February 25, 2009

Soot and Ashes would like to congratulate the Republican party for destroying itself.

The Democrats suck.

But the Republicans, well, they're just stunning. A total and complete dysfunctional disaster. And even the Republicans, the few smart ones in the room, know it.

And America burns.


Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for the Mister Rogers/Jindal mash-up.

Anonymous said...

Ron Paul would have been a better spokesperson.


Anonymous said...

'Bobby' Jindal. Heh heh heh. The Republicans' weak attemtp to roll the public's love for Obama, Bobby Kennedy and Ronald Reagan into one bite-size package. Sorry, we can't swallow it. It's a sour turd.

consultant said...

First Palin, now....Jindal?

Those wacky Republicans. What will they think of next?

Anonymous said...

I think they did enough damage the last 8 years. But, the dumbocrats will likely do worse and hand the job back over to the republicraps.
I think we need a full overhaul at the top. If we dont get some moral and ethical leaders, I think we will see some extreme problems in the near future.

Anonymous said...

Somebody posted recently about "neo-Liberals that destroyed the Democrat party..."

Had a good laugh at that one.

These shits know no shame.

Unknown said...

Both parties are bad but the Republicans are by far the worse of the two evils. When Republicans have full control you get zero infrastructure spending, lots of dead soldiers, increased pollution, an attack on common sense and science, worse education, and every single penny goes to the top 5%.

At least the Democrats throw a little money at the masses, fix a few schools and roads, and kill a lot less people.

Anonymous said...

The republicans put the black guy in charge because when things get really bad Chimp2 is going to play the race card.

C'mon folks. The math is in. If the government nationalizes these banks, then the government instantly insolvent because its not going to be able to roll over its short term paper. If they let the banks fail, then the economy is destroyed anyway.

So, all Chimp2 is going to do is throw 10s of billions every other month at these banks to keep them going. Promise big social programs etc...

Sad to see America has painted itself in a corner but that is just the way it is. No change with the people in charge of the $$$.

Anonymous said...

Jindal is a joke.

He could have used stimulus money to incentive work and make Louisiana more competitive by further subsidizing investment and reducing taxes.

Instead he said no thanks to the government money and pounded the self reliance table. American business and workers can't compete when the deck is stacked against them.

Anonymous said...

It's true

The Republicans really Fu**ed things up,

But you ain't seen nothin til the Dems are in total control!

They will screw themselves...and like it!

Then wonder what happened, and do it again.

Liberalism is truly a mental disorder



Anonymous said...

liberals love to Tax and Tax and spend (on nothing important)

Blame the Repubs for being the party of the rich, when the Dems are extremely wealthy,

hold Abortion as one of their key tenants,

Gay rights (as if they should get 'special' different rights),

Gay marriage,

Welfare, WIC, food stamps...

Don't believe for the most part in a Creator (if they did, they would rethink the abortion stance),

Only uphold the first and second amendments when it pertains to them,

They want the 'Fairness doctrine',

they will let you hear what they want you to hear,

free speech is only their right,

The Repubs are a F**ked up bunch no doubt,

but nothing like the Dems!

Enjoy your 4 years.



Anonymous said...

The idiots in politics not knowingly are creating the perfect storm for House prices to get back to where it should be.

I just hope that we are smarter then the Eurotards, seize the opportunity and don’t just go out kicking and screaming like 2 year olds.

Anonymous said...

The Republicans are like three-year olds in their level of political sophistication. "Obama is popular - that means the 'Murkin people like themselves colored fellas," they reason. "Well hell, we gots ourselves one a them. Throw him out there & give 'em a sheet of the talking points that we gave Reagan back in the day. Done deal!"

All the posters here that keep beating on the drum of "yeah, the Republicans screwed the entire country over ... but the Democrats, they will be worse!" are about as well-informed as a dead otter. You can see that by the semi-illiterate nature of their posts here, where they capitalize "Creator" and talk about abortion being a "tenant." What? Somehow the Democrats have figured out how to make aborted fetuses pay rent? Wow. Guess the deficit must be solved, then.

When the only feeble defense you can muster is "the other guys is gonna be worse," you know that the ideology is completely bankrupt and irrelevant. Which is sad. America needs checks & balances in the system to prevent meltdowns like the one we're having.

The GOP is playing to a constituency of one: Rush Limbaugh. They are forced to parrot his philosopy, upon pain of having know-nothing dittoheads like the dimwits who name-check their Magic Sky Fairy here, descend on them screeching & hurling poo. The only people important in the GOP are the demagogue talking heads; everyone else can pound sand.

Anonymous said...

Jindal is a freaking lunatic.

Jindal Performed Exorcism on Friend

Nuff said. Jindal is a lunatic and an idiot and the Republicans have completely lost touch with conservatism and their roots. See ya later losers.

So what does that leave us with?

Two hopelessly intellectually bankrupt, ideologically bankrupt, corrupt to the core, out of touch with reality and the people, incessantly lying and financially parasitic political parties that are assuredly destroying America.


Anonymous said...

