first term? Answer: 7% and 11%, respectively.

PS> McCain spent more than 84 mill. His party spent plenty on his behalf.

Just think. Just 2 short years ago republicans controlled it all. Now they have nothing. Let that sink in, Frank. It'll become all too real when Obama gets in and reverses as mush of the past 8 years as he can and appoints THREE rabid liberals to the Supreme Court while the republicans try desperately to stop him.

Anonymous said...

umm, Keith, just to point out to you something - the states you mentioned (California, New York, Illinois) - all compete for "poster boy" status locations for your previous blog, HousingPANIC. I don't think those folks are quite as intelligent as you are giving them credit for being.

Anonymous said...

Love It! Neither one of those two a$$holes answered the question, and still managed to bring up the old standard right wing religious wedge issues "sanctity of life" (abortion,) "sanctity of marriage" (anti gay-marriage,) "traditional values" (anti gay, or for that matter, anti anything, so long as it will keep the sheeple frightened, and the collection plates overflowing on Sunday mornings.)

Despite the damage done by our unbelievably bad educational system, access to the Internet, and information, IS slowly raising the awareness level of the American populace. That alone should tell the GOP that they had better change their approach (not their true conservative core values,) if they want to be heard.
I think that it's going to take a major housecleaning in the GOP for them to make a big comeback!

Starting with these two!

Anonymous said...


Why even try ( said... ) with the ignorant, racist, dumb 48%?

Stupid IS as stupid DOES.

How many more days of Bushco-Cheneyburton terror are left again?


Censure Bush and Cheney TODAY, NOW.

Anonymous said...

yes, they will and they won't have to change much to do so.

Just like the dems didn't really have to change to get back into power. as a matter of fact, I would say the dems are even worse then they were before.

the dems will start to lose seats in congress during the next election because the swing voters will realize that the dems aren't fixing things, so they will vote republican. Not because the republicans have changed in a major way but rather that is the only other choice.

The pendulum will swing back to the republicans over the next couple of elections.

Anonymous said...

Tell me, who does the GOP put up against Obama in 2012?


Keith, the dems will put clinton up against obama in 2012. the economy will be so bad (and obama will be powerless to do much) that he will be forced to take one for the team.

Anonymous said...

Do you people really believe that Obama will do a damned thing without the say so of his London banker handlers?

Anonymous said...

The Democrats are already flirting with the idea of confiscating individual 401K plans so they can use the money for government spending. WIth ideas like this, the Dems will kill themselves by the 2010 mid term elections.

tom12008 said...

If the GOP changed drastically by adopting a socially inclusive, truly small-government platform, it could win a lot of disaffected voters. But at what cost? Would the party risk the loss of religious conservatives in order to court other voters? I don't think they are there yet.

Anonymous said...

Of course they'll be back because what you starry eyed Obama worshippers are missing is that the Neoliberals taking power now are no different to the Neocons that are being turfed out.

Here's a great article that spells it all out very clearly:

Neocons and Neoliberals : Two Masks, One Face

People will become disillusioned with the Obama administration once they see that he does not represent change at all. It might take a while because the Kool-Aid is flowing freely right now. But to those of us who have been paying attention there is no doubt that we are seeing more of the same as Obama assembles his administration.

You have to understand that the Neocons migrated to the Republican party and hijacked it long ago. Their belief system is based on Marxism and emanates from Leo Strauss at the University of Chicago. Do your research on this - it's essential information to understanding American politics today.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

"Bobby Jindal is the governor of Louisiana,republican and Indian-American"
Dot or Feather?

Anonymous said...

Hey Keith, Why don't you name this site Democratic Underground and get it over with already.
Or are you just posting all the republican bashing threads to get some quick attention to your new site?
All you Obama worshippers who are acting like his tears cure cancer should look back to the 2006 election. If your highly selective memories can go back that far. Remember Pelosi and Ried promising they would end the Iraq war if you gave the the majorities? Did they? Or did they just continue to vote for Iraq war spending bills as long as they could stuff enough pork for their home states in there?
You think he's going to create world peace like some Ms. South Carolina during a beauty pagent interview?
Grow up. I can't wait for the libs to start gasping in disbelief as Obama goes back on all the campaign promises if they conflict with the interests of those that financially backed him.

