January 17, 2009

And then, right on schedule, BulgariaPANIC. "The world is not going back to normal after the magnitude of what they have done"

Governments will fall.

Buildings will burn.

Currencies will fail.

The people will rise.

Thank you realtors.

Thank you bankers.

Hope it was worth it.

You are scoundrels.

And you f*cked the world.


Anonymous said...

Don't forget Clinton (NAFTA & Glass-Steagall) and Bush (2005 Bankruptcy Law).

Anonymous said...

Won't happen in the States unless we pass 20% unemployment.

Anonymous said...

>Contrary to the reregulation crowd, it wasn't the repeal in 1999 of the Depression-era Glass-Steagall Act (which had separated commercial and investment banking) that killed Citi. It was bad management.

J.P. Morgan and Bank of America and Wells Fargo didn't have SIVs -- and while they too were caught in the credit crunch, these institutions have emerged as net acquirers of broken banks.

Anonymous said...

*Yawn *

Nothing new;

As expected the inhabitants of the European continent not taking ownership for their failures, instead taking the lazy easy way out and blaming others.

How little has changed over thousands of years.

The same scene repeated over and over again in the same places by the same peoples.

When life gets challenging they do not have courage to take responsibility and look for ways to make things better.

Nahhh, much easier to kick and scream go out and stomp their feet just like your typical 2 year old.

If the Eurotards have such small brains then they must also have tiny..

Ya know what they say about people with birdbrains; it’s generally a sign of.

Anonymous said...


Were where all these protesters when:
The Romans occupied them
The Church occupied them
The Tsar occupied them
The Nazis occupied them
The communists occupied them

These dumb asses are yellow belly chickens.

I guess the wind is now blowing in the ‘riot for something direction’

Just like they all fell for the dumbest housing ponzi 2 years ago

Anonymous said...

We may actually be approaching 20% unemployment in the US. Don't believe the government statistics. For example, they don't include workers who are contractors, agents, part-timers, seasonals, etc. This means all those housing-related workers laid off don't count in the stats.

Anonymous said...

oppps, my bad. Latvia panic, bulgaria panic, aren't they the same country?

Anonymous said...

yep BAC cut its dividend ny 99.8 percent, screwing the owners yet buying distressed banks?????????????????????????????????that a rescue plan?

Anonymous said...

does that index include the recent Oakland, CA riot?

Mitesh Damania said...

Why are people rioting in E. Europe? Did they lose their money when their banks went under or are they unemployed?

blogger said...

Why are they rioting? Same old same old:

1) corrupt government screwing the people to enrich themselves

2) banks that won't lend

3) home prices that have crashed

4) no jobs

5) rising prices

6) collapsing currency

And to think, we're still just starting

Anonymous said...

You want to see panic coming?

check out this L.A. Times article.

They're stopping welfare payments on Feb. 1st.


Anonymous said...

Great read about the coming EU depression. Fleeing the US isn't going to help anyone.


Anonymous said...

Keefer as a semi Bulgaria expert, rioters were paid by political opposition $200 each to cause trouble on camera...elections in a few months...no eastern euro property crash....eu money will bail them all out...

Anonymous said...


The European Union idea was a success, wasn't it? bwahahaha NEW WORLD ORDER IS RAPING YOU, EUROPEANS, AND YOU FELL FOR THE TRAP. PAY UP SUCKERS!


Anonymous said...

You forgot to thank the uneducated knuckleheads that elect poor politicians and the highly education, highly qualified genius' that do not run for office.

dashingdwl said...

Whoever said BofA didn't have a SIV is sadly mistaken. BofA was a big SIV user and funded all sorts of long term assets with short term borrowings. I'm 50% positive that JPM had a big SIV too. WFC? WFC lies about their on-bs mortgage exposure and level-3 marks, so who really knows?

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