February 3, 2009

I knew I saw this stimulus plan somewhere before...



Anonymous said...

now that is the stimulus we need!!

Anonymous said...

If only it was that easy. And No, you don't have to stab her three times.

Anonymous said...

I seem to recall Joe the Plumber was excoriated by the national media for his $1200 tax debt. Now we hear Tom Daschle failed to pay $140,000 in taxes until called on it. Geithner didn't pay taxes for 4 years, and the Messiah's Budget Czar nominee had a lien on her house for not paying taxes in D.C. (not budgeting her own household). Why is the press and this blog going easy on all of them but didn’t do so on Joe?

Funny how that works.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, except in that case it WORKED!!!

Anonymous said...

How man the market is up today all is well.Free money for all the welfare people.

Anyone have the balls to buy citi or bofa?

How about those jan GM sales being down 50%.So much for all that home equity money drying up.

Anyone want to buy a new car?

Anonymous said...

Casey Serin on Steroids:
look at what this broker was up to...(his story)

Anonymous said...

Come on Queeferino. Your Messiah is really stepping on it. 3 of these losers from the Clinton era having difficulty with their taxes. Where's the outrage?

Some Change. Dopes voted for more of the same

Anonymous said...

Best Metaphor yet for the
Porkulus Bill!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen any posts about how this is Obama's fault and that he has already failed; 2 weeks in?

I'm not noticing many of those.

Anonymous said...

Poor Obama -- trying to find an honest policitian in this town is like a needle in a haystack, as he is quickly finding out. On the other hand, finding tax cheats in Congress is like shootin' fish in a barrel! Wow, who knew this town was so corrupt? Oh, wait, we all did, but didn't do nuttin about it. Yet. Geeez..

Anonymous said...

Obama should have those guys checked out BEFORE he suggests them for a position. Maybe he just under estimated how many crooks are in the Democratic party and DC in general.
By the way, paying taxes is for suckers and poor people.

Ross said...

America is Broken:


Anonymous said...

Poor Obama -- trying to find an honest policitian in this town is like a needle in a haystack, as he is quickly finding out.

So are you saying that BO is incompetent even for the minor task of pre-screening his closest advisers and key roles in his administration? I mean, if he can't even do that task, how is he going to run the entire USA? No no no need to reply with excuses and justifications. FAIL.

Anonymous said...

Tom Daschle and Bill Clinton are laughing their asses off as the Clinton's plan to discredit Obama is unfolding perfectly. Does anyone here think that a pro like Daschle didn't know what was coming when he accepted the nomination? Of course he knew! My guess is the Clinton's urged him to do it as it lends more chaos to BO's new administration. Hillary will lie in wait for another 18 months before she and Bill make their move. Obama won't know what hit him. His popularity will be in the basement and his administration in shambles when Bill and Hill will lead the poor confused lad out by the elbow as they take over the frikkin government in a bloodless coup.

Anonymous said...

So now we know. Paying taxes really IS for the little people, and stupid schmucks who try to do the right thing. Dummies!
But will we see these tax-cheats hustled off to jail now that they have been exposed?

Anonymous said...

These so-called tax cheats are actually patriots.... someone needs to starve the gov't revenues, why not them?

Hey we can pay for all our borrowing by turning in the tax cheats and getting the reward... Free money. Woo hoo!!!




Anonymous said...

Rep. Jim Cooper, a conservative Democrat from Tennessee, told a liberal radio network that the Obama White House encouraged him to defy House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the $819 billion economic stimulus bill.

"Well, I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but I actually got some quiet encouragement from the Obama folks for what I’m doing," said Cooper, one of only 11 Democrats to vote against the economic stimulus plan that passed the House last week.

Anonymous said...

How is it Obama's fault that all the experienced personnel in DC are closet crooks? The man is just trying to come up with a staff. So now people are trying to blame Obama for other people's crimes? Haaaa. Lame.

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