Anonymous said...

"The fact that he spent $650 million vs. McCain's $84 million and still only won by 5% should tell you something."
Hmm...let's see, what does that tell me? Maybe that average American voters are retards. Most sheeple vote against their own best interest and mostly don't act in a way that is beneficial to them long term. Sheeple usually vote Republicans in power which then in turn look out for them so that they'll stay poor. It's a kind of symbiotic relationship between the greedy/evil and the stupid. It pretty much got us where we are today.
In 4 years we'll be back to a Republican president 'cos the economy is going to get even worse. The problem is that we're trying to save a system that is already dead but neither Democrats or Republicans have figured that out yet. It will take many more trillions of $$ in failed bailouts before the dimwits in DC figure that one out. So chances are in 8 years we'll be back to a Democrat as president. Heaven help US.

Anonymous said...

Poor Obama tears. Lost the election and now hopes for disaster.

The dems couldn't do anything since 2006 with the republicans filibustering everything. They broke a record for using it.

But now they won't have the votes.

Anonymous said...

As soon as the Obamorgasms are over with, there will be a HORRIBLE hangover.

Obama will give the envirofreaks so much power they'll choke. People in the Northwest (east of the Cascades, anyway) will be dying to hunt environmentalists through the woods with dogs. Problem is, Obama will take away all their guns (or regulate them to the hilt).

I'm just worried that the GOP will learn nothing from its NeoCON mistakes with the Boosh family and nominate Jeb in 2012. Perhaps that's why Jeb didn't run THIS year... they're saving him for later!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully the GOP will split in two with the churchie anti-intellectuals in one corner and intellectual, small government libertarians in the other. A libertarian platform presented in an "acceptable" form (ie GOP branding) will bring back the Rocky Mountain West, parts of the Northwest and parts of New England. These areas have completely shut off the GOP because of the crazy, intolerant value-voters. The churchies by themselves can not win an election any more, not with a younger generation that doesn't see anything wrong with gays, blacks, atheists, etc.

One easy example of how the GOP could take votes with a libertarian platform is with marijuana decriminalization. The "blue" states keep passing these bills, so it's a popular measure that fits with limited government. In the future you'll see the GOP promoting gay-marriage (ARNOLD) and marijuana decriminalization along with their traditional limited government message. The Dems won't stand a chance.

Anonymous said...

The Dems will have a permenant majority after Hussein gives amenesty to 30 million illegal aliens, most of which will vote democrat.

Keith is right. The math no longer works. The illegals and hispanics wouldn't vote for Juan McCain, even though he was a cosponser for the amnesty bill.

If Hussein attempts to govern like Mao, Lenin, Stalin, or Kim Il Sung, then he'd be worse than Bush and if the people still have voting rights, then the dems will get thrown out on their *sses.

If the economy continues to collapse and if it's worse in 2012 than it is today, the dems will also get thrown out.

The GOP has to hope for america to go through literal hell in order to have any chance of ever gaining power again.

Anonymous said...

It depends on your definition of an "ignorant state".

my definition is that they are states who don't teach history correctly, are tyrannical in their political structure (typicall have a total congressional delegation of democrats), contain universities that practice a leftist orthodoxy that shuts down all opposition to their indoctrination, and have a cultural hostility to people of color and people with different view points.

these States are the following:

Rhode Island
New Jersey
New York
California (ok on the color front though)

these states are full of the most one-sided educated people you will ever find. many of them are totally racist, like masschusetts and vermont. there are hardly any people of color in those states. i found it quite laughable when howard dean made some crack about mccain being a racist when he lives in the white-ist State in the Union. Dean, a classic northeastern liberal idiot.

also, these states are full of intellectual and cultural bullies (like MA). that's why everyone is leaving them for nicer places.

there's a population drain from the so-called "smart states" to nicer parts of america, the so-called "ignorant states" (another term coined by liberals to demonize people who don't think like them). and no, it's not just the dumb ones leaving; in fact, they are leaving the dumb ones behind.

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