I miss chicken wings.
True story.
NOBODY does chicken wings like America. And sports bars. And ESPN.
And yet for some reason, you all keep Buffalo Wings all to yourselves. As if people over here wouldn't like
America f*cked the world, they're no denying that now. Our bankers and politicians did some very, very, very bad things. And now the entire world is paying the price.
But damn, America has great chicken wings. We have Angelo Mozilo, but damn, we have good wings.
Tell me about America.
What do we still do best?
What dooes America do best? EAT! ANYTHING and EVERYTHING! ALL KINDS OF CRAP!
One word
FOOTBALL. The NFL is the greatest league in the world. Soccer be damned.
I know it's a big distraction like "Idol," but it's unbelievably entertaining, from top to bottom.
Give me Larry Fitzgerald, a couple adult beverages, cheerleaders, shouting obscenities and tailgating. Sometimes it's all I need to make the whole miserable week at work seem so distant.
Mozilo IS the color of buffalo wings. Noticed?
Bagels. Better than ANY where on earth. And from NEW YORK. No sad Florida version bullshit.
I'm Irish. But must say there's nothing better than going to Barney Greengrass, the Kosher place on the Upper West Side, for coffee, fresh poppy bagel with lox. Absolute perfection.
MEXICAN FOOD! And not that stuff they serve in the REAL Mexico. Too foreign. I mean Tex-Mex, with chili spice mix and lots of grease and cheese. Roach coach taco wagons and sizzling fajita platters and burritos that are bigger than your head. That's what I miss about America.
Mrs. Bukko and I can't make decent Mexifood at home down here because they've never heard of Monterey Jack cheese. Any kind of runny French cheese my wife wants, THAT they've got, but Jack? No hay nada, senor. They do things like offer spinach-and-pumpkin (i.e. what Americans call "squash") in burritos. America, send us some real Mexicans, please.
The U.S. to a small degree may have brought the world down "with us".
BUT, and this is a big BUT.... more importantly, we set a terrible example for other countries to follow, and follow they did. I am in the Ukraine right now... we didn't FORCE them to make bad loans, we didn't force people in Eastern Europe to pay 10 times what a home is worth... They didn't have to take a hit off of the economic crack pipe, but they did. They didn't "have" to do the stupid things, and participate in the corrupt banking and securitization scam that we did... but they did... unfortunately.
Mastodon. "Crack the Skye".
Keith, I went searching for a chicken wing recipe for you and didn't know which one to pick! I just cut em up, fry them in really hot oil 'till they float and get a little crispy, put melted butter with texas pete in a bowl and just mix it all up (Bob's Tonawanda, NY recipe)
• Original Buffalo Wings I
• Engine-Revving Chicken Wings (Baked)
• Original Buffalo Wings II
• Craig Claiborne's Copycat Buffalo Wings
• Crockpot Cajun Buffalo Wings
• Burning Belly Buffalo Wings
• Recipe Cottage Wing Sauce
• Low Carb Luxury Buffalo Wings
• Southwest Buffalo Wings
• Shake n' Bake Buffalo Wings
• Buffalo Wings like Hooter's¨
• Jake's Buffalo Wings
• Judith's Buffalo Wings
• Tyson Buffalo Hot Wings
• Grilled Buffalo Wings
• Fiery Buffalo Wings
• Lipton Buffalo Wings
• Vegan Buffalo Wing Dings
Other Chicken Wing Recipes
• Baked Honey Mustard Garlic Drumettes
• Barbecued Tex-Mex Wings
• Basic Fowl Giblet Gravy
• Bourbon Chicken
• Chicken Broth from Wings
• Chicken Wings Pacifica
• Giblet Gravy
• Grilled Satay Chicken Wings
• Key Lime Barbecue Chicken Wings
• Lemonade Chicken Wings
• Margarita Wings
• Peanut Butter Chicken Wings
• Raspberry Chipotle Chicken Wings
• Roasted Spicy Apricot Wings
• Sticky Red Wings
• Teriyaki Chicken Wings
• Chinese Chicken Wings
• Crockpot Chicken Wings In BBQ Sauce
• Chafing Dish Chicken Wings
• Crunchy Pretzel Chicken Wings
• Dijon Chicken Drummettes
• Italian Style Chicken Wings
• Mediterranean Picnic Drummettes
• Party Microwave Chicken Wings
• Peanutty Asian Chicken Wings
• Dr. Don's Hot Honey Bbq Sauce
• Grill Chicken Wing Chile
• Lacquered Chicken Wings
• Chinese Chicken Wings I
• Lemon Flavored Chicken Wings
• Taco Chip Chicken Wings
• Malaysian Barbecue Chicken Wings
• Sweet and Gooey Chicken Wings
• Mahogany-Glazed Chicken Wings
• Asian-Style Chicken Wings
• Thai Style Peanut Chicken Wings
• Oriental Raspberry Chicken Wings
• Pepper and Salt Chicken Wings
• Burn-Your-Fingers Chicken Wings
• Kansas Flightless Chicken Wings
• Molasses Glazed Chicken Wings
• Chicken Wings in Oyster Sauce
• Baked Sesame Chicken Wings
• T.G.I. Friday's Jack Daniels Wings
• Broiled Mustard Chicken Wings
• Jerk Chicken Wings
• Mexican Chicken Wings
• Bandito Chicken Wings
• Party Chicken Wings
• Parmesan Wings
• Bombay Chicken Wings
• Nutty Chicken Wings
• Crockpot Chicken Wings
• Cola Chicken Wings
• Stuffed Chicken Wings
• Deviled Chicken Wings
• Dijon Chicken Wings
• Dole Lemon Chicken Wings
• Tea-Smoked Chicken Wings
• Firecracker Chicken Wings
• Apricot Garlic Chicken Wings
• Honey Garlic Chicken Wings
• ESPN Club Chicken Wings
• Peking Chicken Wings
• Garlic Chicken Wings
• Tequila Chicken Wings
• Drunken Chicken Wings
• Bombay Chicken Wings
• Japanese Chicken Wings
• Crusty Chicken Wings
• Nipponese Chicken Wings
• Bronzed Chicken Wings
• African Chicken Wings
• Flying Chicken Wings
• Curried Chicken Wings
• Braised Chicken Wings
• Aloha Chicken Wings
Oh, another one: most movies. Like, no way can any other country produce and skillfully pull off the tractor-trailer scene in 'Dark Knight'. Not yet, anyway. Totally awesome.
