February 10, 2009

If you weren't before, are you scared now?

Is the downfall of Western civilization at hand?

Serious question.


Anonymous said...

Quite possibly. Seriously. Scary.

Anonymous said...

Good question. Last night the wife and I were trying to decided what to do with our money. Where to invest and how much. My question to her is the usa will be as strong as it had in the last 50 years.

Anonymous said...

The scariest thing by far were the mewling, whining, slugs that asked questions at Obama's town hall tear fest. Jesus H. Christ, do these people have any self respect or pride left?

I hope they all got a lollipop on their way out of the auditorium.

Anonymous said...

Yes, a little bit. But it won't look like a movie. Mostly dull stuff like things you like vanishing or becoming unaffordable. Capitalism will still be around but will it be socialistic or fascist corporatist?

Hey, "biggest loser" is on tonight!

Anonymous said...

Ladies and gentlemen, I give the president of the united states. Orrrrrrrrr it could be Bukkoooooooo.

Anonymous said...

yep, i'm shitting bricks.I have been wiped out.thank you realtors, crooked lenders and wall street hacks.

Did you tools see the mcdonalds darelict in obamas speech today.Been flipping burgers for 4 years.He might be lucky to have a job soon.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Get off it Keith!
Mr. OBama's going to take care of us.

Does anyone know what time IDOL comes on tonight?

Anonymous said...

The end of W. Civ came the day a muslim socialist was elected president.

Anonymous said...

I hope so. I am sick of all these fuckers - the corrupt rulers and the sheep they rule.

What happened to the will that once made America great - did it die after WWII?

Anonymous said...

No. Please.

Anonymous said...

a picture like that reminds me of the new digital television "upgrade" that the paid for shills are flapping lip about and the government is forcing us into and how it crapped out my VCR and slipped in and out of receiving reception and less than 10 miles from the mountainside antennas of the TV stations..................jokers

blogger said...

How scary is that photo?

Gives me the creeps!

But so did Geithner's 'plan' today too.

What a disaster.

Anonymous said...

nope, bring the pain.

Anonymous said...

Serious answer:

The threat of a new Dark Age is the very reason why we must vigorously oppose the ad hoc spur-of-the-moment meddling by the politicians.

Only true, honest short term PAIN will avoid a long term death of civilization.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm scared now, and I have been for some time.

After the end of the frontier, the industrial revolution bailed us out. When capitalism crashed before, a war bailed us out.

When industry started shrinking and leaving, a lot of (it turns out) smoke and mirrors about either computers or the "service economy" kept us all believing things were still going to work out somehow, even as our lives got harder.

Now we finally get it.


Anonymous said...

Why so serious?

Anonymous said...

frankie lymon and the teenagers brought to you buy the %56 of the voters who now want new kitchens to go with their new houses which will have a garage for their new cars to go with their new jobs and the sitcom is in progress until none of the above happens then its alfred hitchcock time

Anonymous said...

I think this is in the Bible somewhere. I will look it up after Idol tonight.

consultant said...

Hell yes.

And oh hell yes!

Serious response.

Anonymous said...

Definitely getting there.

Watching the hearing - as usual, every time the Fed and Treasury open their mouths the market tanks. Nothing has changed.

I still think they are stalling. Maybe it's to have time to think of a plan that will still allow the powers that be to game it.

Anonymous said...

i'm fearing fear itself right about now.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I think I'm seeing a pattern here. The world financial system melts down, just then we have to buy govt-subsidized decoder boxes because our tvs are suddenly being re-wired (for surveillance of some kind?) and we are all distracted by a tv show called "Idol"....
I hate to sound like a paranoid religious nut, but maybe Keith's picture isn't so far-fetched. Maybe we are looking into the face of the Demon. Just sayin..

Anonymous said...

It is easy to see the things that already exist, which we know about, falling apart, but what we do not know enough about yet is what will come take its place - what new better ways of living and economics we will have in, say, ten years. So, not scared.

The next few years will be tricky, though...

Anonymous said...

What scares the hell out of me now is that a lot more people are getting angry, but for different reasons!! In a situation like this, you know what comes next...

