February 25, 2009

Soot and Ashes Serious Questions of the Day - Riot Edition

If a riot breaks out in your city protesting government incompetence and corruption in creating this economic disaster, and their failure to arrest the bankers, mortgage brokers, mortgage fraudsters and realtors who caused it, will you join in?

Are you willing to be arrested to make your voice heard?

How bad will it have to get until you take to the streets?

How bad will it have to get until your neighbors take to the streets?


Anonymous said...

Do you really think it is wise for people to comment on this inan open forum? Lets think about it...... uh no.

Anonymous said...

Any punk ass retard causing damage in my area will not have to worry much about cops or the law.

My neighbors and I will hang the Rioters on the street lights…

We are not Europe!

Tha said;

cya all at the chicago tea party

Anonymous said...


I think we need to indirectly confront the state through passive resistance, and the black market of goods and ideas. If we stand up, we get our heads handed to us. But if we join together in the underground, we can build economic and political infrastructures that can withstand and surpass the state. The key is, IMHO decentralized distributed control (ie true Anarchy), which can provide a very stable form of government and ecconomy, eg as witnessed by the Celts under Roman occupation etc.

Anonymous said...

You voted for the Messiah.
It was your choice.

Now stick with it for ‘4 more years’

Next time vote in some one you agree with..

Kicking and screaming like a 2 year old will end us up like an Arab Country.

Anonymous said...

Ok... this is kind of a dumb question. I don't know about every other city, but I'll take Toronto Canada as an example. Toronto is a city of up to 5 million (with surroundings) and the total number of police officers is about 6000.

Tell ya what - let's make it 10,000 police for the whole city if we count the office workers too.

With a city of 5 million, if just 1% decide to revolt - that's 50,000 people. In other words, they out number the cops 5 to 1. If food becomes short, and people are desperate, I could very easily see that number jump to 10%, in which case the cops would be outnumbered 50 to 1 as half a million people rush on to the streets.

Simply put, the police are the police because we ALLOW them to be. If there is a general revolution... the smart cops are going to be the ones who can get out of their uniforms the fastest. Walking around in underwear is preferable to being stomped on by 50 people.

Anonymous said...

Come riot in Hotlanta GA.

Bubba and I are waiting for you little stinkers.

We have a special place in our barn dediacted to pencil-neck rioters

Anonymous said...

If this doesn't want to make you riot then you are braindead:

Democrats Introduce Public National Service Bills

Anonymous said...

Can’t we resolve this with Dialogue?

Anonymous said...

Let me see if I get your logic.

Free foreign accused murderers from GITMO

Make nice with those who are out to kill us.

But hang the MBAs for getting a job at Merrill, Lehman or Schwab?

Anonymous said...

Heh Heh Heh..

tick, tick, tick, tick....

Anonymous said...

Life gave us a blow.. (What’s new)

a)We can go back to the drawing board learn from our experience and make things even better.
b)It’s someone else’s fault, be outraged seek revenge, cause damage, and???

blogger said...

Wouldn't it be cool if 100,000 lightly-armed people turned up outside Angelo Mozilo's house?

Just asking.

Anonymous said...

That is soo 20th Century.
If it happens, the system will go down by stopping all payments on all loans and credit cards.
This will either happen voluntarily or because people will lose jobs, medical bills, or simply can no longer afford it for other reasons.

I see a system collapse long before I see riots. As long as people can afford the McLife, their will be no riots.

Anonymous said...

"Simply put, the police are the police because we ALLOW them to be. If there is a general revolution... the smart cops are going to be the ones who can get out of their uniforms the fastest. Walking around in underwear is preferable to being stomped on by 50 people.

February 25, 2009 9:05 PM"

Excellent synopsis. Thanks. Better revise that last number to 500 to 1at least.

Anonymous said...

" keith said...
Wouldn't it be cool if 100,000 lightly-armed people turned up outside Angelo Mozilo's house?

Just asking.

February 25, 2009 9:25 PM"

Better yet, just those newly homeless that HAD a mortgage with CW or BofA and believe they were screwed...

Now that's what is called M-O-T-I-V-A-T-I-O-N...

Head for the hills, Ange!

The bell is ringing for you now...

Paul E. Math said...

Riot: no.

Loud, boisterous, angry demonstration: absolutely.

Anonymous said...

Have fun all you rebelutionary foot soldiers

I’ll be watching from my window with a big bag of popcorn and extra butter.

ApleAnee said...

Americano said...

Any punk ass retard causing damage in my area will not have to worry much about cops or the law.

My neighbors and I will hang the Rioters on the street lights…

We are not Europe!

Tha said;

cya all at the chicago tea party

Uh, lookie here:


These guys are getting killed and maimed so that you have the right to go to Chicago and pretend to demonstrate about your money, eat hot dogs, go to a Cubs game and play "cool to demonstrate".

Your punk retarded ass won't be hanging anybody on the street lights.

