Man-made religions, when taken to the extreme, become forces of evil.
I'm sure though that god would have wanted two kids in love to be taken out to the town square and slaughtered. Yup, that sounds about right. That silly god, always up for a good human slaughter.
Shame on the Taliban. But even more shame on the entire Islamic world, for allowing the Taliban to do this in their name. Every follower of Islam who remains silent should be ashamed and embarrassed.
KABUL – Taliban gunmen executed a young couple in southern Afghanistan for trying to elope, shooting them with rifles in front of a crowd in a lawless, militant-controlled region, officials said Tuesday.
The woman, 19, and the man, 21, were accused by the militants of immoral acts, and a council of conservative clerics decided that the two should be killed, said Ghulam Dastagir Azad, the governor of the southwestern province of Nimroz.
Riflemen in the remote district of Khash Rod shot the man and woman with AK-47s Monday during a public execution, said Sadiq Chakhansori, the chief of Nimroz' provincial council.
As a Muslim, why am I expected to apologize for my fellow Muslim's behavior? So under your own logic, every Catholic should apologize for the scandals in their church? Every American should apologize for their nation's wrongs right? Most humans wear their religion, national identity, etc... on their sleeve and won't do it. Yet Muslims are expected to "take a stand" against their fellow Muslims while other groups are not.
Well, George Bush said Islam is a religion of peace. Barak Obama just stated how Islam has contibued so much to the progress of the world (G20 Meeting). My own little opinion is that Islam is a evil cult. No different than the cult of Jim Jones, only alot bigger and more dangerous. I can't wait for Sharia law to be legalized in the United States.
Muslims who don't speak out against other Muslims doing evil in the name of your Allah are the moral equivalent of Americans who didn't speak out against Bush and Cheney, or Catholics who didn't speak out against their corrupt popes or priests.
I didn't say apologize, although that would be nice. I said stand up.
Pardon Me?
How many moderate Muslims don't have a problem with stoning? Just curious.
With 100% unconditional moral support from the Eurotatrds (AKA Arafats International community), the bloodshed will go on.
Remember, the Eurotrash need to counter balance the US, hence huge incentive to support any and all chaos..
Europe will pay dearly in the end.
"...or Catholics who didn't speak out against their corrupt popes or priests."
I did - I converted to being a Lutheran years ago. Lutherans view the pope of the Roman Catholic Church as the antichrist prophesized in the Book of Revelation, which is exactly what I was thinking when I walked away 23 years ago.
Don't get me wrong, I don't agree 100% with the Lutherans and especially their views on creation. But there are enough things we see eye-to-eye on that I consider myself aligned with them more than any other group. One of the things I really like is the concept of the visible vs. invisible church - in other words, just because you see someone at church doesn't mean they are necessarily a good person. True 'dat. Whereas if you see a Catholic at church you are supposed to believe they are doing part of the good works all good Catholics are required to do.
"As a Muslim, why am I expected to apologize for my fellow Muslim's behavior? So under your own logic, every Catholic should apologize for the scandals in their church? Every American should apologize for their nation's wrongs right? Most humans wear their religion, national identity, etc... on their sleeve and won't do it. Yet Muslims are expected to "take a stand" against their fellow Muslims while other groups are not."
This is typical of the moral confusion of the day. See the difference is, corrupt Catholic priests are exposed and dealt with, as are corrupt politicians. Maybe not in the time and way that we would all like, but they are eventually. The real issue is that there is no one stepping up to expose and deal with the people (if you want to call them that) that commit these heinous and barbaric acts. At least not in any meaningful way.
Good on ya Keith
and these are the types the liberal want to engage with via "diplomacy".
Anyone who doesn't speak out against evil is an asshole!
So when Bush wants to wipe the Taliban off the face of the earth, he is an idiot. But people who fear for their lives should be ashamed for not standing up.
I get it now....I think.
Anonymous said...
As a Muslim, why am I expected to apologize for my fellow Muslim's behavior? So under your own logic, every Catholic should apologize for the scandals in their church? Every American should apologize for their nation's wrongs right? Most humans wear their religion, national identity, etc... on their sleeve and won't do it. Yet Muslims are expected to "take a stand" against their fellow Muslims while other groups are not.
Islam, and all religions, are a form of mental illness. Cult followers are delusional for believing something with absolutely no evidence. Organized religions are nothing more than terrible fairy-tales made up by violent, divisive, uneducated, women hating, superstitious losers. Islam is ABSOLUTELY NOT a religion of peace. Have you ever actually read the Koran? Countless orders to "kill non-believers" and a divisive "one truth". So, when Muslims perform their idiotic acts of ignorance and stupidity, they are just following their moronic rulebook like the uneducated slugs that they are. Islam, and Christianity/Judaism also, need to be completely eradicated from the planet, like the horrible diseases that they are. Yes Anonymous, you are responsible, because even if you personally wouldn't kill a young couple in the name of "Allah", you are a member of this murderous cult, and by remaining silent and demanding "tolerance" for your delusional beliefs you are an accessory to murder, guilty by association.
who. fucking. cares.
Pashtuns have been honor killing themselves for 3,000 years. You think they are going to stop because of this newfangled Humanism nonsense us effeminate Europeans have been pushing for 500? Not a chance.
At least the Taliban have rules and stick to them. Doesn't that count for something, especially considering our current predicament of non-rule following followed by no accountability you seem to flail on about Keith? Technically the Catholics aren't allowed to fuck little boys.