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm scared. Thank god for Xanax.

Anonymous said...

'Is the downfall of Western civilization at hand?'

Here's an interesting analogy:

If you compare the banking system to the electrical grid, with the 'juice' as credit/lending, and the banks as generating stations, then add in the Wall Street investment banks playing the role of ENRON...

Anonymous said...

PBS: The Crash of 1929

Great entertainment, that.

I especially liked Chaper 7: The End of an Era

"...gone was that innocent optimism...somewhere deep down...they knew...the party was over..."

Unknown said...

This is the perfect 1-2 punch. First Bush-Cheney transfer all the wealth to the top 1%. Then when the middle class finally catches on after years of their head in the sand, Obama is there to tell them no need to sacrifice, government will fix things.

Bush steals their futures while they party on borrowed money...then Obama tells them nothing is their fault.


Anonymous said...

No, Western Civilization has been through much rougher periods.

The destructive process that started in the 60s is coming to an end, though.

Mark in San Diego said...

People just need to stop fighting the Greenspan Depression, and get with the program - just let it all collapse, and start over again. . .had lunch today with some 70 year old types, and they all survided the depression (or their parents did), and things were not that bad. 75% of the people had jobs, and helped those who didn't - work at a soup kitchen if you want . . .plant a vegi garden, be self-sufficient.

A good depresion is the best thing that can happen to this county. Yes I AM a Puritian. . .

Anonymous said...

nice photo of pelosi

Anonymous said...

Given who's in charge, yeah I'm scared. Who wouldn't be?

Back to the bunker for the next 4 years...

Anonymous said...

Scared? Check. When this thing first started to come unraveled, I knew things might get tough, but that it was a necessary adjustment back to a more reasonable way of living.
Now, however, I'm starting to seriously wonder how this country turns this thing around. More spending,on its face, just doesn't seem like its gonna work. As I've said in earlier posts, I think the only way we are going to make it is if Pres. Obama has the tough talk with us: "2001-2007 was not normal. Our excessive lifestyles were not normal (or, apparently, sustainable). If you want this country to make it, your job might not come back. But it will be ok. Lifestyles might have to be less opulent, but wages will be more fair, and we will quit destroying the social fabric of our country by having enormous wage disparities. We we will be less dependent on other countries, again providing most of our own food, services, and essential manufacturing.Look at this historically: the times our country was great, we were doing good work for a living wage. The times our country is failing, there has been enormous wealth and luxury. We need to give up on our own failed time, an experiment in greed we should have learned from 70 some years ago."

Still waiting for that speech...

Anonymous said...

If by "Western Civilization" you mean "ready access to free Internet Pron," then, no, it will never die!

Anonymous said...

television decoder boxes just realy crack me up...oops thats what they are...................

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have any prozac for sale?I ran out last night after taking 6 pills.Oh how I miss anna nicole.

Walmart was out of shotgun shells today.

Anonymous said...

ok, we all see what's coming.

what do you do to profit from it?

remember that hedge fund guy who sold sub prime mortgages short and made a million - then told all the harvard mba's to stick it up their butts...

ok, that guy knew what to do.

what do we do to make a bundle in this?

Anonymous said...

geithner looks a little small behind the podium. they ought to get him a step stool.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else know A-rod was using steroids. I'm glad someone was there to hold president Obamas feet to the fire on that one. I mean seriously, does anyone know how deep this steroid thing goes.

Anonymous said...

Humans need to have some feeling of control over their lives, and as the powers-that-be continue to play games with others' lives, I think it's safe to say that there are a LOT of people (here in the USA, and around the globe) who are missing that feeling of control.

It's a dull, nagging ache that starts to eat away at the soul, after a while. Really.

Anonymous said...

Is the downfall of Western civilization at hand?

Serious question.

It could possibly be. All you gotta do is jack gas back up to $4 a gallon and watch the lead fly. Stay away from any major city if you can help it.

Seriously, I think the only thing keeping the reactor below the threshold right now is the fact that gas is less than $2 a gallon. But when people can't afford to drive to work, even if they do manage to have a job, that's when it blows up.

