February 26, 2009

Don't worry anyone - the subprime meltdown won't cause any problems. Well, at least that's what Jim Cramer said in 2007. Boo-yeah?


Anonymous said...

Cramer is a good drama queen, too bad he doesn't have a clue about economics.

Anonymous said...

This guy has no shame and no guilt. He is part of the herd mentality and probably honestly believes what he says. I posted a few days ago how a friend of mine had lost 20-25% of his inheritance as a direct result of listening to Cramer and follwoing his advice. Well, my friend has now been notified he will lose his job in May with a paltry severence package. He still watches Cramer every day hoping to recover his losses. Who is the bigger fool?

Anonymous said...

Cramer should put his own money an 10 years of his future salary payment in his financial picks. Now that would be entertainment!


Anonymous said...

Jim Cramer makes so many calls on his show and multiple appearances on television. Then when one or two hit the target, he will replay it over and over again on his show to tell everyone, look, I was right. His parent network, NBC, NBC Today Show, Nightly News With Brian Williams, etc... will keep replaying it. But when he is 100% wrong, then pretend it never happened and it won't see the light of day. Thank God for Youtube though!

Anonymous said...

Why are you promoting this piece-of-wrong-shit?

Stop it.

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe nbc stil has this jackass on the air.He is the biggest bullshitter I have ever seen.His stock picks suck.Wasn't he calling google at 1000 a few months ago.what a tool.

Anonymous said...

Anybody notice Jim's voice is getting higher and shriller, and he is talking faster and going off on tangents (My nephew is a bumb?)

Sounds like our boy is slipping on his meds. I hope so. I want my screaming maniac back!

Still worthless info, but a lot more entertaining.

Anonymous said...

In 2007 Cramer was long the homebuilders. Now he is short. It's pretty simple. Same goes for Schiff. Once he unloads his gold and short positions the song will change.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

A complete fool.

But I will admit that I love it when he does his sad clown imitation where he pulls down the sides of his mouth and pouts.

Anonymous said...

hah !!!! fantastic !! cramer not so good on predictions. because they are in tranches - he had no clue

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