November 9, 2008

Your country did this in your name. Donald Rumsfeld, Alberto Gonzales, Jay Bybee, John Ashcroft, Dick Cheney and George Bush did this in your name.

I doubt Obama will make them pay. And I fully expect Bush to pardon his entire administration for any crimes they may or may not have committed before he leaves.

But you should remember.

They did this in your name.

Never again.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't get through all of the photos. Just couldn't do it. After four or five, I was done.
Horrible. Shameful. Criminal.

Anonymous said...

smoking gun

Anonymous said...

Obama could have used this to win and he didn't

foxwoodlief said...

Terrible? Yes. But naive to think our enemies are more....kind? We don't behead people or intentionally kill innocent civilians. The atrocities committed by others may not justify the indiscretion of a few, or being condoned but never forget that we are HUMAN and that means we are animals like every other animal. We should be more amazed that we can rise above the cruelty we see in nature, not that we succumb to that nature. I'd rather be humiliated that have my head chopped off by the enemy we fight.

Anonymous said...

I'm posting here as denethor of gondor, but for some reason my password isn't taking, and I typed it several anon it is...

Actually, toward then of his tenure as AG, Ashcroft actually grew a set. Here's a link to a PBS Frontline show on Cheney's pecadillos: Cheney's Law - The stuff on Ashcroft that surprised me no end started in Chapter 5, "Goldsmith Says No," about five or six minutes in, though I'd personally recommend taking the time to watch the whole program for those who havent' seen it.

Rather scary when your voice of sanity on spying on Americans is an Endtimer nutjob, but that's how it worked out.

Anonymous said...

How do you put that on and then say don't curse.

I am sure the books have been written and they are only waiting Until Jan 20 th for the Nazis to leave office to publish them.

@ Foxwoodlief... Never strive for the lowest common denominator.

Anonymous said...

p.s. The Hague?

Anonymous said...

Really pathetic that this is all you have come up with something better its old news even your hero didn't go there but what do you expect from people who know no one in the military.

Anonymous said...

and obama will do it in our name, just like clinton bombed baby formula factories in our name. Just like JFK killed tens of thousands in Vietnam. Just like Carter.... well, carter didn't do much of anything.

and FDR was responsible for starting nuclear weapon proliferation....

Anonymous said...

Fox said: "We don't behead people or intentionally kill innocent civilians."

This coming from someone who's advising us not to be naive?

Here are some naive questions begging your wisdom: How can we tell those hundreds of thousands of civilians killed in Iraq, including children,that our beloved leader Bush didn't really intend to kill them?

How can we explain to those who have actutally been beheaded by our cluster bombs that it was not intentional?

How can we convince those innocent children who happened to be peacefully living in their homes, in their own country, that our "smart bombs" were really not programmed to pulverize their tiny bodies beyond recognition?

Anonymous said...

I vote for Sashers

Anonymous said...

Looking back,….. aint gonna move ya forward.

Anonymous said...

I think the word is 'civilized'. There are civilized ways to detain, punish and even execute our enemies. And then there are barbaric ways.
Are we a civilized people?
Or are we barbarians?
We make the choice and we live with it.

Anonymous said...

Wonder where Lyndie England is now?

Towjam said...

That tw** in the pics still in prison?

Anonymous said...

Democratic leaders in the U.S. House discuss confiscating 401(k)s, IRAs

Wake the F up people.
Wake up you 'Bama Zombies !

Democratic leaders in the U.S. House discuss confiscating 401(k)s, IRAs

By Karen McMahan
November 04, 2008

RALEIGH — Democrats in the U.S. House have been conducting hearings on proposals to confiscate workers’ personal retirement accounts — including 401(k)s and IRAs — and convert them to accounts managed by the Social Security Administration.

Paige Turner said...

RE: "Your country did this in your name...

Our military personnel are trained to torture and kill innocent people on command.

We were told that our tax dollars were needed to rescue repressed Iraqis from their tyrannical leader.