Anonymous said...

1 loaf of bread, $50.00
1 Gallon of Milk, $50.00
1 package of sliced ham $150.00
1 package of cheddar cheese $120.00

Yep. pretty scared.

Refuse to buy overpriced said...

Faced with injustice, the following sequence of steps should be followed:

1. Petition.
2. If they ignore your petitions, vote against them.
3. If they fool, bribe and frighten the majority into voting for them, boycott the economic basis of their power.
4. If they use physical force to break your boycott, it is time for a revolution.

A band of Kleptocrats has been instituting a regime of privatized profits and socialized losses for more than a year now. This process is known as The Bailout.

We tried steps 1 and 2, and those steps failed. The most arrogant, unapologetic Kleptocrats (Geithner, Frank, Dodd, Bernanke) are more powerful than ever. Their persuasive frontman, Barack Obama, fools and frightens the country into acquiescing in their agenda.

Step 4 is not yet justified - pray it never is!

To preserve the Republic, we must fight the Kleptocrats by boycotting the economic interests they represent: the Finance/Insurance/Real-Estate sector of the economy.

Before America can rebuild from the Soot and Ashes, we first need to put out the F.I.R.E. !

We can put out the F.I.R.E. by depriving it of fuel - interest, insurance payments, credit card fees, rent.

What tea was to the revolutionary generation, interest insurance and rent are to our generation.

Deprive them of income, even if you suffer in the process - until they agree to call off their dogs (Geithner, Frank, Dodd, Bernanke, Obama). Let them know that this Republic is precious to us, and we refuse to allow them to hijack it.

Don't rent! Move in with friends or family, or live on the streets, until the bankrupt landlords are foreclosed on!

If you own a home, rent it out and live on the streets! Cut-throat competition to hasten the ruin of the landlords, and their bankers!

Stop using your credit card! Every time you use it, your enemies collect a fee from the store - and grow stronger! Do not use your ATM card at an ATM which charges a fee! This, too, finances your enemies.

Deprive them of interest income! Pay off all of your debts, starting with the highest interest rate. Don't spend a single dollar for any other purpose, until you've accomplished this.

Alternately, if your credit score is not important to you, walk away from your underwater mortgage and declare bankruptcy to escape from your other debts.

Cash only, for all future purchases!

Don't buy a house, unless it meets all 3 conditions:
1. For sale by owner
2. You can afford to pay cash
3. The price is below long term historical norms

Live dangerously for the cause of freedom! Cancel all insurance which is not required by law!

Ruin their overseas portfolios! Buy American, and use no petroleum!

They hope illegal immigration will rescue them! Never hire an illegal immigrant! Never patronize businesses which do!

Unemployed Americans, take the jobs of the illegal immigrants!

Boycott the so-called entertainment industry - propaganda wing of Kleptocrats!

Persevere until they capitulate! Righteousness is on our side! We dare not fail!

Anonymous said...

I was scared before, and I am scared now, but I have protected my family as well as I can, and I will continue to do what good I can do, with all my heart, and with all my soul, and with all my strength. This has happened before. It will happen again. It'll be okay.

Anonymous said...

Nope. Life goes on.

I might have an advantage over the average person. I went broke in the 90s and was a bum for a while. Dandelion leaf salad is good when hunger is the seasoning. A muddy puddle tastes like it's freshly melted from the mountain when you haven't drank anything all day.

Hurricane Katrina showed the world how most people are unprepared to fend for themselves. It also showed how unappreciative and spoiled they are to modern conveniences.

Anonymous said...

'I'll still never understand the 45% or so of Americans who don't see what I see

The best candidate won. And McCain and Palin and Rove and Hannity and Rush are over.

The people are taking back the United States.

It was a dark, dark eight years. It may still suck pretty good coming up because Bush and the GOP put us in such a deep hole. But I think you're witnessing America reinvent itself again.

The American brand, and the American promise, has just been renewed. The world will celebrate tomorrow. And they would have been sickened if McCain won. That should tell you something.

I can't wait for this speech.'