Deep Dish Pizza --- Gino's East in Chicago (not the chain 'Pizzeria Uno')
Southwest Chicken --- Key ingredient, the Chipotle sauce (herb based & both smoky dried pepper and tomato extracts) and moist Chicken
New England Clam Chowder --- Legal Seafoods (and like)
Louisiana Cajun cooking, like Andouille Sausage w/ Gumbo, but only in New Orleans, not some Tex-Mex place in other states.
All other American foods are generic burgers/fries or flatbread or Pan (the Hut) pizza; it doesn't matter if you throw some bacon or prosciutto on it.
Agree on football.
The footie over here is a bunch of poofs faking like girls so they can draw that penalty in their 0-0 game
I used to like soccer. But not the crap they're playing now. Bunch of girlie men.
Now rugby, that's OK by me. But still nowhere near NFL.
On Bagels - only from NYC. It's the water.
On Ginos on Rush - my initials are carved there. But I like Papa Passeros on the west side better. Think crust, cut in squares.
And why don't they have Mexican food over here yet, I'll never understand.
Someone want to make some $$$? Open a sports pub / chicken wing / mexican food place here. Hundreds of pubs are closing every year, so you have your choice of location.
America can still do some things better than all others.
Even though the movies lately have been for crap.
I have just had a vision of the future: "Mozilo's Qwik-Wings", as the new "Starbucks". One on every corner. And that big, orange, face, on every sign...
I think you got it backwards
Europe f@cked the world
It was Eurotard thinking and ideas that came along with the age of information that has brought the world down to its level.
but it wont last forever.
The world will rise again.
Europe will never recover.
Also; We have the best hot dogs bar non.
No place like Katz's Deli.
Thee biggest best
'Kosher Pastrami on Rye' sandwich
on this planet...
We are the champions! Of...
Income Redistribution (AWAY from the poor)
Liar Politicians (We are the party of small government!)
Head-in-sand denial
last but not least...
Arming every moron who can sigh his/her name
Fark your silly American football. (And soccer and rugby and Irish code, etc.) I grew up watching the NFL, and I even remember the AFL, when the Super Bowl was a true battle between actual leagues. I used to think American gridiron was manly.
Then I saw the REAL action sport, Australian Rules Football. Non-stop action, none of this "Crash into each other then stop for 5 minutes while the players line up again and the TV shows commercials for chicken wings" bullshit. Lots of hitting and kicking and jumping on a great big field. I haven't figured ut the rules after three years of watching it, but it sure looks cool.
Heavy Metal and Rap and every flavor in between.
The largest variety of music and melodies...
America does music and movies best until the 1st Amendment goes
Muscle cars!!!
Hmmm... Let's see
We have the best
Porn....yea yea...Germans are good too :)
Defense projects, and I'm talking about the great ones: Stealth, Carriers, and of course UAVs. Not to mention the best armed forces.
The best selection of foods
The best Movies, TV Shows, Books...etc
The best Tech Development: Windows, Mac OS, Solaris, and Processors development.
Did I mention Girl Scoout Cookies???
Wadda we do best?
You had to ask?
We BLOW SH!T up. Like nobody else.
Television, especially news/porn like Nancy Grace and Jerry Springer and Maury Povich. And Oprah. Yeah, we do Oprah real good.
MSG is an American's best friend.
Makes everything flavorful.
Fried chicken is another thing America does best.
The American mouth denuding every living thing on earth.
America still has the best porn and prisons...
eating disorders
I always miss In and Out Burgers when I am in Zurich, and I do admit that I have a soft spot for Las Vegas (although can only take it for 3 days. . .kind of like eating too much candy).
- Corvettes . . .a great car with a middle class price
- American movies are still pretty good, but Transporter I showed the world that Europe can make a great action movie.
- Agree - football and sports bars . . .the best
- Marines and Navy Seals (we don't have to invade Iraq, but if we need them to defend the country - the best)
- Strip Joints on the Interstate (kind of kidding here, but every town has a Bada Bing)
My wife who lived in londan for several years said they'd have taco night at the pubs. but it was like the tacos your mom made in the seventies. lol
How about some corn on the cob, salmon, burgers, peach cobbler, vanilla ice cream and apple pie with those wings, pal?
Casual clothes.
Helping out in an emergency.
Skate punks. Dog rescue.
I think what is good about America, is that you brought the subject up.
I love you, Keith. You sound like the coolest guy on earth: amazing wit, irony and analysis. I'm serious. And to any of the asses on this blog that will make fun of me for writing that, F-U.
Anyway, I would love to have chicken wings and a cold brewski with you one day when you are back stateside.
America rules in the following segments of life: 1) Our grocery stores- ever been to a foreign grocery store? You cant even compare them to the size of ours 2) We have a better selection of women than the majority of other countries (save for Brazil, Czech, and a few others). We often get the best of the best to live out here 3) Bar-B-Ques, Cookouts, picnics rock here 4) Our comedy is 1000% better than stale ass British comedy where someone chases another person with an open umbrella with a fast paced song in the background. 5) We are better at stealing another countries idea and blowing it up to a grander scale (American Idol as a prime example).