You better hope Obama doesn't bring these guys home to keep you and your unruly neighbors under control. Be sure and tell them buh, buh, buh "we are not Europe". I am sure they will be impressed.

I am thinking a lot of these soldiers are probably in foreclosure or way underwater themselves. Big changes coming our way, when these guys are finally released from Iraq bondage and they begin to come home. Somehow I don't think they are going to give one little rat's ass about how many people are losing their granite, Escalades and 401K's.

You need to hide in the basement with your neighbors.

cya at the tea party!!

Anonymous said...

Keefer said:
"Wouldn't it be cool if 100,000 lightly-armed people turned up outside Angelo Mozilo's house?
Just asking."

You mean like a typical day in …. Say; Gaza?

Not really..

Anonymous said...

The wife and I bought property in South America last year. As soon as the bullets start flying, we are outta here. I'm too old to fight and die for this bullshit. Let the kids duke it out, maybe they'll hang the bastards. I'll watch it all on CNN.

Anonymous said...

you've got to be nuts. if the shit hits the fan this Spring, I'll be trout fishing at the Current River until it blows over - avoid the idiot upon idiot violence and let the moron borrowers duke it out with the imbecilic lenders (and may the best idiot be left standing).

Smug Bastard

Anonymous said...

Jane Z said:
"These guys are getting killed and maimed so that you have the right to go to Chicago and pretend to demonstrate"
Bullshit. These guys are getting killed and maimed to support the corporate occupation. When they come home, they will be completely damaged, a general threat to everyone, and need to be institutionalized permanently. The US military, like the US economy is a hollow shell, ready to implode.

Anonymous said...

Are you serious? Yeah, I will get a criminal record so I lose my high paying job when the economy is crashing all around me. Most high paying jobs require intense background checks. Only an idiot would screw up and throw that away! To riot? LOL! No way. That's why so many people can't get good jobs today. Because they were stupid and threw their future away to shoplift some trivial item they didn't even need! Go ahead and riot suckers! Just makes my job more secure!

blogger said...

My thinking is if the government will not enforce the laws of the nation, then who is it up to?

Answer: The people.

Eric Holder has a few more days to start the arrests. After that, if anarchy and violence break out, it will be justified.

I submit:

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Anonymous said...

Jane Z,

Let me repeat..

Punk ass loser rioters.

My entire neighborhood is ready for you.

you so much as scratch the paint on a car and off with your head.

Cya at what i'm hoping will be a civil Tea Party.

BTW; i'm willing to bet you're Christian, i can tell by your love.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Guberville, people will hang on to the bitter end, they won't protest if they can still put something on a credit card.
However, that may also lead to an interesting form of protest: Is the best way to show your disgust by choosing to not buying a damn thing, to quit feeding the credit monster that got us into this mess? Just an idea...

Anonymous said...

Jane Z

My brothers fighting in IRAQ will crush any fat ass spoiled college kid who is mad for making dumb financial choices.

blogger said...

During say the French Revolution or the Russian Revolution, or hell the American Revolution, were people concerned about their jobs or their records?

So what's different today?

My guess - it's the degree of desperation. When all hope is lost, when a job is the least of your concerns (i.e. you're hungry, or soldiers are raping your family), THEN, and only then, do you chuck the whole job thing and take to the streets.

In other words, in America, we're nowhere close. I doubt there will be a single disturbance during this whole episode. America is still a rich country comparitively. People just can't go to Best Buy as much. But they can still eat.

Now Bulgaria, or Romania, or Latvia, or Poland, or Spain, or Italy, or Greece, or Dubai, or Russia.....

Anonymous said...


The 1967 Detroit riots were not one-of-a-kind. The year before, 38 American cities had broken out in violence, with seven deaths, 400 injuries, 3,000 arrests, and $5 million in property lost. Over the first nine months of 1967, 128 American cities suffered 164 riots, 33 of which brought in the state police, and 8 of which were serious enough to require calling up the National Guard. In the wake of his city’s insurrection, Mayor Jerome Cavanaugh of Detroit lamented, “It looks like Berlin in 1945.”

In fact, the roots of the Detroit riots, and of most of the urban riots of the late 1960s, were deep and varied. After World War II the industrial base in Northeastern and Midwestern cities had gone into a slow but steady decline as firms relocated to nearby suburbs or to other states where unions were weaker and wages lower. The loss of industrial jobs had been encouraged by federal policies that favored the Sunbelt over the Rust Belt in the awarding of defense and research contracts and by the general shift of population from North to South and from city to suburb. In the 1950s alone, the South’s share of defense spending doubled, and California’s portion of defense contracting jumped from 13.2 percent to 23.7 percent. Moreover, the South’s hostility to organized labor made it a haven for expanding businesses trying to rein in costs.

Anonymous said...

Look Keith, we live in America and in America our countrymen have been indoctrinated to not get outraged, not get upset, not get pissed off. We as a people are conditioned to allow all of this nonsense to happen. I believe that in America there won't be no freaking riots or civil unrest. We are just too darn compliant.

Anonymous said...