Posted by Keith
November 05, 2008 4:12 AM


Give the man a chance.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, we'll solve this like we did during the Depression...

All the nations of the world are gonna cooperate and solve it together......

We're all gonna declare total war on each other and blow the planet to sh*t....

That'll get the economy rolling!

Anonymous said...

What if
We didn't get gasoline deliveries for one month?

What if our electric plant didn't get coal for one month?

What if our local food store didn't get deliveries for one month?

No car, no electricity, no food, no transportation...maybe even no water. Makes you think how much is brought to us. I sure wish I had about 30 acres and a mule and some chickens, etc.

One month, just one month, would change everything.

I can only describe it one way...
I want to go home. I've got to get away from this friggin cul-de-sac and my friggin neighbor.

Anonymous said...

Mark in San Diego:

"they all survided the depression (or their parents did), and things were not that bad. 75% of the people had jobs, and helped those who didn't - work at a soup kitchen if you want . . .plant a vegi garden, be self-sufficient. "

Yeah, time tends to temper things.
Good to hear all your relatives got thru the GD unscathed.

Fast-forward to now...

Find a few families who've lost their jobs, their home, their savings, etc... and say "C'mon, things aren't THAT bad. Hey, how 'bout doin' a veggie garden?"

Anonymous said...

Obama will make everyone wear Turbines soon!

Anonymous said...

I've been scared since the Bear hedge funds went under in June 2007 and I learned that it was all subprime related.

Having a BA in economics and an MBA in Finance (no, I don't now, and never did, work in the finance industry!), it didn't take more than that incident -- and what Keith was saying on HP.com -- to finally realize how fucked we were. A few weeks later in July 07 - a week after the market hit 14,000 - I shorted Countrywide at $29 and First Fed at $49... thanks Keith!

Miss Goldbug said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Anonymous: re where to invest.
I do not understand the compulsion to invest in times like these. Doesn't it make sense to not invest? Just curious. Bird in hand, etc.
People are going to be lucky to end up with birdseed.

Grandma pkk

Anonymous said...

oh, anonymous, re digital. They've postponed that. Ran out of money for coupons. Seriously.

Grandma pkk

Anonymous said...

I used to get excited to think that greedy overindulged arrogant lazy Americans with an attitude of entitlement were about get what they deserved . a big wake up call and a reality check .(sorry just being honest). But now that i know the extent of this i actually have sorrow for a lot of people you are going to hurt badly in the coming months and years . I think less stuff and entertainment will do this nation the world of good . But not everyone who will also suffer is guilty , and those most responsible seem to be getting away unscathed .

Anonymous said...

when gold is trading at$10,000 per ounce you will know the time has come grasshopper

Anonymous said...

Credit collapse = Division of labor collapse = currency collapse = starvation within 24 hours = chaos and riots = Dark Ages.

Soviet Union was the prelude. We are next.

At least the Soviet Union had local farms and gardens.

What are you going to do living in downtown NYC or LA?

Bukko Boomeranger said...

I've been reading "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire," which is instructive for these times. Ity lets me look at things from the long perspective.

There are ebbs and flows in every empire. The Romans did not go straight down from civilisation to barbarian invasions. The Spanish Empire did not go linearly from conquest of the New World to the point where the French were kicking their arses. Bad rulers were followed by good ones, stupid monetary policies and destruction of currency could sometimes be rectified by wise policies. You'd be surprised at how many issues the U.S. faces today had echoes in what the Romans and Spanish dealt with.

Times like this are a test of cultures. Does America have enough strength and sense to right itself? What about cultures in the rest of the Western world? Times will be hard. Can people suck it up, get sensible and adapt to a new reality? Or will they freak out, start fucking stuff up, kill lots of other people and finally kill themselves?

I see it on an individual level when I get a hospital patient diagnosed with a new illness. Sometimes when people are told that they have cancer or diabetes or serious heart disease, they get serious and do what's needed to preserve what they can of their health. Sometimes they get depressed or irrational and just start drinking booze and feeling sorry for themselves and denying there's a problem. They die quickly. The others live longer and better.