Although I agree Jindal is a nut and a poor and manipulative choice on behalf of the GOP his message was correct. While Obama sells all of this false hope and lies about "creating jobs" and "stimulating the economy" and at the same time saying he will cut the deficit in half in a few years.

Of course, the problem is with both parties, what comes out of their mouths is meaningless pap and it is their actions that count. When you look at their actions there's no f*cking difference between the two parties.

Anonymous said...


Gimme Cheese

Anonymous said...

Ahem, Mr. President,

America did Not invent the Automobile..

Then who did?

--Find out here --

Anonymous said...

I thought Governor Jindal did just fine. I listened to the speech on PBS and then the commentary by Brooks. He insisted that Jindal and the Republicans idea of allowing the free market to have the final say is a joke. No, he is the joke. Letting the government prop up unrealistic real estate prices will just put off the day of disaster.

The Republicans need to get back to lower spending, less government in our lives, etc.... Then they will succeed.

Anonymous said...

Weak Jindal speech:

"Americans can do antything!" = "Yes we can!"

What would you do Bobby J? C'mon don't make me wait four years to hear it!

Anonymous said...

Hearing Chris Matthews on MSNBC murmur "Oh God.." as Count Chocula emerged from the shadows, shambling toward the camera for a blood-suck was PRICELESS. You tell it, Chris!

Lost Cause said...

Slumdog! Not really hearing anything from that side that was not said 30 years ago, back when that party mattered.

Anonymous said...

jindal turned down money from the stimulus that would negativley impact the state in the future once the federal funds run out. He did not turn down all the money.

you people piss and moan about there not being fiscally responsible politicians and when there are a few you give them shit about it.

turning down that money is fiscally responsible even if it's politically motivated...yes... i said EVEN IF IT'S POLITICALLY MOTIVATED.

Anonymous said...

"Soot and Ashes would like to congratulate the Republican party for destroying itself."

That is an understatement. The public is so sick & tired of the whole Republican ideology and the Libertarian New World Order that they were willing to put a Black Man in charge of the mess. That is like Osama Bin Laden deciding to go back to his Jewish roots.

Anonymous said...

Life imitates art. Atlas Shrugged to be precise.


Anonymous said...

Both parties are bad but the Republicans are by far the worse of the two evils. When Republicans have full control you get zero infrastructure spending, lots of dead soldiers, increased pollution, an attack on common sense and science, worse education, and every single penny goes to the top 5%.

At least the Democrats throw a little money at the masses, fix a few schools and roads, and kill a lot less people.

AGREED. And the Laffer Curve makes republicans MUCH MUCH WORSE ALSO (and Laffer's a REPUBLICAN too!)

The Laffer Curve says if you tax people enough (or too much), it will hurt the economy and thereby cause lower tax revenues to the government. To that I say---GOOD! Let the Laffer curve give us an equilibrium and a steady, not boom/bust, economy.

The Republidiots LOVE the Laffer---but tragically, they also love to SPEND-AND-DEBT, SPEND-AND-DEBT, until the currency will eventually be worth ZERO. And no Laffer Curve will be able to stop them--they'll just keep cutting taxes toward zero!

Anonymous said...

The GOPers look bad now just like they did in 1976 and 1992. But count on Obama riding to their rescue just like Carter and Clinton did. The "2 party" system is a joke - they both whore for the same fatcats.

Anonymous said...

"...a form of nihilism..."
-David Brooks

You are SHITTING me.

Yes; the government has done SUCH an outstanding job it is unreasonable that we should not believe in it. PFFFFFFT.

"...you ain't seen nothin..."

That's like promising the new guy will make it even hotter in hell.

"...the only feeble defense you can muster is "the other guys is gonna be worse,"..."

That started about 6 months ago. My favorite: "more damage in a month than 8 years of Bush." Like we were in wonderful shape on New Year's Day.

"...Tax and spend...Blame the Repubs...the Dems are extremely wealthy...Abortion...Gay rights...Gay marriage...Welfare, WIC, food stamps...a Creator..."

{priceless} Really lagging; only 2/3 Gs.

"...talk about abortion being a "tenant."..."

It never seizes to amaze me; all those English classes for knot.

"...The Republidiots LOVE the Laffer..."

I loved it when he welched on his bet with Schiff. Shifty weasel lives about 3 miles away.

Anonymous said...

The Democratic party is destroying itself just as surely as the Republicans have. Peter Schiff is right and the ruined Republicans are finally turning fiscally conservative. The government spending will destroy the dollar and create uncontrollable inflation that can't be stopped without raising interest rates and halting stimulus bills like this one. The democrats will be the champions of letting down the little guy who can't keep up with inflation. Republicans won't get the blame for that. The price of this Stimulus Bill is just too high to blame on George W. We will have a short bump upwards like a rise in the roller coaster before the next big drop. The crash is just getting started. We have a long way to drop from here. In my opinion, we are going to see housing prices rise 10 percent and then fall another 30, nationwide, even with horrible inflation. I would say chances are excellent that the house you're living in will cost the same number of dollars in 2025 as it does today. Democrats will get the blame for the inflation.

All in favor of the majority of us getting free stuff say "Ai". The Ai's have it. Surprise surprise.

