All this rage could make some nut do something bad.
Real bad.
Rage is good, when it's channeled legally, and effectively.
In America, we throw our bums out - at the ballot box. This past November was a perfect example, as the GOP - The Party That Wrecked America - was soundly routed, possibly never to return.
In America, we rise up, and take to the streets, we raise our voices, and we demand change. And when the powers that be don't give us change, then we take to the streets even louder. We take over office buildings. We chain ourselves to the gates.
And eventually we get our change.
But it takes someone evil to blow up buildings. To kill kids. To shoot people. To threaten someone's life.
But I have a bad feeling. This Fox News, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck stuff isn't healthy for America.
And they may have blood on their hands soon.
I've got a bad feeling.
I have a bad feeling ....
that some pharmaceutical factory in Iran is about to be attacked.
Which films is that has America invading Canada to divert the sheeples attention from the talent shows?
Its interesting that states are declaring for article 10 - now that their is a tree hugging democrate in the white house - where were they when the bush whitehouse was wiretapping everybody?
come on, what about the hate that comes out from the left?
threatening to publish AIG bonus recipient's names and addresses?
liberal's violent acts against doctors and scientists who are involved in animal research?
publicly funded acorn organizing and busing people to financial execs houses?
I guess those are ok.
Then you have statements from the DHS head like this:
"Right-wing extremist chatter on the Internet continues to focus on the economy, the perceived loss of U.S. jobs in the manufacturing and construction sectors, and home foreclosures,"
Scarrrrry right wing extremists!
ha ha, "perceived loss of US jobs"
Phew, glad to know that jobs are not really being shipped overseas.
come on Keith, the right has it's wing nuts but they are nowhere close to being as crazy as the ones on the left. like the ones BO pals around with in chicago.
The establishment needs a distraction because they are being EXPOSED.
This scientific journal paper just came out this week which details the discovery of red/grey super-thermite explosive chips found in the dust samples from the World Trade Center collapses on 9/11:
Nano Thermitic Material Found in WTC DustGo read it. It includes photos of the samples and the red/grey chips and detailed scientific analysis of the composition.
Smoking gun evidence of controlled demolition wouldn't ya say??
Thousands of fed-up taxpayers are protesting around the country, the same taxpayers who carry the country on their backs while the socialist parasites are busy breeding, gang banging, or giving bailouts to Goldman Sachs...
..and the corrupt MSNBC, Olbermann & Co. just show Bo, the White House dog.
Gotta love the paid-for mainstream media.
If Timothy McVeigh could have waited and parked his Ryder in front of ACORN or Goldman Sachs, we could be celebrating his birthday.
Dear 7:45
There is no equivalent on the "left" of people who bomb buildings, lynch minorities / gays, bomb abortion clinics.
Besides, even the most extreme anarchists on the left, who do in fact commit property crime, do not have anywhere near the platform of right wing extremists with their 50000 Watt radio stations blaring Talk radio hate, Fox News and the like.
I bet you had a good feeling when your messianic hero declared that he was printing $13 trillion to blow with Pelosi and Barney Frank's programs, or when he was bailing out all the crooks on Wall Street, eh?
You are a fool keith.....the "bad thing" you are referring to will be instigated by govt agent provacateurs...they have been pushing the people more and more....how else can the police with their microwave dishes and no kill weaponry be let loose.....not at a tea party that is for sure....You will see your "bad thing" and it will be your govt at the helm....God help the USA if and when it happens.
I wish some nut would "take out" some FED/bankster execs.
Karma is a bitch.
It's already happened - with the nutjob in Pittsburgh - and it's going to happen a lot more over this long, hot summer, as ignorant white trash, whipped into a frenzy by Fox, lashes out at whatever the voices in their heads tells them is the enemy. Most of that will be co-workers, as these losers focus on the people they perceive as their "tormentors."
Basically, read the DSM III entries on Axis 1 paranoia-schizophrenia.