Some countries will do well in the coming hard times. Sadly, I think the U.S. will not. I think people there are likely to tear each other, and the country, apart. Other more cohesive countries like those in Western Europe and even the U.K. are likely to muddle through. They've had experience with surviving wars on their soil and massive cultural changes.

In the end, it also matters where you are in your life cycle. If you're older, chances are you'll die before the shit has finally flung itself off the fan blades. When each of us dies, that's the End Of The World as far as we know it. So for some, maybe even me, we won't see the finale of this. Western Civ will have ended in our lives. Others may kill themselves before it's done, so it's also the end of WestCiv for them.

However, life goes on. In spite of economic wreckage, peak oil and climate change, all humanity will not perish. Lots of individual humans will. The key is to not be one of them. This is your test. Are you up to it?

Paul E. Math said...

Actually, I think the market tanking on geithner's speech is just 'buy the rumour, sell the news'.

For the most part the stock market has very little substance these days - it is all speculators playing a game.

Notice that markets have been declining on anticipation of bad news but when the bad news actually arrives the market rallies. Last week's unemployment numbers are an example.

This week, Geithner's son-of-tarp was supposed to be good news so markets rallied in anticipation of it and then as soon as geithner started his speech, before anyone even knew the substance, the markets were down 2%.

I have not been playing this trend but may do a little of it. I am happy knowing that, for the most part, my investments have resisted these trends and have fluctuated only moderately.

The next big expected good news is getting a 3rd version of the stimulus package passed by the house and the senate. Markets will rally in anticipation of it and then tank when it's actually passed, or maybe tank when it gets Obama's signature.

By the way, Goldman Sachs fell something like 7% today - now might be the time to get on board if you haven't already. Full disclosure - I don't own GS yet as I want to be able to look myself in the mirror.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, the s*** in Mexico is a little too close to home. And when I say home, I'm saying Phoenix. I am afraid San Diego's houses just got even cheaper.

When that first American gets kidnapped in Tucson or San Diego, we will have a new set of evil-doers for the government to use as an excuse for further dismantling The Constitution.

Anonymous said...

Has anybody tried to buy guns or ammo? I'm in California and the local Turners looks like a Soviet era butcher shop- Gun shelves are mostly empty and there is one small shelf with ammo. I was lucky to get a box of 9mm. I really hope that this is due to irrational hoarding. I bought 1400 .223 rounds and another 1000 rounds of 9mm on the internet.

Anonymous said...


Anon said,

nice photo of Pelosi

You stole my thunder!

Anonymous said...

Remember when I listed Geithner's background a few weeks ago? So now have I caught your attention?

Geithner has a liberal arts degree in Asian Studies, Ladies & Gentlemen. Our Secretary of Treasury has a degree in Asian Studies and the only thing he has done is getting push-paper jobs in taxpayer-parasite-lobbyist firms like Henry Kissinger & Associates, and as attache at Embassy. All through his daddy's connections. This cat hasn't done a damn thing on his own. EVER!

America is f*cked!

Anonymous said...

WASHINGTON (AP) -- On a single day filled with staggering sums, the Obama administration, Federal Reserve and Senate attacked the deepening economic crisis Tuesday with actions that could throw as much as $3 trillion more in government and private funds into the fight against frozen credit markets and rising joblessness.

Yes, now I'm scared, sh*tless. Then again in 10 years 3 trillion is going to be nothing, they'll want 30 trillion by then. You see, it's all just a bad dream and soon we'll all wake-up, in the mental ward!

Anonymous said...

The guys at Fast Money gave an enlighten example of how much $1 trillion is, since the majority of Idol watchers don't have a clue.

If you were born with Jesus Christ and started spending $1 million per day since then, you still wouldn't have reached $1 trillion today.

See, you have to address the retards with examples like that, especially the Congress crooks, because they've lost touch with reality. Folks, $1 trillion is a $hitload of money. Geithner and Bernanke were throwing trillions around at the hearings like it was chump change.

Anonymous said...

Geithner was President of the NY Fed last year. They were being investigated in June for secret meetings involving the processing of Credit Default Swaps. I just posted the article under Keith's headline "Geithner announces Big New Plan ..." (a few topics back). Geithner is a sneak.