As a result, Iraq is now on the path to democracy.

These same military personnel will return home soon and use the same terror tactics to put America on the path to democracy.

As a result, there will be fewer, but better Americans.


Anonymous said...

4 years later people who posted these pictures will be sorry, since the first thing President Palin will do is restoring the honor all of the names above.

Frank R said...

After we have another 9/11 style attack under weak Obama everyone will be cheering these photos.

Anonymous said...

Terrible? Yes. But naive to think our enemies are more....kind? We don't behead people or intentionally kill innocent civilians. The atrocities committed by others may not justify the indiscretion of a few, or being condoned but never forget that we are HUMAN and that means we are animals like every other animal. We should be more amazed that we can rise above the cruelty we see in nature, not that we succumb to that nature. I'd rather be humiliated that have my head chopped off by the enemy we fight.


If a mad, rabies dog barks at you, do you bark back ? Is this your justification of the version "An eye for an eye", "Blood for blood". Man, dude, you are pathetic; like an animal !

Ross said...

These photos are sickening and it's hard to imagine that our military personnel would enjoy acting in this manner.

The biggest problem I have with this is that our soldiers weren't even committing these acts against the real enemy, Al Qaeda.

The emotions from 9/11 are all but wiped out for most of America and questions about complicity are being asked louder and louder lately.

I used to support the Iraq War completely regardless of the WMDs because we needed to form a front for the "War on Terror" in the middle east. We needed to keep it away from our shores. Now I am not so sure that it was even necessary. I feel so deceived by the Bush Admin that it's hard to believe that they ever had our best interests in mind, even on the day of the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. Did they know and let it happen?

I voted for McCain. McCain was tortured. McCain fought against this kind of torture. McCain is not Bush. It's a shame none of the Obama voters could see that. Enjoy 4 years of your Messiah.

Tom Grey said...

Physical / sexual humiliation was seen in the Stanford Prison Experiment, around 1970.

Hazing and humiliation are not quite torture -- at the US Naval Academy, there was drill called: jocks, socks, and lockboxes, where plebes (first years) had to get into formation at midnight, nearly naked.

Poor training and especially lousy oversight -- Brig. General. Karpinski. She failed (as so many humans do). (Now colonel).
Other soldiers are in jail.

Compared to the brutal execution of Nick Berg, and thousands of other Iraqis (without photos), I'm a lot less upset.

Gov't supported torture went down by over 99% -- and US soldiers were tried and convicted.
The goal was to have the toughest interrogations, without torture.

Anonymous said...

You know what's sick? The Nick Berg video...

Anonymous said...

Keefer, where did these Army grunts get the idea to torture the Iraqis like, from israel! Israeli army 'specialists' were consulting in Abu Graib, actually directing some of the torture..but can't say that can you, because not PC!!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully you can't pardon someone who hasn't been indicted and/or convicted of a crime YET.

And hopefully that is why the Congress/Justice Dept/U.S. Attys haven't tried to indict anyone against these acts--YET.

Perhaps there is a plan in place that we don't know about...

(Shudder) I just now recall that that's what my republican-apologist friends said in 2002 about the justification for the Iraq war--"maybe W knows something that he can't tell us." Ya right. My response was, "um, or, maybe he knows something that, if he told you, you'd IMMEDIATELY STOP drinking his kool-aid in support of the war!"

Anonymous said...

How can George and Laura Bush live with themselves? They are disgusting people.

Anonymous said...

why never again?? whats to stop it?? Oh.. that's right - one man is going to change everything.

Anonymous said...

"The American people are, more and more, making their voices heard against Bush and his warrior clones. Bush and his minions slip out of control, determined to go to war, determined to go it alone, determined to endanger the Palestinians further, determined to control Iraqi oil, determined to ravage further a suffering people and their shattered society. The American people can stop Bush, can yank his feet closer to the fire, can banish the war makers from Washington D.C., can turn this society around and restore it to faith and sanity."

Prophetic words from Philip Berrigan in 2002

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