From a recent DoD research:

a. A population without food riots to steal it after 5 days.

b. After 10 days without food, the same population starts killing each other.

PS: Research based on historical stats from around the world.

Anonymous said...

You guys are morons. Of course I am not going to go riot! Nobody else with an IQ above that of a fruit fly will either, UNLESS they are hungry and see no hope of getting food for their families. That won't happen in the US for people who are legally here. There will be rationing coming down the pike any day now; and I gather that health care is also going to be rationed rather sooner than that. Probably oil and other energy as well. There will be shortages and crime will be higher, but we'll deal.

Anonymous said...

Guaranteed the public will turn on these rioter losers and before ya know it there will be dead rioters on the MSM and the end of the FB rebelution.

Anonymous said...

A tax revolt would bring the system to its knees.
- quit paying self-employment tax
- property tax
- auto tax
- start up black market to avoid sales tax.
- quit paying credit cards
- quit paying mortgages (many are already doing this)
- quit smoking (tobacco tax)
- brew your own beer (alcohol tax)

If enough people would do this we could starve the enemy of capital. Soon the system would collapse. Of course I am not that certain of what would replace it. Maybe some guy in a military uniform? Some demagogue? Civil war?

ApleAnee said...

Jane Z said.."These guys are getting killed and maimed so that you have the right to go to Chicago and pretend to demonstrate"
Anonymous said...
Bullshit. These guys are getting killed and maimed to support the corporate occupation. When they come home, they will be completely damaged, a general threat to everyone, and need to be institutionalized permanently. The US military, like the US economy is a hollow shell, ready to implode.

THEY think that is why they are there. It doesn't matter what we think. What matters is when they come home they aren't going to have much patience for our self absorption.

You missed my point (danger on the horizon Will Robinson) and then you turned around and made my point for me.


ApleAnee said...

Americano said..

My neighbors and I will hang the Rioters on the street lights…

you think you are a Christian?

Anonymous said...

I hope you all enjoy your lives on your knees.

Anonymous said...

"The wife and I bought property in South America last year. As soon as the bullets start flying, we are outta here. I'm too old to fight and die for this bullshit. Let the kids duke it out, maybe they'll hang the bastards. I'll watch it all on CNN.

February 25, 2009 9:46 PM
Yes, South America has been a beacon of stability through out the ages, good choice. I bought some property in Gaza, that's even safer than South America.

Anonymous said...


Please stop comparing financial hardships brought upon by dumb decisions to noble uprisings.

My mommy did not buy me a house and new car so I’m gonna throw bottles, this is soo Europe.

There really is only one sulotion = for people to stop spending more then they earn..

How’s a riot going to solve anything?

Anonymous said...

No time. I am too busy building my own McMansion, and overhauling my 1984 Chev suburban into an Escalade. On the McMansion, I am converting a slightly used yard shed with granite topped workbenches into my own kewl crib. Hoping to sod the lawn next month with "shady area grass". Nope, too busy for riots.

Anonymous said...

Jane Z,

is it that time of the month?

Anonymous said...

Keith, I don't think we will see riots until inflation takes a serious hold. If the fed can't keep inflation under control look out!

Nothing pisses people off more that not being able to afford food!

Hunger does strange things to people.

I say look out for food inflation by some time next year. When you see this batten down the hatches.

Anonymous said...

I have pleunty of ammo and two blow up dolls.Let the shit hit the fan.

Anonymous said...

Hey Keef-

Robbery/execution outside my girlfriend's apartment building in downtown Cleveland last weekend:

Teen accused in fatal East 12th Street shooting denies charges

Teen accused in fatal downtown Cleveland shooting has long juvenile record

Mayor Frank Jackson: 'Downtown is a safe place'

Anonymous said...

Heh Heh Heh..

tick, tick, tick, tick....

February 25, 2009 9:16 PM

Profound, as well as acurate.

Bukko Boomeranger said...

Wouldn't it be cool if 100,000 lightly-armed people turned up outside Angelo Mozilo's house?

Are there 100,000 people in America who know who Mozilo is? Certainly not that many who could identify his face. Are there even 1,000 who know where he lives? Sadly, no.

There is no pressure from the Obama Administration to prosecute bank maggots. There is also no pressure to prosecute anyone from realPresident Cheney's administration for mass murder, torture, spying on Americans, etc. The power structure does not attack itself, even when a well-spoken black man is atop the power structure.

And the common people have no gut anger against the powerful. Good onya for hatin' on Mozilo and Thain and Rubin et. al. Keith, but look at what gets the most enraged comments from your readers -- house-flippers with granite countertops. There's visceral hatred for them, but only cerebral hatred for the bastards at the top. And that's from a self-selected audience of people who are paying attention to the housing debacle. Average folks will have even less rage against the big-time crims.

It's because of psychology. People can envision a home-debtor who borrowed big for stuff they couldn't afford. "I didn't do that because I was responsible!" they say. "I want to punish someone who is like me, only bad."