There are Mexican places in Europe, you just have to look for them. I had some decent Mexican food while living in Poland last year. They certainly have it in London and I am certain in other places as well.
There is a place in metro Phoenix called Long Wongs. I like to go there and buy plain wings and add the sauce myself. It reminds me of home which is Niagara Falls. I tumble them in the ORIGINAL sauce from FRANKS HOT SAUCE not the Buffalo Wing sauce. Just the original. AWESOME.
Stuffed Green Peppers are the all American BEST . though.
You are right , Keith. Soccer has gone downhill. The last World Cup was just that , a bunch of guys acting like girlie men laying on their back holding their shin in agony pretending to be hurt just to be pussies.
keith said...
"Agree on football.
The footie over here is a bunch of poofs faking like girls so they can draw that penalty in their 0-0 game"
Oh perlease, any NFL team playing rugby league would get bitch slapped up and down the pitch by any amature league side.
Best wings in North America can be found at Buff's Pub in Newton, MA. I've had a lot of wings in my life and these are, hands down, the best ever.
American pizza and hamburgers can't be beat either.
As for "real things" that we make that are better than anywhere else in the world, I'm not sure we have any other than the iPod. We do have some great vacation spots, are a powerhouse in movies, and innovators in pop music and dancing which has been adopted throughout the world. We also make some of the best construction equipment (Caterpillar), and of course, planes (Boeing). Software and the Internet are also areas we excel in but they are mature or non-profitable (social networking specifcally). We are also leaders in biotech, agriculture and "franken foods".
What America does best? Porn.
America makes the most federal reserve notes.
It makes the best movies, music, sports, and entertainment.
It makes the best airplanes(Boeing).
It almost always invents the newest and best tech.
It makes the best heavy equipment (Cat). It makes the best, most capable trucks and buses.
It has the strongest, best equipped, and best trained military in the world. We ought to sell military services to the world, but bush pissed away our goodwill around the world with Iraq.
America has some of the best food and exports restaurants around the world.
It exports the most oil and gas machinery and services.
It invents and exports the most "green" tech that reduces, prevents, or cleans up pollution.
It "exports" college educations. People from all over the world come to study at our universities.
If you think about it, the US still does a lot of stuff. It's just that the whole world has been subsidizing our consumption for a very long time because of the reserve status the dollar has. Once the dollar collapses, US exports will become even more competitive than they already are.
Once there's a better currency, america's "real" economy will improve. Maybe the benefits of its productivity will go towards the producers and not the banksters and government. Well, I can dream, can't I?
Blogger Mitesh Damania said...
What dooes America do best? EAT! ANYTHING and EVERYTHING! ALL KINDS OF CRAP!
March 27, 2009 9:56 PM<<<
oh, my. listen to the illegal alien dothead....
Three-Card Monte.
Even when the rubes know they're being swindled, they can't tear themselves away.
We may rob you blind, but we do it with panache.
Pumpkin Pie!
What America had better was a Constitution that was the blueprint for freedom .
Corporate America and all the other Power Players tried to enslave the Great Majority in America ,and they were to stupid
and evil to know that they could destroy themselves in the process and destroy America with them .
With a greed that knew no bounds ,the greed machine took over ,like no miltary power could ,and they invaded into all of life .
The nuts at the helm will kill all
that was good and all that was great as freedom is stolen and the
Constitution protections gave way
to the new highest principal of rescue of the quilty ,
It would of been better has we let all money systems fail and all Companies BK rather than give up
the principals that made America
strong .
It would be the same as giving up the heart of someone in order to save the toe ,and they die .
We also have good hot dogs in America .
If only John "fundamentals of economy are strong" McCain had won. He would remind us that we are the world champions of lying and cheating.
His economic advisor Phil Gramm, besides calling critics "whiners", is vice-chairman of Swiss bank/tax cheat UBS.
This is the part where we hear about how honest conservatives are and how much taxes they pay.
Bonus points for hiding diamonds in toothpaste.
Should've hired Jeff Gannon to ass-mule them; he could use a real job.
America has a lot of amazing things: Basketball, Jazz, Bagels, enthusiasm, the best actors and films ever made (Merril Streep, Robert De Niro, Paul Newman, Clint Eastwood, Steve McQueen, Al Pacino, Denzel Washington etc, etc), NFL (I just don't get the soccer thing either...we play rugby here and a player will run through brick walls of men and these pansies fall over as soon as they get looked at). Anyway where were we...NASA and space exploration! (BTW everyone should check out the latest Mars pictures..v cool). I grew up on NASA and it's space missions..and I live in the middle of the Pacific. You can't beat the footage of the Saturn V taking off.
There's so many great things that America has done.....but the FIRE economy and it's global spawn is not one of them. There's a real disconnect between these self serving parasites and the America the world once looked at as a great nation of vibrancy, diversity and invention. The real America needs to put them back to some honest work. They've sucked the world into thinking they're important and no one can do without them while they bleed the system dry.
Trust me, they (try to) do mexican in Europe, but it ain't mexican. And I don't think in all these years I've ever seen a mexican person in europe - not even as a tourist. odd.
So, if there are any mexican readers, or if you know a mexican person, give 'em a tip
Get out of America. There won't be any jobs for them for years. Tell 'em to move to europe and open a chain of taquerias. Quick. The drunk brits will love it. Me too.
Now, best deli - zingermans in ann arbor. Best wings are at coppers on bell in Phoenix. Best cheerleaders are the phoenix suns for basketball and tampa bay for nfl. If they added cheerleaders to soccer games here I might go. Might.
Oh, and that American Idol is actually a pretty entertaining show. Better than Bulgarian Idol I'd say
America makes the best Honda Accord!
Mitesh, if you hate America why dont you go back to your own country? oh, right, i forgot, thats a third world hellhole and you enjoy every living second in America, the country that welcomed you with open arms.
