December 25, 2008

Soot and Ashes Quote of the Day

"If people look only to their own interests, our world will certainly fall apart."

- Pope Benedict XVI, draped in gold and surrounded by the trappings of extreme horded wealth, commenting on selfishness and greed, December 25, 2008


Anonymous said...

The "common good" and capitalism (as practiced today) are mutually exclusive because the "common good" is not profitable....

A world where the bottom line for EVERYTHING is only $$$, is a world of suffering and pain. A few end up with everything and the majority with little to nothing.

Our "leaders" are all the wrong people doing all the wrong things for all the wrong reasons.....for the "benefit" of us all.

Tyrone said...

God Da**it! Yet another bailout...

Mother of all Bailouts!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone really care what he says?

Anonymous said...

really just leave religion alone for 1 day who cares what the pope had on or what he said worry about your london and the speech by mr. iran extolling his version of the world Merry Christmas

Anonymous said...

New York Times

WASHINGTON — Federal officials are bringing far fewer prosecutions as a result of fraudulent stock schemes than they did eight years ago, according to new data, raising further questions about whether the Bush administration has been too lax in policing Wall Street.

Legal and financial experts say that a loosening of enforcement measures, cutbacks in staffing at the Securities and Exchange Commission, and a shift in resources toward terrorism at the F.B.I. have combined to make the federal government something of a paper tiger in investigating securities crimes.

You didn't have to the Sherlock Holmes to realize that the Executive Branch has been out to lunch these past 8 years.

Thanks to the CEO President, we are all screwed, blued and tattooed.

Anonymous said...

Was this before the hypocritical old lecher bunged his young charges or after?

Like America, the Catholic Church is corrupt, dishonorable and a world-wide bad joke.

Oh yes, and Fuck "Christmas" too.

Happy Kwanza.

A Reformed Catholic, once an alterboy (never Bungholed by a Priest...)

Anonymous said...

Once the sheeple realize that religion was hijacked by profiteers and that many of the robe-draped and/or bearded and/or turbaned folks are out there to make good money at the expense of the ignorant, the coward and the destitute, it'll be the real change Obama is talking about (mind you, it's not going to be pretty).

Religion is the most potent drug warmongers use to make money and achieve wealth, popularity, and supremacy.

Some of the most hypocritical people on earth are the religion-clad. Just think of Pat Robertson's latest a*s-kissing of Obama's 80+% approval rating!!

Anonymous said...

"You can be the president. I'd rather be the pope.
You can be the side effect. I'd rather be the dope "

Anonymous said...

El pompous also want us to believe in his imaginary friends while they control our money and tell what to do.

Lost Cause said...

If you really want to do something sensible in this world, pick on the military or other merchants of death, and leave religion alone. People are misguided when they pick on the advocates of love and peace.

Peahippo said...

Firstly, Popes are complete cocks and I take a shit on their commentary from a great distance above them. The Papacy is the very worst that Christianity has to offer.

Secondly, ENLIGHTENED self interest is perfectly fine. I'd believe this Nazi Pope if he'd actually invest his philosophy in that direction. He needs to talk about true sociopathic behavior, not about self interest as if that's evil on its own.

I use my self interest to express concern about my society, in which I reside. The SOCIOPATHS (like all managers of hedge funds) just don't link their futures with those of others at all.

Anonymous said...

Here's a book I recommend:

Who's Looking Out for You?


Bill O'Reilly
(yes, Bill O'Reilly)

The Pope also has a really nice gold staff for his flock. A really appalling display.

Anonymous said...

The Church often sends the young priests to the poorest of villages for years. Popes are usually old.

I heard this today.
There are many more first graders at the Catholic school than there have been for a long, long time.
After 9/11, people had two choices.
They could either give up or not stand for this.

Anonymous said...