Mullah Omar for SEC Chair!
Please make a post calling Israel out for turning parts of Palestine into concentration camps.
That's an atrocity that dwarfs this.
Thank you.
that may or may not be true, keith, but it is none of our business. we should not be in that country. we illegally invaded and occupied that country agsinst the wishes of the people there. you cannot expect us to run here and run there when things happen in this world, that we don't like.
keith, i want our armies to be withdrawn from all of the countries that they now are occupying. i want us to draw down the military. i want us to start acting like human beings. who knows keith, maybe it might be infectious. the muslims did not have anything to do with 911. we were set up keith. face it. we were duped. we were lied to. these wars we fight are for nothing and our children die for nothing and kill innocent people who we call insurgents and terrorist whose only crime is that they want us to leave their prospective countries. so i ask you keith. who is right and who is wrong? then come back and tell me a story about something that happened in afghanistan, that is none of our damn business.
I am a Muslim and I speak out against terrorism and the moronic ways of the Taliban and the Wahhabi's on a pretty regular basis.
But unfortunately I don't have a show on Fox or MSNBC so my voice only gets to be so loud.
But lumping us in with the Taliban simply because of our religion is basically akin to saying that Christians lynch blacks since the KKK considers itself to be a Christian organization.
With that said, fuck terrorism, backwoods religious fanatics and bigots.
Thank you for using the term "man made religions"
There is only one way to attain peaceful, sustained human life, outlined in "love thy neighbor" and expounded in the 10 commandments of the bible. They were written with God's very own finger. Man was not involved, other than as a witness to the event.
All the Baptists of the world need to stand up and roundly condemn that crazy-azz Sunday School teacher who raped that poor kid with a pencil or something in the little claptrap church building in Tracy, CA. And while they're at it, they need to come clean about a lot of other crimes.
Do I hear an Amen??
Fuck the Pope, where its brown.
How's THAT for poetry?
keith, you're appearing to be a hypocrite on this one. you've been railing against the u.s. war on terror (muslim terror and the taliban) for years now. hmmm...perhaps you're now seeing the light now that bush is out of office and your guy is in?...greasing the skids for us here for further support of BO's troop surge in afganistan?...
Uh...huh...huh...Nimro(d)z. Yeh, that about sums it up.
Its the fooking Wahhabbis, that are the nutcases.
Also most Muslims are reluctant to turn in other Muslims who are terrorists.
Refer to the first poster.
If a Muslim doesn't want to be treated and viewed with suspicion then he/she should stand up, join all other practioners of different faiths and if necessary blow away any terrorist, Muslim or otherwise.
Other religious groups do NOT go around wearing armaments designed to wreck death and destruction on defenceless innocent people.
Shame on dirty little cowards !
I am a Muslim, and I am appaled by this incident. Afghanistan is finished. So is Pakistan. There is no real Islam there. These people just don't get the truth. Islam is an extremely moderate and flexible "way of life". Muslims pray to the same once God Jews and Christians pray to. But they never seem to follow the rules of decency laid out clearly by the Prophet.
Rules of Combat in IslamIt is extremely unfortunate that such incidences take place, most of them not even covered by the media. For example, the Status of Women in AfghanistanBut this is more of a cultural issue, not a religious issue...
I condemn & denounce these cowardly acts carried out int eh name of my religion. If I had any power to do something, I would.
the only terrorist states in this world now, are the us government and the terrorist state of israel. that's about it. muslim terrorist are just ignorant, fools who are groomed for the task that they think they are doing for themselves and their muslim brothers but in fact are being used by israel to further the interest of israel. believe it or not. also mish shedlock is part of the problem, not part of the solution. he walks up to the line, takes a look and then shys away from it all. too bad mish. i would hope that you would wake up before its too late.
Gauhar Kachchhi said...
I am a Muslim, and I am appaled by this incident. Afghanistan is finished. So is Pakistan. There is no real Islam there. These people just don't get the truth. Islam is an extremely moderate and flexible "way of life". Muslims pray to the same once God Jews and Christians pray to. But they never seem to follow the rules of decency laid out clearly by the Prophet.
Rules of Combat in IslamIt is extremely unfortunate that such incidences take place, most of them not even covered by the media. For example, the Status of Women in AfghanistanBut this is more of a cultural issue, not a religious issue...
I condemn & denounce these cowardly acts carried out int eh name of my religion. If I had any power to do something, I would.
April 15, 2009 11:28 AM<<<
here again, i ask why is it anyone else's business what afghans do in their country. the only reason we are there now is because of the unocal pipeline and the fact that the taliban had stopped the opium production and the russian jewish mob got pissed off because they were loosing money on their drug sales.......so they bitched to their dual citizenship boys in the us governement and we invaded. also unocal could not get the taliban to agree to a pipeline deal that they wanted. we did not invade afghanistan because somehow these stone age people had anything to do with 911??? come on people , smell the coffee and get real. we invented the taliban and like most inventions of this sort, sometimes the inventions take on a mind of their own. same thing with hamas in palestine. the jews invented hamas to counter arafat and Fatah movement. except as we see now, hamas took on a life of its own. maybe they know this would happen, maybe not. but they adapt, this is what the mossad does at times like this. they adapt and change with the times. and so what happens. our boys and our daughters die for nothing. innocent people are killed for nothing based upon a lie. amerika gets more and more in debt and the world, oh the world gets worse and worse off for what? profits of a few...and the thirst for world power. wake up folks.....and soon , or else.....
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