Mitesh, if you hate America why dont you go back to your own country? oh, right, i forgot, thats a third world hellhole and you enjoy every living second in America, the country that welcomed you with open arms.
I don't hate America. Criticism is not hate. I am critical of things I care about, else I wouldn't care and say nothing.
Regardless of where I am or will be I will always be criticizing. But it shouldn't be taken as a negative thing.
Anyways, this country does have a problem with low quality, unhealthy food that's been altered. When I go to India, the food tastes competely different. It actually has flavor. It's also fresher thanks to lack of fridges. Who would've though no refrigerator would be a good thing? Since I know what I know, I am in total comtempt of MNCs who've destroyed this country's food supply.
I know other people criticise to demean someone or something, but I criticize in hopes of improvement.
I'll leave you with that to think about...
You are are outed Keith. You are not in the US as you stated you miss chicken wings. Are you ashamed of your support for Obbaaammmmyyyy. Do you tell the euros he exites you? Just askin. Are you embarrased?
Anonymous The Dude said...
Mitesh, if you hate America why dont you go back to your own country? oh, right, i forgot, thats a third world hellhole and you enjoy every living second in America, the country that welcomed you with open arms.
March 28, 2009 11:02 AM<<<
the only way they will go back is if they are made to go back. this immigration to the united states was done in order to weaken the social fabric of the united states. in times of stress, different races, pull in different directions, because each race has its own agenda. when a country is made up of mostly one race of people like this country used to be, then that country is much stronger as the people of that country think and move in one direction when the times get bad. you take a look in the prisons of this country. the races do not mix. why is that? simple. it is real life sans all the political correct bs and all of the social engineering. these indians, hang out with their own people and form indian communities here in the states. all of these asians who have immigrated here do the same thing. they all have no idea of what this country is really all about. they all look at it, as some kind of cherry tree and they are here to pick the cherries and make as much money by hook or by crook that they can. for me, in the coming revolution, the crooked ways will be made straight on this issue. take that anyway you want to take it, it matters not to me. this is my land, not theirs. this is my country. not theirs. there are many who feel the way i do and will in times of no law, as in the days of troubles that are coming, will make movements to deal with these social issues, as only a angry white males can do.....this is my land from sea to shining sea. so now we must deal with racial issues first, and this is planned of course. so while we are fighting for our country against foreign invaders, the people who are really truely responsible for all of this damage to my country can sit out round one and watch and see what happens and bet on the outcome. this they have done for 2000 years. maybe this time, they will crap out...perhaps this sort of talk may make you cringe keith, but it is true and it is real. i know this is talked about in England with all of the stupid idiotic unnecessary immigration of foreigners to england and also may i say , this too was done on purpose as it is in europe. the problem is this. if the white race does not come together and defend itself and its integrity, we will be extinct in 50 years. and this too is being done on purpose. believe it or not.
I'm outed? for what?
Man, some people are weird
And f*ck I could really use a plate of good buffalo wings right now. And some chips and salsa. And a corona light. And espn.
Anyone been to buffalo wild wings? Now THAT'S a place that would do good over here.
on come on keith, chicken wings? give me a break. whatsa matter? lost your taste for fish and chips? ha ha ha
In my old company I tranferred a few Mexican colleagues from Juarez to Brussels, I could look them up and ask them where the best Mexican food is in Europe.... they never complained about the food!
I've been around the world like many of you and can confirm that the US has the following locked down:
1. Cheapest cars in the world. Because of the high mass market, extreme competition and relatively low auto taxes. Cars in the US are less than half price what they are in Singapore. In Thailand pickups are the cheapest vehicle and they are only just above US prices. Imported cars are 300% more expensive.
2. Cheap consumer goods- the US is fantastic for very cheap wholesale clearances. Also the return policy is very generous. In Thailand the standard policy is no refunds. If you take it home and it's defective tough shit- your problem. So everyone closely examines any merchandise and plugs it in to test it before leaving the store.
3. Big houses on big lots (except in the Western states- take East Coast and Midwest)- the US has the biggest sprawling suburban houses. One acre of land per house in my parent's subdivision.... very, very uncommon in most parts of the world.
4. The US has an awesome selection of vegetarian food (I'm a vegetarian) provided you are on either of the coasts or in the big cities in the mid-west. Whole Foods, Trader Joes... really good stuff that I missed when I left the US.
Sorry, not much talk about chicken wings but my own honest observations.
didnt mean to start a race war in here but immigration is definitively another hot topic. as others have pointed out immigration was a way for large corportations to "insource" jobs to cheaper labor (especially in IT). illegals kept labor costs down ever further but of course the community of tax payer had to pay for their healthcare et al. politicians like to talk about diversity but how about some unity for a change. immigrants coming here and americanize, how about that? europe is having the same trouble with "entitled" immigrants that are faced with a culture of defeatism and anti-patriotism. somehow they feel superior to the population. time for some un-PC talk about this.
And I don't think in all these years I've ever seen a mexican person in europe - not even as a tourist. odd.
there is a whole bunch of mexican speaking people down there in spain.
Anyway, I would love to have chicken wings and a cold brewski with you one day when you are back stateside.
i think he likes you, Keith.
God...well, he used to be
Spirit of being the best!
Guns.....Huge part of our history
Chicago pizza
Philly cheesesteak
Football.....piss on soccer
Muscle cars
Hot chicks showin some skin
Big Fake T*ts
Country music
Chicks line dancing in daisy dukes!
Cold beer
Illegal aliens
America feeds this world
Saved the world during WWII
Best medical care anywhere
Bankrolls other countries(changing)
Disaster Aide, flood, hurricane, typhoon, earthquake.....
Leader in Technology...evryone else just followed
Drove a car and a Titleist on the moon!
We are what others strive to be!
No matter how they try they'll never get it...It's that spirit mentioned above!