But who can glom an uber-richnik? They're SO far above the scale of the average person, and also such a small percentage of the population, that the wealthy bastards don't inspire the red anger that an average bilker does.

Plus, there's a deep-rooted, probably evolutionary instinct, to respect the father. We are wired to have our default setting as honouring Dad, the tribe's chief, the king... It takes a lot to overcome that mental hurdle of challenging the guy on top.

So there won't be a revolution directed upwards. It will be lashing out laterally, or kicking down. Burn the store in your neighbourhood where the Korean clerks were rude to you; smash the windscreen of the car of the gay guy down the street because you find him disgusting, bring a gun to the job you just got fired from and kill the guy who moved your cheese...

That's what some of the armchair "revolutionaries" will do. Most will sit at their keyboards bitching instead of doing ANYTHING, like joining a political party and showing up at its meetings. Nothing's going to happen until things get MUCH worse. That's the aim of Bernanke and the Obama admin. -- to keep the lid on.

And ultimately, a lot of the angry, unfocused people will kill themselves. There's just so much despair out there. Eventually, many of them will give up and turn their despair inward. I can see it in some of the comments on your blog and others I read.

Anonymous said...

The wife and I bought property in South America last year. As soon as the bullets start flying, we are outta here.

Yea, right, because we all know the governments of South American countries are models of stability, efficency, and citizens rights. Between the drug cartels, corrupt cops, corrupt military and paramilitary units you probably would be safer in the middle of Watts, Harlem, or the south side of Chicago

JAWS said...

It's better to raise hell in a blue state. Red states have too many folks with guns and wink-winks.

Anonymous said...

The wife and I bought property in South America last year. As soon as the bullets start flying, we are outta here. I'm too old to fight and die for this bullshit. Let the kids duke it out, maybe they'll hang the bastards. I'll watch it all on CNN.

February 25, 2009 9:46 PM


They will rape and eat you in South America. Stupid gringo.

Anonymous said...

"Are you willing to be arrested to make your voice heard?"

No, because picket signs don't mean shit. All the marches, protests, and votes in the world never change anything it seems.

"How bad will it have to get until you take to the streets?"

I'd have to run out of MRE's, freeze dried food, and animals to shoot before that happens. I live near a wooded area-got lots of food. I'm pretty stable.

"How bad will it have to get until your neighbors take to the streets?"

I don't really talk to my neighbors ever. But something tells me they will be fine, too. They look like the type that would be hunters. They'd have enough food.

"If a riot breaks out in your city protesting government incompetence and corruption in creating this economic disaster, and their failure to arrest the bankers, mortgage brokers, mortgage fraudsters and realtors who caused it, will you join in?"

No, I would never join a riot. Riots don't have the right amount of violence. It's usually only enough violence to trigger a crackdown on our rights...without actually changing anything for the better.

However, if this population can proove to me that it's not just a bunch of sheep, and they go on full scale revolution, then yes, I will join. But like I said before, I really don't think that's going to happen. I hope the population gets the government that it deserves; complete with cattle cars, show trials, and secret hangings. I really do, Keith. I want to see all of these soccer moms, mindless sheep, gang members, drunks, dickheads, deadbeats, and over-medicated-Hollywood-loving drama queens loaded onto a box van, and shipped off to a camp someplace so I never have to see them again. Fuck em' all!

Anonymous said...

Kieth and I must say this

I have been a fan of your posts for the last 2 years

and for the most part you were right

but the video ?





anyone who is non white would not stand for it and they now make up 80% of this nations population

so put that in your pipe and smoke it

Anonymous said...

I wonder why rioters don't buy the same used equipment at the local Army Surplus: helmets, gloves, knee and forearm pads, boots, gloves, batons, masks, etc.

Why do they always riot wearing t-shirts, shorts, and flip-flops is beyond comprehension. Similar used gear is so cheap. They could bring their own German Shepherds and mace, too.

Just sayin'...

Anonymous said...

I am willing to be arrested, imprisoned or shot for defending with a firearm tho!

Anonymous said...

You know the last time L.A. went completely bonkers during the Rodney King incident, I thought it was rather pointless to be burning and destroying you're own Hood.

As desperate or entertaining it may have seemed, I don't really believe there were any George Washingtons or Thomas Jeffersons leading the charge. It was all just spontaneus reaction and everyone just wanted to f*ck sh*t up because of a more-or-less un-important thing, that suddely pissed many people-off, after the suspended dis-belief was over.

Now, if you try to include a certain economical down-grade slowly ruining everything you believed in and wanted to fight over, well then it probably won't happen in that way because it's all just slowing down, with no leaders to look to or events that could trigger an uprising. Thats not to say there won't be problems.

Lets suppose that a citizen protest turns-out to be very large somewhere and things start getting violent and way out-of control. Do you not think that the police would be ready for that possibility and have government troops and apache helicopters ready to roll?

I knew a Nam vet whom was a door gunner in Cambodia during the secret over-the-border war. Nice enought person, but completely nuts, I think there are some-of our own that have no problem opening-up a 50 cal. on a bunch of assholes.

