April 29, 2009

Halliburton's CEO Dick Cheney is saying the ends justify the means. I as an American say I am ashamed of Dick Cheney.


Let's go with Dick, and say from now on, any government-identified 'terrorist' we catch, we gouge their eyes out. Slowly. We castrate them. Slowly. We crucify them. Slowly. We waterboard them. Slowly. Hundreds of times. All in the hopes that they'll tell us what we want to hear.

All cool, says Dick Cheney, Halliburton's CEO. All cool, says his defenders in the now-dead GOP.

After all, the ends justify the means. Dick Cheney says so.

I'm not sure if Dick Cheney is a stupid man. I'm not sure if Dick Cheney is a morally bankrupt man. But one thing I know is that what he did is not in MY name.

I am ashamed of Dick Cheney. I am ashamed of the few Americans who defend him. And I am ashamed of what the now-dead GOP did to America.

And you should be too.

The ends do not justify the means.


Anonymous said...

oh, but sometimes the ends do justify the means.

problem is it is nearly impossible to tell if it will before you start applying the "means".

and the other problem is that the "justification hurdle" for applying the "means" keeps getting lower and lower and lower...

yoski said...

That's America for you. Americans voted for him, twice. So the majority seems to agree with his policies. Nuff said.

Anonymous said...

you would have to be one principled SOB to not waterboard someone who you knew held the information to prevent, say, 10 simultaneous nuke bombings of the 10 largest cities in the USA.

and that is why even BO will not absolutely rule out torture in all cases. because he knows he needs to leave himself an out in case the worst case scenario happens to occur on his watch.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I am so sick and tired of our country grandstanding in the world stage about this issue of torture. Does anyone in their right mind think we are any different from say Syria, Russia, China, etc...???

I think not. Face it, government's stay in power by doing whatever is necessary for them to stay in power. We as a nation need to stop acting like we are so special in the community of nations.

Anonymous said...

Dick Cheney and his Neocon cohorts are NOT stupid. They are dangerously intelligent and psychopathic. You need to read their own words from their Project for the New American Century not what they say on mainstream TV to understand who these people are.

PNAC - Rebuilding America's DefensesIt's this document from 2000 where the Neocons lay out their plans for a "revolution in military affairs" and "full spectrum global dominance" totally at odds with the US Constitution.

Here is the money quote from that document:

"Further, the process of transformation,
even if it brings revolutionary change, is
likely to be a long one, absent some
catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a
new Pearl Harbor."


Anonymous said...

Which ends?

Does he mean "we succeeded in dramatically INCREASING terror recruitment and america-hating across the globe"?

Or does he mean, "we succeeded in getting into two wars we can't possibly "win", but boy they sure are profitable for SOME of us"?

Or does he mean, "we succeeded in DRAMATICALLY expanding the size of government, the extent to which we feel free to infringe the rights of U.S. citizens without notification or legal recourse, and the extent to which the executive branch is above the law and free from congressional oversight"?

Or does he mean, "we decimated the ability of individuals to be protected from financial, legal and health risks caused by corporations of all stripes"?

You mean THOSE ends?

Prisoner No. 6 said...

you would have to be one principled SOB to not waterboard someone who you knew held the information to prevent, say, 10 simultaneous nuke bombings of the 10 largest cities in the USA.

Jesus Christ, would you pinheads stop acting like the paranoid Fox-TV ravings that you see bear any resemblance at all to reality? That situation does not exist. It will not exist. It takes place in the same sphere that a TV tough guy can get punched in the face 8 times and still have not a hair out of place.

If torture can actually prevent such awful things, why don't we use it to prevent other awful things? How 'bout if we knew that there were 10 child molestations about to take place? Wouldn't you want to prevent them? Wouldn't you want to do everything you could to make sure those children were safe?

Sure thing.

How 'bout if it was 5 kids? How about if it was 1? How about if someone found those pictures on your hard drive and decided you must be hiding something?

Keith is right. The ends do not justify the means.

That philosophy is the bedrock of dialectical materialism, which is the basis for Communism.

If you truly believe in that philosophy, the USA is the wrong country for you. You would feel much more at home in the new Soviet Union that Putin is constructing.

The New Soviet Union will have all the features that you wingnuts love so much. Low to no taxes on the wealthy elite. Heavy and intrusive state security. Arrests of liberals who mouth off against the government. Big military machine that makes your weenie hard.

Please move to the New Soviet Union immediately. Do us all a favor.

Anonymous said...

Dick Cheney:

1. Arrest immediately.
2. Seize all familiar assets.
3. Permanently revoke passport.
4. Incarcerate without possibility of parole, indefinitely.
5. Get around to a trial in a few years, like his idea of justice for detainees.

Fuck You, Dick Cheney. I hope your weak heart stops beating soon.

Worst, Evil Vice President EVER.

Anonymous said...

Jesus Christ, would you pinheads stop acting like the paranoid Fox-TV ravings that you see bear any resemblance at all to reality?


yea, imagine bad guys taking over 4 airplanes, simultaneously and crashing them into high value targets. like in a fictional tom clancy novel....

yea, impossible.

imagine islamic fundamentalists taking over a country that has nukes, like, say, Pakistan? this would give them the nukes to pull a major attack off, far fetched huh?

and of course in your world, there is no way Iran can make "the bomb". impossible, much too Hollywood like. only educated white Caucasians can do create something like that.

F'ing liberals live in fantasy land.

good thing there are conservatives to wipe the collective drool off your chins for you.

Anonymous said...

That philosophy is the bedrock of dialectical materialism, which is the basis for Communism.

that reasoning is old and outdated. modern communist thinkers have proven that is not true.

Anonymous said...

your ashamed of Dick Cheney,


jp in tahoe said...

"The ends do not justify the means."

Unless you're a fascist.

Anonymous said...

i agree keith...i didn't believe the ends justifies the means when clinton was president either.

Anonymous said...

An "end" is a mental fiction. There is no such thing as an "end." Nothing ever "ends." If there is no such thing as an "end," then the ends do NOT justify the means. If there is no end -- all we have are "means."

Alan Static said...

F him

Out at the peak said...

Did you watch I.O.U.S.A.?

Dick Cheney told a guy, "We don't have to worry about deficits anymore."

Clearly his plan was that we just print money and that will take care of everything.

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