People on this board and elsewhere have been predicting riots. They are right, but not in the way or locations that they think. Just as the military is always guilty of preparing for the war that just ended, the amateur social scientists predict that the traumatic event that they remember best is going to recur. Thus, the focus on riots in LA (since that was the last major US city to have widespread riots, back in '92).
There will be riots this summer. But they will happen in predominantly white areas. Crime in LA is actually going down - and this despite the highest unemployment rate in the nation. That's because the immigrant population that is bearing the brunt of this recession is accustomed to hard times and barely scraping by to survive.
Your average fatass redneck, on the other hand, is having a hard time wrapping his/her head around the fact that life isn't easy money, endless SuperSized drive-thru meals, jetskis, plastic faux-marble columns around McMansions and American Idol blaring from 60-inch HDTVs. The ignorant white population of this country is going to react the way babies react when their shiny rattles are taken away from them.
They are going to pitch a tantrum. The "teabag tantrums" we see today are an early indicator.
Unfortunately, you are right that we can expect that the Dylan Klebold/Tim McVeighs out there, with their heads full of draqmatic "Left Behind" propaganda, are going to try to pull off big acts of mass murder to make themselves feel more significant.
Have you been taking your medication Keith?
Not Me.
America is DEAD. The enemies within/without have won.They have stolen your future right out from under you/rs.
Imagine a nation of broke, destitute, hopeless and sick people, formerly known as 'The Middle Class'.
They are pissed off, here NOW and coming to your neighborhood soon.
The first windows will be broken soon, then
All Hell Breaks loose.
Be Prepared.
*Angelo, are you listening?
**BoJangles Obama, Where is your Justice Department? Is Eric Holder a real person or did you make him up too?
*** tick, tick, tick...
Sitting here reading HousingPANIC and collecting my unemployment check while waiting to get kicked out of my foreclosed home might throw me over the edge.
Is there anything I can do other than paint my garage door orange before I leave?
C'mon Keith. Start a thread as to what we can do when we finally go off the deep end.
We need ideas like the lady who threw that lime in that guys face a couple weeks ago.
"Rage is good, when it's channeled legally, and effectively."
Keith, the revolutionary war was illegal. The Boston Tea Party (the original) was illegal.
"But it takes someone evil to blow up buildings. To kill kids. To shoot people. To threaten someone's life."
Depends on the buildings and the people you're killing or threatening. The founding fathers killed a lot of british troops and destroyed government property.
And they may have blood on their hands soon.
I've got a bad feeling."
Perhaps, but also beware of false flags
Now i’m totaly confused.
Is there no good and bad?
no right and wrong?
See folks that’s what Europe does, they blur the lines so the murderer and prison guard appear the same, then they build on it, and when the prison guard raises his voice on the vicious murderer the prison guard is now an angry hateful person.
It is how Al-Jazeera and the BBC function, actually it is how dictators function.
Europe has been ruled by dictators in all its history and have fine tuned this language.
It answers the question of ‘why don’t the Saudis rebel against the few who steal it all from the people’.
It’s a specific language that you can hear when the Saudi dictator speaks.(most Europeans too, its just sugar coated)
With the world of communication brought about by the Internet a lot of that language has penetrated our minds and has a lot to do with the cause of our current economic crisis, (and our reaction to it) we know that American risky mortgages are being blamed, but in reality its Eurotrash dumb financial ideas at work that created this mess.
I am going to say this again;
There is one place where even the smartest amongst us have no control and that is the
‘power of influence from ones surrounding environment’..
You hang in Europe and eventually you thing like Eurotrash..
Nuff said.
There is no equivalent on the "left" of people who bomb buildings, lynch minorities / gays, bomb abortion clinics."
Well, your premises are wrong. The "right" doesn't lynch minorities or bomb buildings.
"Besides, even the most extreme anarchists on the left, who do in fact commit property crime"
What about leftists like Chairman Mao, Stalin, Lenin, Pol Pot, Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il?