Anonymous said...

Riot? People don't discuss any issue that makes them upset or angry. Riot? Not until a new "idol" is declared.

Anonymous said...

i dont get it i thought riots were off the table once obama got elected this was supposed to be the end of the bush era the beginning of the carter second term america is back bring the troops home so what gives with the end of the world gloom really getting difficult logging on and seeing this everyday but youll feel better when the tax increase kicks in

Anonymous said...

R U kidding? I'll help the cops put a whoopin' on the feckless sheeple.

Anonymous said...

I would like to see the whole world drop into a new Dark Ages, listening to Ron Paul on C-SPAN now.

DIE PIGS, Amerikwa is a rotting, stinking corpse.

Got ammo?

Anonymous said...

Tony said:
"You voted for the Messiah.
It was your choice."

Oh for F*ck's sake, did you really think McCain was the better choice? Because Obama was the lesser evil by far in that race.

Anonymous said...

ah what a bunch of wooz.

Check out what is happening in northern Mexico: kidnapping, political assasinations, law enforcement chaos....

Give it 5 more years and it will start happening here unless this nation turns around quickly.

Don't give me that "it can't happen here..." I heard that one before 9/11

Anonymous said...

Only a pollyanna moron would fight and die for Amerika, the land of gangstas and thugs, illegals and welfare anchor babies. Mass poverty, lazy populace, decrepit decaying inner cities.

And to Randy, your fat-assed, inbred, pasty skinned bubbas from GA, you have got to be kidding. You can easily be subdued with Mountain Dew and some Fritos........If that don't work we'll pull out our special Appalachian Catnip.......METHAMPHETAMINE....

Anonymous said...

Relatively normal, average guys like me are thinking:

This is getting complicated.

And relatively normal, average guys like me are also thinking:

There IS a threshold of how much shit I'm going to take.

So, one of the problems we (they?) are facing is -- there are 787 Billion relatively normal, average guys like me.

Anonymous said...

That depends:

are the bringing justice to the evil-doers or just causing mayhem?

If the former: good.

If the later: bad.

Anonymous said...

You punk ass little bitches make me want to vomit. You cowardly, sniveling little pieces of shit deserve slow, painful deaths. You're all a degenerate collection of effeminate dipshits and Toby Keith worshiping "Try to burn this flag, asshole" fuckwad trailer park inbreds.

Time to wake up and smell the steel toe boots of the rich and powerful on your neck - AGAIN. You will riot and you will like it . . . or you'll continue to live like the worthless, chickenshit cowards that you are, locked in a miserable existence with your 4x4s and snowmobiles and metrosexual creams and lotions. Fucking momma's boys each and every last one of you.

This is to the spineless weasel who is worried about his high paying job and background check . . . I'd like to stomp your pansy ass into the dirt but I wouldn't want to have to pick your brains and skull from the waffle of my boots with a stick. Your job won't be secure when they decide to offer it to a Korean kid whose IQ exceeds yours by a full 40 points, now will it, azzhole? You slimy rat turd piece of shit. My guess is you'll be getting ass raped by a couple of ex cons when you reach out to some rioting passersby and ask for a helping hand. I hope they laugh and watch as those boys tear your Diesel jeans off and have their way with your tight little bunghole - little bitch!!

You people make me sick!

Anonymous said...

At least 50 officers and civilians were feared dead after Bangladeshi paramilitary troops staged a mutiny, taking dozens of high-ranking officers and military brass hostage..."

They're not as in control as they thought; what's that old quote about standing armies?

Whole lot of well-trained veterans will now have enough time to read.

Obedience fades, but training is forever. :^)

Anonymous said...

There will be no significant riots in America until the televisions and internet connections stop working.

Most people are MUCH happier to watch it live on the tube than to go out and participate. And if anyone finds watching the news unsettling, they'll just watch Family Guy.

Anonymous said...

What happened to Merced, CA???

Period Ended December 31, 2008

Merced, CA
Ranking** 292

1-Yr. -49.50

Qtr. -16.29

5-Yr. -33.34

Anonymous said...


I think you've been called out pretty good on this one. I think you've been living too long in Europe. We Americans don't protest and whine about our government - we take care of business and expect our elected leaders to do the same.

The US is no where close to riots because despite how crappy it is in many places around the world, it pretty damn good here, even with the current economic downturn. Things would have to get drastically worse here in the US before you would see any type of serious protesting. I've been to Europe Asia and Africa and know America is the good life.

Yes - I am disappointed that Wall Street and Bankers were allowed to line their pockets and nearly collapse the world economy but when we elected the incompetent George Bush, knowing what we know now, we pretty much should have seen that one coming.

So what is America doing. We've gotten off our asses and gotten serious by putting Obama in to get things back on track. If you listened to his speech to congress last night, you know we ain't fucking around any more.

Energy, Healthcare, Education, Regulation and Retirement...we're gonna fix all that shit right now. We just didn't bother with it cause - WE ARE AMERICANS - and we're just to busy living the American dream baby!!