Forward thinking (tech)
Backward looking (to a more simpler time)
Biggest producer of Democrats and Assholes (redundant I know)
Global warming Farce originator!
Global warming = Washington Hot air
So cry me a river
We are still the Best
God Blessed
Country on earth!
Top that!
NO GAS!!!!
A $7,500 TAX CREDIT!!!!
I'M DOWN!!!!
Just looking at this picture of a plate of wings is killing me.
I'm thinking about removing it from the site.
It's probably like showing a cocaine addict a picture of cocaine.
I need buffalo wings and I need them NOW.
Come one, someone open a chain of wing places over here. Please?
the only way they will go back is if they are made to go back. this immigration to the united states was done in order to weaken the social fabric of the united states. in times of stress, different races, pull in different directions, because each race has its own agenda. when a country is made up of mostly one race of people like this country used to be, then that country is much stronger as the people of that country think and move in one direction when the times get bad. you take a look in the prisons of this country. the races do not mix. why is that? simple. it is real life sans all the political correct bs and all of the social engineering. these indians, hang out with their own people and form indian communities here in the states. all of these asians who have immigrated here do the same thing. they all have no idea of what this country is really all about. they all look at it, as some kind of cherry tree and they are here to pick the cherries and make as much money by hook or by crook that they can. for me, in the coming revolution, the crooked ways will be made straight on this issue. take that anyway you want to take it, it matters not to me. this is my land, not theirs. this is my country. not theirs. there are many who feel the way i do and will in times of no law, as in the days of troubles that are coming, will make movements to deal with these social issues, as only a angry white males can do.....this is my land from sea to shining sea. so now we must deal with racial issues first, and this is planned of course. so while we are fighting for our country against foreign invaders, the people who are really truely responsible for all of this damage to my country can sit out round one and watch and see what happens and bet on the outcome. this they have done for 2000 years. maybe this time, they will crap out...perhaps this sort of talk may make you cringe keith, but it is true and it is real. i know this is talked about in England with all of the stupid idiotic unnecessary immigration of foreigners to england and also may i say , this too was done on purpose as it is in europe. the problem is this. if the white race does not come together and defend itself and its integrity, we will be extinct in 50 years. and this too is being done on purpose. believe it or not.
And so the racist whitey is superior in all ways finally comes out!!! If you talk like this in public prepare to be punched out dude. You are not superior to anyone else.
It is individuals like you that divide and weaken society. It is people like you who take from society and don't give.
And those greedy people. It's not a race thing. It's an individual thing and there's a lot of whiteys that hang in their own clicks and are greedier than anyone else out there. And yes there's a lot from other races too. And it's all the time, not just in times of stress.
Make sure you throw all the white people that destroyed this country that worked for Goldman Sachs, The Fed, JP Morgan, the Bushes, Clintons, etc. Who exactly votes for these people anyways? If you're going to have a criteria, you should try basing it on something other than race.
But I'm glad you see everything in terms of race.
I'm outed? for what?
Man, some people are weird
And f*ck I could really use a plate of good buffalo wings right now. And some chips and salsa. And a corona light. And espn.
You have worshopped Obamma from day one knowing he would destroy the US. Many have questioned your coolade descisions. The only wierd one is you. My point was simple. You believe somehow you will not be damaged by Obbammmyy or you would not worshop him. (self preservation) Hey no wings in Europe thats tough.
To "The Dude"- Fuck you, you say this is your country from sea to shining sea and all others need to leave. What about people like me? I am Korean, born here and did ten years with the Navy.
Talk like that in public. I dare you. I freaking dare you! You will get your ass handed to you. I remember one time I went to a mall and three white kids pushed me and beat me for the single fact that "I was a dirty chink". Well I knew where they lived and got two of my own friends and whopped their ass and yes, it felt good.
I feel sorry for you because you like a lot of white KKK members, you are at the bottom of the social strata. And you have no one to blame for your condition but yourself. So you make excuses, you blame others; other people who don't look like you. My advice to you is to take responsibility for your life, to better it with your own goals and plans. But you are not willing to do that; you would rather blame non-white people for your troubles because it is easy to do.
Well, food, the USA does food best. We have the most variety, the most delicious of most dishes, the most innovative variations, and the best restaurants. But also the worst junk food, fast food, over sized portions, most sugar and additives and hence the fatest people. We do fat people best and disdain them the most. On the flip side of that, there are available beautiful little locally owned, organic, grown local, grocery stores like the Green Grocer in Oregon City.
The other thing that America does best is recycling. However, we really need to concentrate on reducing consumption, wearing it out and using it over and doing without.
And so the racist whitey is superior in all ways finally comes out!!! If you talk like this in public prepare to be punched out dude. You are not superior to anyone else.
I have news for for you my third world freind. Whitey is talking like this in PUBLIC and that includes me. Try to punch my ass or anyones ass I know and you may get your first introduction to a REAL American. You are a true racist. The first to threaten violence. Very third world. I can't wait until you true racists experience some real pushback.
The ONLY 3 growth industries left in Turd World Bannana-Republic America:
Oh and one more, stupid people, ex: GW Bushco
Fuck America. a True POS.
Anonymous The Duder said...
didnt mean to start a race war in here but immigration is definitively another hot topic. as others have pointed out immigration was a way for large corportations to "insource" jobs to cheaper labor (especially in IT). illegals kept labor costs down ever further but of course the community of tax payer had to pay for their healthcare et al. politicians like to talk about diversity but how about some unity for a change. immigrants coming here and americanize, how about that? europe is having the same trouble with "entitled" immigrants that are faced with a culture of defeatism and anti-patriotism. somehow they feel superior to the population. time for some un-PC talk about this.
March 28, 2009 4:51 PM<<<
tell you what Dude, I get sick of hearing some Indian guy on the phone trying to speak English, trying to tell me how to fix my computer or telling me I am late on my credit card payment.