Anonymous said...

NY Times is just now reporting that the bailout program will cost 2.5 trillion. Wait. I said 2.5 TRILLION. I don't think even the worst of the thieves had any idea it would come to this. It has certainly snowballed far beyond anyone's ability to control.

Anonymous said...

Our GDP (indicator of our standard of living - higher is better - wikepedia) is 14.58 trillion (CIA fact book). Our national debt (not including social security) was 10.71 trillion before the Oct bailout and is now 11.3 trillion (wikepedia).
I am not an economist, but these numbers sure don't look good.

Anonymous said...

Mark in San Diego said it:
"be self-sufficient"

and you will be fine.I'd be scared if we get 100% unemployment which won't happen,so I'm not scared.

things will be back to normal in a few years.and by normal I mean people in this country will be doing actual work...

Anonymous said...

Who even cares? I read these blogs daily. How many replies here? 20? The bigger sites 300 on a good day. 350 million Americans and maybe a few hundred thousand really paying attention. I'm scared.

Anonymous said...

"The end of W. Civ came the day a muslim socialist was elected president."

Yeah nothing to do with a WASP, Yale legacy C student and his connected friends. Idiot!

Anonymous said...

I'm not scared.. I'm frustrated and angry... Very angry...

Anonymous said...

Obama will make everyone wear Turbines soon!

Haha! This is funny. Where will people wear their turbines, then?

There could be a whole new craze in personal turbines...

Anonymous said...

Scared you bet. At this point the only people I trust our on blogs. I really don't feel safe with my thoughts any other place most just don't get it. Glad your here Keith. Thank You this keeps me going .

Anonymous said...

Refuse to buy overpriced:

Well said my CIGA. Agree 100%.

Anonymous said...

I was before, still am.

Anonymous said...

Is a trillion a million million?

Anonymous said...

All things being equal, you know we’ve been hoodwinked into thinking they are more equal than us, or just plain better than us, etc, ad infinitum. Why, because they have and control MONEY and the average US silly guy isn’t going to risk their own skin on such adventures, they simply won’t do anything about it.

Maybe we can get the women to do it, since they think they’re so in control of everything. Men have been neutralized in this country, how did that happen, you ask? Well the boob-toob went after your women, they have all been lobotomized into thinking a man has no worth unless he has substantial wealth. They think that money is everything and there is never enough, except when they are manipulated by guilt and false compassion.

They only want us guys, if we can make them materially happy or can compete with their earnings, they only want you if they need you, temporarily any way. For the most part we went along with their demands and did our best to comply with the new liberated female, unless you are one of the lucky few. Those would be the women that haven’t listened to Dr. Laura, Gloria Steinem, Oprah, PETA and Desperate Housewives.

You see, we’ve been weakened by our females, we won’t fight anymore, we are slaves and the trillions and trillions and trillions going to our masters, will enslave the future generations of men as well.

Enjoy slavery, idiots.

ApleAnee said...

Obama will make everyone wear Turbines soon!

Haha! This is funny. Where will people wear their turbines, then?

There could be a whole new craze in personal turbines...
Wiki says...

A turbine is a rotary engine that extracts energy from a fluid flow.

Wiki also says.....

The turban (from Persian دلبند or دولبند, dulband via the Turkish tülbent) is a headdress consisting of a long scarf-like single piece of cloth wound around either the head itself or an inner hat.

Gwk may miss a few commas here and there but he doesn't have everyone wearing rotary engines on their heads.

Anonymous said...

Matt C. said

"Well said my CIGA"


I love that there are other "CIGA"'s on this blog.

The smartest group of people on the planet, wouldn't you agree?

ApleAnee said...

You see, we’ve been weakened by our females, we won’t fight anymore, we are slaves and the trillions and trillions and trillions going to our masters, will enslave the future generations of men as well.

Bow to your Amazon Master! There will be granite, travertine and hickory or off with your head.

You could have said NO we can't afford it. The kids need to be in preschool.

Waa waa waa went the babies on the bus.

Anonymous said...