Now that Obama's got our attention, we are ready to take care of and fix the problems and deal with whatever we need to do to and lead the free world again.

Why? Because WE ARE AMERICANS....and that's how we roll....biatch.


P.S. Ever thought about coming back to the US Keith? Median home prices in Phoenix have dropped 40% from the peak and combined with under 5% interest rates means a median priced home has a mortgate of 1/2 of what it was when you left Pheonix.

In fact, a median priced house in Phoenix now has a mortgage that consumes @30% of a median household's after tax income.

Maybe you should consider moving back? Europe is a great place to visit or live temporarily but there's nothing like the US of A.

PPS. And if you do decided to move back, just don't move to California. We still have @a 30% housing correction in store for us.

If a riot breaks out in your city protesting government incompetence and corruption in creating this economic disaster, and their failure to arrest the bankers, mortgage brokers, mortgage fraudsters and realtors who caused it, will you join in?

Are you willing to be arrested to make your voice heard?

How bad will it have to get until you take to the streets?

How bad will it have to get until your neighbors take to the streets?

Anonymous said...

Taking to the street? No way...

Read history. Governments are too powerful. They can destroy your life... They have that power...

Governments has to be tackled via the ballot, not with protests or guns. Its too dangerous.

If riots happen in my city, I'll try to leave the place till everything settles down.

I'm not a coward. I am a realist...

Anonymous said...

I agree with Guberville, people will hang on to the bitter end, they won't protest if they can still put something on a credit card.
However, that may also lead to an interesting form of protest: Is the best way to show your disgust by choosing to not buying a damn thing, to quit feeding the credit monster that got us into this mess? Just an idea...


Hear hear!

All small business merchants please BOYCOT the financial system by TERMINATING your credit card processing agreements. Only accept CASH, CHECK, or BARTER in trade.

blogger said...

It's interesting - based on these comments I see ZERO chance of any disturbance in America in the next year.

What would bring people to the streets - prices aren't low enough at Best Buy? Their social security checks aren't high enough.


Americans got it too good.

Now if you want riots, get out of the US where the when I say the governments are corrupt, I mean CORRUPT. And the people aren't concerned about flat screen TV prices, they're concerned about what they're going to eat tonight. Where they're going to sleep.

So, if you're in America, get popcorn, settle down in front of the flat screen, and watch.

The summer of rage starts soon, in high-def. Brought to you by Coca-Cola, Disney and IBM.

Bukko Boomeranger said...

Keith, did you ever hear a 1970s song by Gil-Scott Heron titled "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised"? It's like the first hip-hop song EVAH! I don't like rap, but I got the album back in the vinyl era, the lyrics were so good and political. Prophetic, even though some of the product references in it are getting dated.

I was going to post a YouTube link but the clip has been censored by Warner Music Group. How's that for irony?

Anonymous said...

Keith, there is another way. It is called passive resistance. That worked well enough for Ghandi and for the - yes, more important than money - civil right movement.

Boycotts are also effective.

blogger said...

I prefer non-violence.

But when non-violence fails, violence works too.

Power will not give up power. When they are corrupt or evil or not answerable to the people or respectful of the nation's laws then it must be taken from them.

You say you want a revolution?

Nothing will happen in America, and Obama's election was a non-violent overthrow of the government. We'll see how much time the people give this new administration a chance.

But in other nations, governments are going to start failing, one by one. Iceland and Latvia were the first to go. The Labour party in the UK will be shown the door soon. And all through eastern europe, they're gonna go.

And then we move even farther east, and south.

Get popcorn. The summer of rage starts soon.

And no, the world is not going back to normal after the magnitude of what they have done.

Anonymous said...

nah, too much effort. Idol's on. After that housing porn. I'll flip on the news later and feel like I participated,just like I voted

Anonymous said...

Now, here come also, Quebec-Panic:


$39.8-billion loss in the Canadian Quebec provincial pension fund.

That mean around 15000CAD$ per taxpayer's head over there.

Anonymous said...

Nothing will happen in America, and Obama's election was a non-violent overthrow of the government. We'll see how much time the people give this new administration a chance

Obama was an overthrow? You've got to be kidding right, Keith? Obama and crew are the same as the last pack of CFR, Trilateralist, Wall Street criminals. Just look at EVERY single one of his appointments. There has been no overthrow of government there. Sheeesh!


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said ......You punk ass little bitches make me want to vomit. You cowardly, sniveling little pieces of shit.

You sad man we make you sick yet here you are bloggging away just like us , big strong words , what are you doing then that is so different . MY guess is you just descibed yourself and you hate who you are . a little coward bitch who hides behind his keyboard.

Anonymous said...

Participate in a riot?

Let's see...
- Get my thick skull bashed in by some sadistic badge-wearing a$$hole with a billy club?

- Get arrested and have a violent conviction on my record?

No thanks! But if things get really bad then I will instead stealthily pick off the bad guys, one by one, with pieces from my lead collection.