You have worshopped Obamma from day one knowing he would destroy the US. Many have questioned your coolade descisions. The only wierd one is you. My point was simple. You believe somehow you will not be damaged by Obbammmyy or you would not worshop him. (self preservation) Hey no wings in Europe thats tough.
March 28, 2009 5:36 PM
Shore yo're right. Shore yo're right!
I have news for for you my third world freind. Whitey is talking like this in PUBLIC and that includes me. Try to punch my ass or anyones ass I know and you may get your first introduction to a REAL American. You are a true racist. The first to threaten violence. Very third world. I can't wait until you true racists experience some real pushback.
March 28, 2009 7:10 PM<<<
you are very correct. this is coming. unfortunately this will probably happen in spades but people like Mitesh are not really bad people. But he simply does not know what is really going on in this world and that he is being used as a racial battering ram against the societal fabric of the united states. think about it. what if 3 million white guys immigrated to india and started trying to mingle and attempting to change the social fabric of their country. imagine what would happen. those people riot over there all the time and such a scenerio would be no different. there would be blood in the streets , if the white immigrants attempted to change thousands of years of indian traditions. so now they come here illegally and then somehow they become citizens and they attempt to blend in but at the same time they don't coelesce. they remain what they were. for the longest time, when people immigrated to this country, they wanted to become what was known as americans. this is what they truely wanted. but this new bunch. they want racial separation. they want to keep their indigenous social traditions such as religion and they hide behind the liberal marxist communistic philosophies of some in our government who work against the united states. this would include diversity is good, and other silly political correct attitudes that have been thrust upon us. yes keith, there are many out here in the void who see what is happening and know why it is happening and know what is really going on. so for now we wait. but the anger is growing. the asian problem is a small one. the main problem is the mexicans. they are the ones with the vicious drug gangs who have infested our cities and our towns. it is they who i hold in the most contempt. such a shame really. all our government had to do was to do its job and look out for us, which is what it constitutionally is supposed to do. but they did not do their jobs and we as american citizens have slept long and hard and now we are waking up to a new paridigm in this country and frankly i for one don't like it. if something is not done and very soon, this country is done for. there is no doubt about it. it will self distruct into pieces and this is a good thing for the one world government types who perhaps want this. small pieces of a country are easier to control than one big one. mitesh, you can say what you want. but it all boils down to race and it always has. i say again. look at a prison show on talmud vision sometime and watch our the races behave in there. there is no mingling. there is no cooperation. this is ther real world. not some social experiment by a out of control illegal and immoral government. take the border situation for instance. does anyone know why the border was neglected while millions of illegal aliens crossed into this country? why was that? why did that happen? why do they bring africans here to work in our tyson chicken factories? etc etc etc etc. bringing people of a non european mix into this country is destructive and counter productive to my country. case closed. take japan for instance. is it not true that the japanese look down on immigration to their country from anyone that is not japanese? think about it. they know that it would be destructive to them as a nation. so they try and stop it. but the politically correct united nations mandates are attempting to change this and japan will suffer for it, just as we are and have .
Oh boy, the racism is really coming out now. It's going to the 1960s in the South all over again. It never stopped at the dinner table did it?
Scapegoating is all you know. There's absolutely no intellectualism to analyze the situation and see who the real enemy is. You will never figure it out, hence you will always be reamed in the backside. Should one feel sorry for people like you?
People never got out of the trees. They never really wanted to.
keith, if you ever come back to the US (NYC way), I would love to take you out for some wings and have you on my radio show.
in the meantime, can i suggest the crayfish and rocket sandwiches at pret a manger to you? for some reason, they are my favorite food when in the uk.
and racist squabblers, come on, stfu already with the tuff guy stuff.
Hey Mitesh -- I don't agree with you all the time, but you're spot-on about the idiot racist who's posting on this thread. Especially his rambling about "What if 3 million white Americans went to India?" That know-nothing has no idea about how many cultures, religions, languages, skin colours and castes there are in India. 3 million whiteys (like the Brits, eh?) would just be another group in a huge nation of groups, nothing revolutionary. Racists have NO IDEA how complex the world is, because they have never traveled and have small minds.
"what if 3 million white guys immigrated to india and started trying to mingle and attempting to change the social fabric of their country. imagine what would happen. those people riot over there all the time and such a scenerio would be no different. there would be blood in the streets , if the white immigrants attempted to change thousands of years of indian traditions."
BTW, this did occur... the first wave of whiteys were the Ancient Aryans (circa 1200 BC), the next were the Bactrians (half Persian/half Greek), the following were the Kushans (Sarmatians, i.e. Slavic-Persians), and finally, the Moghuls (the Turkmen) before the arrival of Britain. These so-called invaders were generally assimilated into the subcontinent, however, some of the fairer skinned ones developed a racial superiority complex over others. Today, this is known as an Indo-Aryan complex where they see themselves as racially superior to the southern provinces who're more Dravidian.
India, in fact, is suffering from being the odd man out in Asia as they're discriminated against in east Asian societies (Burma, Singapore, China, etc) but also, from their Slavic, Arabic, and Persian neighbors who're Mediterranean "white" a/o middle eastern.
Likewise, the American born Korean should look at the fate of Koreans born in Japan. None of them are allowed to carry Japanese passports, how humiliating is that? The same goes for any of the other Asian societies except for Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia, which are more genuine melting pots despite their animosity towards pure ethnic Chinese businessmen.
So with the above as a drop back, I ask this... is America really a racist society? I think not. In general, it requires people to forget about their ancestors' homelands (unless that country happens to be in the British Isles) and be Americanized. Think about it, how many of our caucasian politicians wave a flag of some eastern European ancestor in Moldavia or the USSR? Simple, they don't... they're practically no different than anyone whose ancestors had arrived on the Mayflower provided they have some money and connections. And for east Asians, there's a type of Hawaiian 'assimilation' thing going on and for South Asian Indians, a type of Caribbean or Creole-ness characteristic vs let's say a diasporic existence. Really, diasporas don't work long term. It makes the children and grandchildren feel like foreigners in their own land.