A billion is a thousand million.
1,000,000 x 1000 = 1,000,000,000
A trillion is a thousand billion.
1,000,000,000 x 1000 = 1,000,000,000,000

BTW there are about 300 million people total in the US. About 100 million actually end up paying taxes.

Anonymous said...

Not a Math Major said...
Is a trillion a million million?

Sorry, simple answer -yes.

OC beach dude said...

OK, what's a CIGA?

The acronym dictionary couldn't help, and even the urban dictionary says it's a cigarette.

Anonymous said...

CIGA stands for:

Comrades in Golden Arms

Commander in Chief: Jim Sinclair

Mission: own physical gold

Anonymous said...

Obama will make everyone wear Turbines soon!

Never seizes to amaze me, and that's no poultry accomplishment. ;^D

Anonymous said...

$3Trillion is only $10,000/citizen, so our family of 3 owes $30 grand.

@ 5% interest, that's only about $125 in (additional)taxes per month for us.


But a whole lot of people don't make enough to pay, and rich people weasel out of it.

Ruh roh.

Mitesh Damania said...

"Mr. Chairman and members of the committee, on advice of my counsel, I respectfully decline to answer your questions based on the protections afforded me under the U.S. Constitution," Parnell responded.

How come these folks get the benefit of the Constitution while we get the Patriot Act, FISA, and rendition?

Mitesh Damania said...

Cowart said she believed Peanut Corp. stopped using her company for lab tests because it identified salmonella too many times.

The company's internal records show it "was more concerned with its bottom line than the safety of its customers," said committee Chairman Henry Waxman, D-Calif

DOH!! lol. You got to love the mainsteam media on reporting on the obvious.

And the Congress is twiddling their thumbs wondering why they can't do anyhing because they got rid of all the regulation which was weak to begin with.

Mitesh Damania said...

I'm totally with you "Refuse to buy overpriced" but people would rather starve and hit the roads in protest rather than change things through a civilized, methodical, method. It requires to much thought and effort. It all comes down to what's in it for me, right now, only.

ApleAnee said...

Anonymous said...

Obama will make everyone wear Turbines soon!

Never seizes to amaze me, and that's no poultry accomplishment. ;^D

Okay, I stand corrected. Sincere apology here. This is the 2nd time I have been wrong in life.

But shouldn't poultry be paltry? bwhahahaha

Anonymous said...

Bukko said
‘Some countries will do well in the coming hard times. Sadly, I think the U.S. will not. I think people there are likely to tear each other, and the country, apart. Other more cohesive countries like those in Western Europe and even the U.K. are likely to muddle through. They've had experience with surviving wars on their soil and massive cultural changes.’

Bukko looking up from down under eh?

You’re seeing things backwards.

Europeans have not learned any lessons from their past, they have lived a lie
Europe is fake
A hollow façade

Europe will not survive this one

Anonymous said...

Obama will make everyone wear Turbines soon!

that will only work if they are outside and it is windy. I also don't think that a personal turbine can generate enough energy to be useful.

seems like an idea al gore would come up with.

Anonymous said...



let's build a camp fire, circle around it and sing kumbaya.

Anonymous said...

Not scared. Fuck them. They have more to lose than I do. I can weld, solder, run pipe, wire a house, fix a motor, fight, operate guns, build and fix machines, etc. How far will the bankers get if it all falls apart? What were Tina Turner and Master/Blaster before the apocalypse? Nothing--but they were everything in Bartertown after. Some day, some piece of shit wall street type will come begging for water, food or protection and I'll shoot him in the foot and leave him in the desert to die. You hear that bankers? You keep suppressing the global social unrest in your media, and you own the governments, but none of that will stop us when your system fails. We will come for you fuckers.

Anonymous said...

Scared? Sometimes . I guess I have had enough years to get use to the idea that many bad things are going to happen . Many bad things have already happened to me . One day chicken ,the next day feathers .

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Obama will make everyone wear Turbines soon!

And it must be a GE turbine since the Messiah has been schmoozing so much with Immelt lately. Those MSNBC trolls, owned by GE, don't have to worry either.

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