Anonymous said...

JaneZ said...
Americano said..
My neighbors and I will hang the Rioters on the street lights…
"you think you are a Christian?"


Self defense from spoiled brat hoodlums and speaking out against brainless reactionary destruction is something Christ himself would have done..

I want to point out again to those wimpy losers talking tuff about rioting.

You have no clue!

People in this Country will come out of the woodwork with baseball bats, tire clubs, and lethal weapons at the first sign of young punks attempting to damage their property for reasons like not getting a –non deserving raise at work- or for making stupid choices with their 401Ks or for feeling like shit for paying $500k for a crap box..

From Football fans to Soccer moms, from Truckers to Bikers, from Military veterans to our Civil servants.



Anonymous said...

You are all a bunch of spineless pussies, every last one of you!

This country is hopeless. As much as we love calling the French a bunch of wimps and cowards at least they know how to have a good riot when their government doesn't listen to them or acts with malice toward them. You think they would stand for a $700B handout to the thieves without a molotov tossing competition? Fuck no they wouldn't!

If pigs fly and a riot breaks out around here in the land of the spit roasted snapper turtle, Ill be there. You all should be talking about which bankster you want to hang from a lamppost, not helping the cops beat down those who would stand up for what is right. I dont want to hear any of you clowns call anyone sheeple again unless you're looking in the fucking mirror while you do so!

Anonymous said...

Guys, just think of much happier we’ll be as a society if we up each morning and break things run around and scream on the top of lungs some chant about
- We want mo money!-
- We want mo money!-

Waving home made signs with big red X’s

Louder everyone!
- We want mo money!-
- We want mo money!-
- We want mo money-

Studies have shown that people who riot are way more successful then people who plan a financial strategy.

After all how do you think Buffet made his Billions? by investing?
NO way!
Buffet is a chronic rioter, all he does is run around and break windows on city busses.

Anonymous said...

to the nice psychopath who wishes I will be raped...... Quit living out your fantasies vicariously through me. Stick to what you do best, flipping burgers and dropping fries. And pay attention next time you take my order, tired of you not even being able to get "no pickles" right! Wait till mcdonalds starts doing background checks. Then you will really be fucked. I will still be living large however! I know what success is. You apparently, not so much! Maybe someday you can advance to drve through. Doubt it though.........

Joe said...

Our founding fathers were revolutionaries. They had their fill of the British Empire and did something about it.

Once it gets bad enough here, there will be riots and talk/action of revolution. History has spoken.

Joe M.

Anonymous said...

"...and Obama's election was a non-violent overthrow of the government..."

Wow. Lay off the sauce, OK?

Anonymous said...

borkafatty aka the pig said...
'You are all a bunch of spineless pussies, every last one of you!'

Unlike the French surrender monkeys we do not measure our manhood or our courage
by freaking out on the streets..

We are not Europe and proud of it!

Anonymous said...

borkafatty aka the pig,

If the French had anything else but moldy cheese between their legs they would hang the ‘disenfranchised violent Muslim youth’ on the Eiffel tower.

They would stand shoulder to shoulder with us on the war against Islamo fascism

They would not pickle their foreign policy for the benefit of a few screaming insane Imams.

They would not host Sua Arafat in luxury on the backs of it citizens.

The French once again receive the award of ‘Super losers’ – a country under total control of 16 year old drop outs feeding on anarchy.

F@ck Europe!

Anonymous said...

"...door gunner in Cambodia...no problem opening-up a 50 cal. on a bunch of assholes..."

I bet a few of them even point that training at the people responsible for this.

"...visceral hatred for them, but only cerebral hatred for the bastards at the top. And that's from a self-selected audience of people who are paying attention...

...a lot of the angry, unfocused people will kill themselves...give up and turn their despair inward. I can see it in some of the comments..."

Some of the more capable, focused ones will do us all a hell of a lot of good and take some of the culpable with them. There not much you can do to thwart someone already dead in their own minds; witness 9/11 and Mumbai.

...government troops and apache helicopters ready to roll?...

"...You all should be talking about which bankster you want to hang from a lamppost, not helping the cops beat down those who would stand up for what is right..."

Anonymous said...

OK, Hang the bankster
That’s what the bankster gets for trusting your bird brain with credit /loan.

And free GITMO
That’s what the murderer gets for plotting to snuff you out.


Double Dolt!

Anonymous said...

*sigh* My worldview is starting to diverge from this blog. Riots? Sure, maybe. But in case none of you have been paying attention, riots in the Western world do exactly jack, and even mass peaceful protests with hundreds of thousands of participants end up doing nothing due to the consistent MSM blackout. I'm an anarchist, and I hate this system, but you're fooling yourselves if you think this downturn is going to lead to real collapse of the system. Maybe with McCain in the whitehouse, things would actually have collapsed, but I predict that in 5 years all this will be ancient history and our Ponzi scheme consumer debt orgy economy will be back in business like gangbusters. Sure, there are parallels between the USSR and this system, but instability is not one of them. All this mad max stuff on the credit bubble blogs is getting increasingly silly. Go talk to people who lived through the fall of the USSR or the Cultural Revolution in China, or the fall of free Europe in the 1930's and then visualize what they described while standing in your local Whole Foods. Silly, I tell you.