I'm Catholic and hate to bash my own, but i really can't stand that man. Was looking for a glimpse of Cardinal Bernard Law on the tele during Midnight Mass. Know who he is? the one who in 2002 Cardinal Ratzinger - the current Pope - arranged to get out of Boston and out of the country before charges related to hiding sexual abuse in his diocese were filed against him. Right after he got a promotion and a a nice little parish in Rome for the rest of his life handed to him under John Paul II. JP wasn't even senile at that time. - I can't believe anyone wants to consider him a 'saint'. Both men are a disgraceful horror to the religion.

Anonymous said...

The sheep need to look out for each other, while the wolves operate the system. Don't even think about changing the system, that is not your place.

blogger said...

Anon 12:47 - I went to a concert at the vatican last year and bernie law was sitting in the front row thoroughly enjoying himself

Looking back at it, I should have gone and spit on the guy. Or thrown shoes at him.

When you get chances like that to protest scum, you should take 'em.

Anonymous said...

yes spit on someone that's showing them why do people say what they should have done rather than this is what i did?

Anonymous said...

The common good IS profitable.

Helping your neighbor means he doesn't starve and come to steal your shit.

And capitalism is the best system to guarantee that resources get distributed efficiently. Those willing to work in a free market system get paid -- the lazy get paid less.

What we have today is socialism -- the wealthy get their money by stealing it from others through taxation and exemption from laws against fraud.

The Pope is a great example of someone who has benefited from this. He runs perhaps the largest criminal scam in the history of mankind -- the Roman Church -- and is spectacularly wealthy. Yet he lectures middle-class working people on how they're not doing enough to help their neighbors even as he hordes hundreds of billions of wealth for himself.

In a truly capitalist society, criminals like the Pope and his child-rapist employees would be impoverished and in prison, with their ill-gotten gains stolen from peasants through the ages paid out to their millions of victims.

Anonymous said...

Don't you think the comment starts off cynical? It formulates an opinion immediately. If Donald Trump sat "surrounded by opulence from all of his years of acquired wealth" gave a statement on the economic woes of the world would you handle the article in the same way?
The Church, no matter which Pope, has always critiqued the United States because we are living in a fantasy world compared to the 3rd world. The average American is self centered and the days of huge donators like Carnegie are over. Our "greed is good" society has led to this situation, not the Pope. P. S. The church has not solved it's billing problems for 2,000 years. Sounds like bad money management to me. Also, about the "opulence", "Wealth" whatever you wish to call it that the Church has. It was given to them over thousands of years, especially the art, because the world was constantly in a state of war and civilization itself was always in the state of destruction. If that art had not been sent to the Vatican, it would not be here today for anyone to enjoy. It would have been burned up in some crazy uprising. Look at the condition of the art in their state versus, Da Vinci's Last Supper. Didn't Nazis throw snowballs at it?
Art in the Vatican is there for the protection against barbarians like you (the guy that made this comment"

blogger said...

The pope is 100% correct

Unfortunately, the pope has no credibility until the catholic church gives up all their wealth, gives the proceeds to the poor, and requires their priests to live like christ in poverty

I'm not holding my breath

Anonymous said...

The common good is NOT profitable.

Helping your neighbor means he doesn't starve and comes again tomorrow to leech more of your shit.

Try it sometime. I've bought groceries, beer, smokes, gas, etc. etc. for people. They just didn't get it until I turned off the spigot.

They say friends help each other out. I say you find out who your friends are when you have nothing to give them.

Anonymous said...

The top 10% of the catholic and evangelical christian leaders, pastors and preachers are all liars and frauds

they have driven all of us into poverty

that is life

greed it good, that is if you can get some for yourself before anyone else

that is key

just ask Daniel Sadek, who went from car sales man, net worth of 0 to 500MM in 5 years, he went on to produce Redline (30MM) 2007 and a host of other movies

he is now allegedly broke but he still has few high end properties, mansions, condos, yachts, cars and money left

his company was quick loan based out of orange county and they made 4 billion in loans over the years and were financed by...............

citi bank

go figure

Anonymous said...

Priests living like Christ - that would be ripe. I'd also like to see every member of congress live on $7.15/hour the current federal minimum wage and live with the health coverage that the rest of us have.

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