All you A**holes are going to have realize that this ain't Bush's baby anymore!
Obama is now H N I C!
This Afghani war is Obamas baby!
Anony-mouse 8:48pm.
You are talking some major bullshit there, my friend.
India is one of the most tolerant countries in the world. A true democracy and accomodating to every religion, creed, and color. You could drop 1 or 2 million whiteys there and they would amount to a rounding error within the population.
Good luck staying though- the crush of humanity is very great throughout India. Get used to traffic from hell, and queueing is a part of everyday life.
As for the US, hasn't the ethos of the US been a melting pot since I grew up in the 70's, has this changed now? I was just on Ellis Island last year and pretty much the same message was repeated.
So what is the problem with immigrants, exactly? The US was built on generations of immigrants, many from different sections of Europe throughout the 1900's. The only indigenous people of America are the Red Indians, who are in fact, Asian by descent. So isn't it ironic that the White people from Europe that kicked out, killed, and prosecuted the Red Indians who came from Asia are now threatened by another generation of South Asian Indians...? It's pretty f
*cking funny, isn't it?
Isn't it a**hole?
To the racist guy with the 3 million white people moving to India - actually they did back in the day... it was an expansionist period and a bunch of countries sent millions of white people to India and Pakistan, and all those countries in there and they held them for quite a while controlling pretty much everything. Might want to check it out, there is also this guy Ghandi, that got rid of all the whites and didn't even had to kill em or ship em. He was so cool they just packed and left it all to him.
But on another hand I can see the flair of Hitler and Saddam. One disliked the Jews, the other the Kurds... pretty nice hangings. Or the Turks... 100 years later still haunting them.
So hit them books 'cause the two backyard meetings of kkk ain't cutting it.
Mitesh, how about you admit that the country you came from is inferior to the United States? that would really increase your credibility.
Dear Mitesh,
I want to offer you my support. I apologize for all the white American idiots on this blog who have expressed some awful things towards you. I am white female & American and I am truly ashamed of what some have just written in this comment stream. The Dude can shut the fuck up and blow himself. White men are exceptionally evil. I know this thread only represents a small percentage of ignorant fucks but it scares the hell out of me. I wish I were insane b/c i would blow their heads off and kill their wives and children. Go to hell. There is no true intellectual power in this country among the masses.
America is not the greatest country or culture in the world. It has always been a conglomeration of all cultures, of all countries. If immigration dies out in this country, hold on to your fucking hats b/c this country will fall and fall hard. It will be over. And all you pasty white guys will perish or be slaves to the brown skin guy. I would pay to see that happen.
Blogger Bukko_in_Australia said...
Hey Mitesh -- I don't agree with you all the time, but you're spot-on about the idiot racist who's posting on this thread. Especially his rambling about "What if 3 million white Americans went to India?" That know-nothing has no idea about how many cultures, religions, languages, skin colours and castes there are in India. 3 million whiteys (like the Brits, eh?) would just be another group in a huge nation of groups, nothing revolutionary. Racists have NO IDEA how complex the world is, because they have never traveled and have small minds.
March 29, 2009 2:09 AM<<<
ok mate, point taken. but let us examine the idea of 3 million whiteys going to India for a minute. Ok , let's say that happens and then they set up their own area of town, oh say, in ah, how about New Delhi. Ok what would happen if some of the religious members of the whitey community started setting up little churches on each street corner and whitey street preachers starting preaching with bullhorns that Hinduism is a cult and that Hare Krishna was a complete idiot? what would happen then do you suppose old chap? Ok what would happen, if some of the younger white boys started busting moves on some of the dothead chicks and kissing them and making out in public over thar? Or what would happen if some of the lower life whiteys started opening up tiddy bars and under aged drinking establishments in New Delhi and started growing weed in their back yards to sell to some of the Indian ankle biters and producing meth and crack for the hommies in the New Delhi hoods? what would happen then? no worries mate?
The weapon of racism is the preferred weapon of choice in the marxists arsonal. To my friend they are attacking as a racist, they have lost. Speak out as many are now doing. Remember they and their masters wish to destroy and enslave the American people. They have to destroy our anglo christain culture. Dumb fucking thugs. They and their masters have awakened a sleeping giant. If you doubt me Mitesh, Bukko and the rest of you socialist thugs watch the racist's in cheif pole numbers. They are collasping faster than the global (nwo) economy. You feel empowered, what a joke.
Anonymous BG said...
Dear Mitesh,
I want to offer you my support. I apologize for all the white American idiots on this blog who have expressed some awful things towards you. I am white female & American and I am truly ashamed of what some have just written in this comment stream. The Dude can shut the fuck up and blow himself. White men are exceptionally evil. I know this thread only represents a small percentage of ignorant fucks but it scares the hell out of me. I wish I were insane b/c i would blow their heads off and kill their wives and children. Go to hell. There is no true intellectual power in this country among the masses.
America is not the greatest country or culture in the world. It has always been a conglomeration of all cultures, of all countries. If immigration dies out in this country, hold on to your fucking hats b/c this country will fall and fall hard. It will be over. And all you pasty white guys will perish or be slaves to the brown skin guy. I would pay to see that happen.