Anonymous said...

Maybe with McCain in the whitehouse, things would actually have collapsed, but I predict that in 5 years all this will be ancient history and our Ponzi scheme consumer debt orgy economy will be back in business like gangbusters

You are a complete dumb f*ck.

Anonymous said...

to the nice psychopath who wishes I will be raped...... Quit living out your fantasies vicariously through me. Stick to what you do best, flipping burgers and dropping fries.

You must be talking about me I said raped and eaten. People can be so f*ckin stupid. I hope you end up in South America with a sack full of gold coins living the dream with the gentle natives. You will know brutallity on a level that makes Mexico look like a school yard play ground. There will be no big police man with a big gun to save you when the natives decide to off the dumbass gringo and take his shit. Yaaaaaa I know your going to the civilized monkey cage. Another rocket scientist eliminated from the gene pool. Reminds me of people who stock up on canned goods and laugh at the idea of having a gun. Eating canned goods means no food at store= people starving= people taking your shit if you can't stop them (VIOLENTLY). The die off is going to be horrendous.

Anonymous said...

I'm attending one of Rick Santelli's Tea Party demonstrations. As my handle says, "i've had it"!

What we need is a pitchforks and torches rally on the steps of the Capitol building...not real ones of course, but cardboard cutouts. I hope that Republican Rick Santelli can get the masses motivated to do it soon.

Hellooooo, Washington! Guess who's here!?

Anonymous said...

"...Maybe with McCain in the whitehouse, things would actually have collapsed..."

That's why I voted for him.:^D

"...Go talk to people who lived through the fall of the USSR..."

Anonymous said...

With regards to my original post about cops getting stomped by 50 people (or 500 as one person said), here is a good example when cops get too brutal and people are finally fed up:


In this case, both the fans AND players turn on the cops.

This should be a good lesson, unfortunately most cops will never learn it. If you treat people with respect - there's a bigger chance they'll do the same than if you treat them brutally.

Brutality breeds brutality.

Anonymous said...

People in this Country will come out of the woodwork with baseball bats, tire clubs, and lethal weapons at the first sign of young punks attempting to damage their property

Shorter version of Americano's rant: Old man screaming "Hey you little bastards, get offa my lawn!"

Anonymous said...

Let me tell you, the cops don't like all of this b.s. too! We have mortgages, 401ks', pensions, and children.

Our jobs puts nose to nose with more free loaders than you will every hear about.

We are none too happy either....

Anonymous said...

Simply put, the police are the police because we ALLOW them to be. If there is a general revolution... the smart cops are going to be the ones who can get out of their uniforms the fastest. Walking around in underwear is preferable to being stomped on by 50 people.

February 25, 2009 9:05 PM

Good point. However, the cops will be told to stay home. Infact they will probably be first to the FEMA camps bec they are CIVILIANS that have guns and training in tactics.

The rioters will be facing Airborne Rangers, Humvee, M1 Abrams, Apaches, unmaned drones.

Good luck with your riots....

Anonymous said...

You F*CKING moron. How many armered vehicles do you think the US millitary has. How many cities do you think are in the US. You live in your dream world where Obamma can magically pull heavey armer out of his ass and then find tens of millions of dumb F*ckin animals like you to slaughter millins of civillians. Obamma will be hiding in a whole.

Anonymous said...

"...The rioters will be facing Airborne Rangers, Humvee, M1 Abrams, Apaches, unmaned drones..."

Remember Craig Button? (4) 500lb. bombs; never accounted for.

All it takes is a handful fed-up enough and possessing the courage to act.

I'm betting the courage part is still intact with our guys.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Tony said:
"You voted for the Messiah.
It was your choice."

Oh for F*ck's sake, did you really think McCain was the better choice? Because Obama was the lesser evil by far in that race.

February 26, 2009 2:56 AM


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
You F*CKING moron. How many armered vehicles do you think the US millitary has. How many cities do you think are in the US. You live in your dream world where Obamma can magically pull heavey armer out of his ass and then find tens of millions of dumb F*ckin animals like you to slaughter millins of civillians. Obamma will be hiding in a whole.

February 27, 2009 2:50 PM

The Federal G will N-E-V-E-R give up power. Riots, secession will not be tolerated. The Army have BFG's and all sorts of bio-chem at their disposal. You will be hiding in your basement while the tanks go rolling down your street.

Anonymous said...

like i said. pussified sheeple.

Anonymous said...

The Federal G will N-E-V-E-R give up power. Riots, secession will not be tolerated. The Army have BFG's and all sorts of bio-chem at their disposal. You will be hiding in your basement while the tanks go rolling down your street.

February 27, 2009 5:34 PM

Did you watch the soviet union go down dumb fuck???????

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