"...do not have anywhere near the platform of right wing extremists with their 50000 Watt radio stations blaring Talk radio hate, Fox News and the like."
What about CNN, MSNBC, PBS, New York Times, Al-Jazeera, Democratic Underground, Daily Koz, etc?
There is no equivalent on the "left" of people who bomb buildings, lynch minorities / gays, bomb abortion clinics.
the weather underground bombed buildings..
There are crazy political extremists on all ends of the spectrum.. and they are generally a massive liability for their non-violent counterparts who try to promote their agenda peacefully.
There were 3 unexploded bombs in the OKC building: I doubt McVeigh had anything to do with anything, except being a patsy like LHO.
i have never seen anyone in such a hurry to put a man to death as they were to put timothy mcveigh to death. why is that keith? they couldn't get that guy in the gurney fast enough. so what does that tell us? old tim was a chump and a convenient sap, who was the fall guy for this oklahoma city operation where the explosion and damage to the building was blamed on a ryder truck that was parked in front of the building. a police officer who responded to the event, said that there were bombs in the building. bombs in the building? hmm, does this sound familiar keith? same mo as the wtc 911 operation isn't it?
these people you list, will not be responsible for anything keith. but i am here to tell you, that if they are caught during the coming rebellion, they will be killed, for being the traitorous scum that they are, just my opinion. many people know that they are liars and have been since their inception on talk radio. they were placed on talk radio to mislead and obviscate and this is what they have done since day one. many people know who they are and who they work for. these networks that they work for, are owned by the same people who run our banking system. need i say more?
keith, mcveigh was a patsy for the oklahoma city thing. he was set up to fail and be caught. and then they killed him quickly so that the lose cannon on deck, could be silenced.
Anjon wrote:
"There is no equivalent on the "left" of people who bomb buildings, lynch minorities / gays, bomb abortion clinics."
Here's a history lesson for you before you spout of any more ignorance:
Obama's homie Bill Ayers bombed many places along with his Left Wing Weather Underground.
In the 1800s heyday of the KKK when they used to string up blacks in the South, Klansmen were members of the Left Wing Democrat Party, where they remained until the Civil Rights movement took hold in the early '60s.
Maybe i cant think of any abortion clinic bombers on the left, but you guys have Hitler and his Left Wing National SOCIALIST ("Nazi" for short) party who was responsible for the slaughter of millions of innocent Jews, Homosexuals, and other innocent minorities, including born babies.
i have never seen anyone in such a hurry to put a man to death as they were to put timothy mcveigh to death. why is that keith? they couldn't get that guy in the gurney fast enough. so what does that tell us? old tim was a chump and a convenient sap, who was the fall guy for this oklahoma city operation where the explosion and damage to the building was blamed on a ryder truck that was parked in front of the building. a police officer who responded to the event, said that there were bombs in the building. bombs in the building? hmm, does this sound familiar keith? same mo as the wtc 911 operation isn't it?McVeigh stopped the appeal process, which expedited the process, but your point is a good one. I always love how Democrats are so against the death penalty, expect when they are really mad. This case was a perfect example.
"This Fox News, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck stuff isn't healthy for America."
It's only unhealthy for the reality-deprived Kool Aid junkies that crave a daily 'Great American' sugar buzz to maintain their fragile system of beliefs.
Propaganda-induced diabetes?
Dear 7:45
There is no equivalent on the "left" of people who bomb buildings, lynch minorities / gays, bomb abortion clinics.
Besides, even the most extreme anarchists on the left, who do in fact commit property crime, do not have anywhere near the platform of right wing extremists with their 50000 Watt radio stations blaring Talk radio hate, Fox News and the like.
I am anon 7:45 and all I can say in response is:
Wow. i think you are trying to be funny. if you are not then you are a total, non-free thinking libertard.