March 29, 2009 4:52 PM<<<
politically correct marxism at its finest and she doesn't even know it. this is the kind of crap that our marxist government schools teach. there is strength in diversity. diversity is good. multi culturalism is good. and on and on it goes. i don't know who you are apologizing for. i wish to pursue this cultural racial issue in a open and intellectual way. for this i am called hitler and a nazi and a member of the klan. so you see how it is when someone dares to ask , why is it so bad to be pro white ? why is that? i have a little secret for you. when the stuff hits the fan here in the states and it will soon enough, people will gravitate to their own kind, mark my words. this country will end up over time as a series of walled communities with war lords overseeing a area of land they call their own little countries. the balkanization of the united states is well under way and you sit there apologizing to this man who came here illegally and now because clinton gave him his citizenship , he, now is one of us. like i said, i don't have a problem with the asians more or less at this time, the real problem is the 40 million plus illegal alien mexicans who flood across my southern border and are not stopped. then we bring africans here to work. then we have chinese sneaking in on freighters. there is no such thing as equality. there is difference however and there is nothing wrong with differences. this is my land from sea to shining sea. if i want to see indians, i should go to india. if i want to see mexicans, i should go to mexico. if i want to see vietnamese, i should go to vietnam. and on and on it goes. this joining of the races will not work and the ones that made this happen know full well that this is the case. this is not just happening here but in europe in historically white countries of old and new europe and in australia and in England. I am surprised it has not happened to Iceland but maybe they are very picky about who comes there and besides their economy is in shambles anyway and they would not sit still for illegal immigrants. so now you see, keith, bubbling just under the surface is the subject of race. racial discussion has been pushed aside because everyone was it seemed, doing pretty good in this bubble of the fire economy. but now as the stuff hits the fan, old whitey, long shit on and screwed is starting to wake up to what has and is happening to him. this nation was historically a white nation. the blacks were brought here by the jews to sell as slaves to rich white and black plantation owners and others who needed slaves but they were expensive. did i say black slave owners? yes there was a such a thing believe it or not. did i say jewish slave ships? yes all the slave ships and all of the slaves were sold by jews who were heavily into the slave trade. but of course this little fact is somewhat swept under the proverbial rug. and of course let us not forget white slavery which was very prominent in this country. so excuse me if i am angry white male. i am tired of being screwed. i am tired of having to back up all the time while my culture and everything i hold dear is destroyed. i am sick of cultural marxism. i love my country and no other. i love my race and no other. this will be my land again, make no mistake about it. let it be written.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The weapon of racism is the preferred weapon of choice in the marxists arsonal. To my friend they are attacking as a racist, they have lost. Speak out as many are now doing. Remember they and their masters wish to destroy and enslave the American people. They have to destroy our anglo christain culture. Dumb fucking thugs. They and their masters have awakened a sleeping giant. If you doubt me Mitesh, Bukko and the rest of you socialist thugs watch the racist's in cheif pole numbers. They are collasping faster than the global (nwo) economy. You feel empowered, what a joke.
March 29, 2009 5:33 PM<<<
yeh mitesh and people like him think that just because he got some government idiot to tell him he was a american and just like that, he thinks he is. nothing could be further from the truth. our founding fathers would turn over in their graves if they saw what is happening in this country now, with this mixed race illegal alien we have as president now, it makes me sick to my stomach.
yeh mitesh and people like him think that just because he got some government idiot to tell him he was a american and just like that, he thinks he is. nothing could be further from the truth. our founding fathers would turn over in their graves if they saw what is happening in this country now, with this mixed race illegal alien we have as president now, it makes me sick to my stomach.
March 29, 2009 5:57 PM
Sarcasm is a tool they (marxists ) use frequently as well. No substance, just pure bullshit.
"diversity is good. multiculturalism is good."
These two points don't coincide. Diversity without multiculturalism is feasible but not both, simultaneously.
There are 70+ million Americans with eastern European ancestry; most of all of them have given up their ancestors' cultures, perhaps preserving some Goulash & Sausage recipes, but other than those tidbits, most of these descendants are Americans (yes, Anglo-cized) today. In other words, many peoples but one culture tends to work out in the long run.
And as for the South Asian-like peoples... within American, there is a Creole culture in the Caribbean and South. Likewise, if you think Hawaii is a white culture than you haven't seen Polynesia yet. All and all, the point is that provided that people do not hold on to their ancestors' various cultures and Balkan-like tendencies, see the Yugoslav civil war of the 90s, then a melting pot model works.
I don't support multiculturalism, like Canada, that's how they got a Quebec separatist movement because the French speakers do see themselves as Quebecois first, Canadian second (or third, if they have family in France or other former French colonies). That's the failure of multiculturalism up north.
Mitesh, how about you admit that the country you came from is inferior to the United States? that would really increase your credibility.
India is inferior to The West in material things, but superior in spirituality. Amiss all the poverty, suffering, and exploitation, you will not find a single ounce of graffiti, nor will you hear any swear words for the most part of your journey.
"but superior in spirituality"
Hmm... Kashmir, Assam, Tamil Tigers to the south. If anything, it's not to far from the corners separating from the mainland. That's a state of turmoil, not spiritual harmony.
America has Sedona, the Smoky Mountains, and other spiritual spots scattered about. The difference is that it isn't a touristy thing in the US, like it is with a thousand ashrams and gurus, between India and Thailand.
The culture of the US is business first, the other stuff later. And then periodically, an Emerson or Thoreau comes by to stir up the pot with the capitalists.
The verdict is in:
Porn is the most cited reason.
Gotta agree.
Bollywood not even close.
I suppose if Aishwarya Rai would do pornos like Jenna Jameson, I might watch her. Might.
Oh, for fuck's sake.
"all the slave ships and all of the slaves were sold by jews who were heavily into the slave trade."
that is NOT TRUE. how do i know? one of my ancestors was a slave trader, i am very sorry to say, and that side of the family is definitely not jewish, they were pure Mayflower-riding WASP.
in any event - my vote is for what America does best is another food selection: BBQ PULLED PORK SANDWICHES, with coleslaw on top, served on a nice soft hamburger bun. mmmm....!!!
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