Anonymous said...

The republicons are such SH$%%^ds. They are posturing to have Obama fail so they can win the next election and let the country go to hell for their gain. What f$%^ks they are.

Having just seen a real Billionaires house, I no longer have any compasion for rich people. They are livin large at the expense of everyone else. His viagra vs her procration. You have no idea. F#$&kn Billionaires wife is an arrogant bitch who married a billionare half her age to move up the social ladder. God it makes want to puke. Let's bring them all down. I can't believe there are people who subjegate themselves to serve these assholes. And they are Republicons protecting the conservative way of life. Translation is protect my rich lifestyles and Johnnie's rich future. AWHHHHHHHH.

Anonymous said...

{"...talk about abortion being a "tenant."..."

It never seizes to amaze me; all those English classes for knot.



Anonymous said...

You ARE the JOKE you morons, you

This country is BANKRUPT, the institutions BANKRUPT, morality BANKRUPT, schools are BANKRUPT and now you are blaming this man for rejecting MONOPOLY money?

I feel sorry for Pres. Obama that has to deal with this nightmare. But sorry Mr President... there is no waking up this time for this country.

Anonymous said...

The next President will be a man with balls who calls a spade a dity corrupt spade from CHEEECOOGGGOO.

Anonymous said...

Here you go folks,
For all you Bush haterz...

Remember the "internets" and "The Google"?

One from you hero Biden, "...say do you know that "website number"?


Anonymous said...

Take a look at Robert Shiller Historical housing market Excel data.

As of 4th Quarter 2008 House Price are still above the historical base line.

How far below the historical base line will housing price go once those Option Arms, Alt-A, and NINJA loans reset.


Historical housing market data used in my book, Irrational Exuberance [Princeton University Press 2000, Broadway Books 2001, 2nd edition, 2005], showing home prices since 1890 are available for download [Excel file (xls)] and are updated quarterly.

Anonymous said...

The Republicans are absolutely f%#king tone-deaf. This is the party that has preached LAW AND ORDER when it comes to drugs, when it comes to property crime, when it comes to all sorts of things for which we lock up people.

EXCEPT when homeowners lied about their incomes, banking executives lied to buyers of so-called "AAA" securities about the diligence they did on the loans inside them, brokers doctored paperwork, appraisers were bribed to inflate values and every industry involved connived to wrap things in gold-colored foil and claim that was was inside was solid 24kt gold itself when what they were really selling was dogcrap!

IF the Republican party is ever to regain power they must actually stand for the people. The vast majority of Americans did not cheat. We did not lie about our incomes, we did not take out dangerous mortgages, we did not participate in selling garbage loans to Americans by deceiving them so we could skim off thousands in fees and we did not participate in this garbage.

We, however, are the ones who are getting hosed - we're being asked to pay higher taxes, either directly (ourselves) or indirectly (as when "the rich" are taxed more they will not hire as many people - that would be those of us who need jobs!)

The Banksters are getting bailed out, the irresponsible or even outright cheaters are going to be able to refinance their mortgages (despite what Obama said tonight, Sheila Bair said otherwise - there will be no verification that fraud was not involved in the mortgages they refinance) and not one prosecution is being planned for those who screwed us..."

Anonymous said...

Hey ANNOYED -- the correct spelling is "tenet." If you're going to correct someone else's spelling, know how the spell the word you're correcting. And the "knot" was a joke on bad spelling. I didn't write the "knot" comment but I could see the attempt at humor. Why do right-wing stupid-heads have no sense of irony?

Anonymous said...

"Why do right-wing stupid-heads have no sense of irony?"

Actually the liberal education system has taught for years that people should not try to be funny, witty, ironic, etc. in writing.

Guess you missed that lesson, professor.

Anonymous said...

"Having just seen a real Billionaires house, I no longer have any compasion for rich people. They are livin large at the expense of everyone else."

You had compassion for rich people before? WTF?

Back in the 80s in my metro area, people in the rich neighborhoods didn't lock their doors. We used to ditch high school and go rob houses in those neighborhoods. We couldn't stick around for too long, because people would notice we didn't "belong" and call the cops. Some houses were just obscene. The owners must have paid 4 maids for 8 hours' work to clean up before a party.

Anonymous said...



February 26, 2009 2:45 AM


To all fools out THEIR (hee haw), remember what Honest Abe had to say, "Its a mighty ignorant man who can only spell a word one way." I am completely amused by all you god damned fools who can operate a word proccesser but are so F*cking dum you couldn't see this whole globalism/stock maket/housing bubble was all a part of the same ponzi scheme. If you think you weren't fooled then quit your whining about how somebody is going to keep all your fake wealth from evaporating. Quit picking on people who are trying to communicate and doing a good job of it.

Yaaaaa and I don't hit a button on a computor to check my spelling. Tooooooools.

Anonymous said...


Nothing gets by this poster; it's giving me a ceasure. ;^D

Anonymous said...

Nothing gets by this poster; it's giving me a ceasure. ;^D

As Mr. Wilson (of the "Dennis the Menace" show -- he was a real person, right?) would often say: "Great Ceasure's Ghost!"

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