No acts of bombing on the left? are you kidding me? Terror, violence and intimidation is the preferred method of the left.
the left has no media outlets like the right?
the right has talk radio and fox.
those on the left belly ache about those two outlets. fox and am radio while they control everything else!
unfreaking believable.
one bubble you haven't reported on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goU8RedqKzE
liberals always think freedom of speech is bad keith.
i do believe the rage is coming too! i don't know if the heat of the summer will do it or the realization of the banks run this country and have complete control of the US and the goverment. How incredible these banks boast thier record earnings when all they did was recieve billions in bailout money and manipulate the market with longs and shorts with the billions in leverage. This puts me in a rage!! This blog is a follow up of HP and HP was all about the housing problem. The bailout was to fix the housing problem! I was a believer in BO when he came into office. A breath of fresh air and someone who "gets" the problem we are facing. What happened? Why can't the housing problem be fixed so everyone can get on with thier lives again? Why can't all mortgages be restructered? Why did we give billions to banks with no parameters on what to do with the billions? Why did we give 15 billion to a failing company like GM only to watch them go into bankruptcy less than 6 months later? What the fuck is goin on here? Can you feel my rage on this screen!! I am fuckin pissed off and I live in a cess pool of fuckin retards better known as SOuth Floridah!! The rage is brewing deep inside!!
"...mcveigh was a patsy for the oklahoma city thing. he was set up to fail and be caught. and then they killed him quickly so that the lose cannon on deck, could be silence.."
What a dope. Adjust your tin-foil hat; some govt'l radiation waves must be getting thru.
Tim McVeigh was a govt'l insider. He was put in charge of the Oklhoma bombing by the CIA. A stooge was used to take his place for the trial and execution. As a reward, Tim McVeigh was given a promotion to be the Head Colonel at the CIA. For a while, he was the bureau chief for covering up Bermuda Triangle disappearances. Next for a time he supervised both Lee Harvey and Jack Ruby in their witness protection thing playing retired manufacturers in Hawaii. To sweeten the gig, they tossed in the fat, bloated but still sexually available Monroe. Thereafter, when he whined and bitched to George Bush Sr about being bored, George Sr. grabbed his son's elbow and asked a favor. George Jr told Tim to go blow something up but to make it look like it was the arabs so that he could invade Iraq. Unfortunately Tim was a bit sloppy in staging 911 and he left too much evidence behind. So Timothy was given a new undercover assignment: to rot six feet underground in an obscure corner of the Rose Garden.
These are facts, gentlemen.
You foretold a long time ago there would be riots, now you have a "bad feeling"?
Obviously capitalism/corporatism doesn't work and the Russians have already proved that socialism doesn't work. Clearly there is a solution somewhere in the middle that doesn't involve all of this finger pointing. To anon 7:51 - I am not a socialist but I happily pay my share of taxes to help the poor. The right can't in one breath claim to have these great Christian values and in another claim they shouldn't have to help anyone less fortunate than them because some people abuse the system. It is in fact anti-Christian to believe that you are more entitled than anyone else by your good fortune or to not help people meet the most basic human needs. If you look at Holland, pretty much anyone can get on welfare - and it's far more generous than US welfare - yet most people work. Welfare in America is hardly generous, doesn't meet most needs and is not actually that easy to get - even for the elderly impoverished and the disabled.
The hypocrisy of the people in this country who only see good intentions in their own party and bad intentions in the "other party" is tearing this country apart. One gets the impression that the members of both parties actually hope for failure when their party is not in power. The vitriol from the republicans during Clinton's term and from the democrats during Bush's term makes it obvious that the only thing important to our politicians is power. People look at party loyalty with the same passion they bring to their support of their favorite sports team. That's why this kind of argument will never be resolved. A few quotes from Thomas Jefferson:
I never submitted the whole system of my opinions to the creed of any party of men whatever, in religion, in philosophy, in politics, or in anything else, where I was capable of thinking for myself. Such an addiction is the last degradation of a free and moral agent. If I could not go to heaven but with a party, I would not go there at all." --Thomas Jefferson to Francis Hopkinson, 1789. ME 7:300
"Were parties here divided merely by a greediness for office,...to take a part with either would be unworthy of a reasonable or moral man." --Thomas Jefferson to William Branch Giles, 1795. ME 9:317
The hypocrisy of the people in this country who only see good intentions in their own party and bad intentions in the "other party" is tearing this country apart. One gets the impression that the members of both parties actually hope for failure when their party is not in power. The vitriol from the republicans during Clinton's term and from the democrats during Bush's term makes it obvious that the only thing important to our politicians is power. People look at party loyalty with the same passion they bring to their support of their favorite sports team. That's why this kind of argument will never be resolved. A few quotes from Thomas Jefferson:
I never submitted the whole system of my opinions to the creed of any party of men whatever, in religion, in philosophy, in politics, or in anything else, where I was capable of thinking for myself. Such an addiction is the last degradation of a free and moral agent. If I could not go to heaven but with a party, I would not go there at all." --Thomas Jefferson to Francis Hopkinson, 1789. ME 7:300
"Were parties here divided merely by a greediness for office,...to take a part with either would be unworthy of a reasonable or moral man." --Thomas Jefferson to William Branch Giles, 1795. ME 9:317
Thousands of fed-up taxpayers are protesting around the country, the same taxpayers who carry the country on their backs while the socialist parasites are busy breeding, gang banging, or giving bailouts to Goldman Sachs...
Funny how these same taxpayers didn't utter a word of protest when Bush(R) was losing tractor trailer loads of cash in Iraq.
But these phoney hypocrites just love to complain about fiscal issues and spending and budgets when presidents with a(D)next to their names are in office.
So my advice to theses (R)is to STFU and pay your taxes. You lost the last 2 elections. America's already told you to f*ck off.
It is true, I love a good riot - which is a street protest taken to the next level. Sometimes you have to break some things and throw some rocks to make a point.
That's a BIG difference from driving a bomb up to an office building and killing kids.
But my fear is some people don't comprehend the difference. When rage turns to insanity. And what Fox and Friends are doing right now is dangerous. And might come back to bite them in the ass pretty hard.
And for Obama, he needs to name an Independent Special Prosecutor ASAP, and his AWOL attorney general needs to come out of his cave and start arresting people. Now. They need to get ahead of the building rage, with some justice.
But my gut feeling is there's something dangerous ahead. The Summer of Rage might be more than we were expecting. And that should worry you all. Keep that in mind as you consume the American media right now.
Prisoner No. 6 took the words right outta my keyboard. I second everything he said.
Rush, Sean, Glenn et al. are slobberingly happy to sacrifice the blood of citizens and police to make money on the frustrated fury of the misguided radical right who really have no idea who or what they are mad at, but they are VERY VERY angry because their lives aren't turning out the way they planned, so DAMMIT THEY ARE GONNA TAKE SOME OF THEM SUMBITCHES OUT! YALL AINT TAKIN' MY GUNS!!
And the tv and radio shit-talkers cash their big paychecks and snicker. I watched the clip of the guest on Glenn Beck's show repeatedly tell Glenn "I am gonna pass out!" But Glenn just smirked at him and let him stand there, until the poor guy fainted at Glenn's sneakered feet. Glenn is a total tool.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
-- Thomas Jefferson
To guys that have to use profanity because of the porverty in their minds:
You are right about the Weather Underground in the 60s, but i'm talking about the modern US left today in 2009. You are also right about Maoists, but that is neither modern nor in the US, much as the same way that Hitler shouldn't be used to characterise the modern US right.
But I will accept that in the global context of the last 150 years, the global revolutionary left has had elements of violence that can be as bad as the fascist right.
However, if you think the "anarchist left" is represented MSNBC, you've got to be retarded. Those groups have absolutely no outlets for their agenda, certainly not MSNBC or even Dailykos.
I would look at those anarchists as the rough equivalent of these right wing mob groups who are prone to violence that the Talk Radio and Fox News megaphone is stirring up right now. The Fox/Rush axis is far far larger than a random anarchist website that nobody has heard of.
But I will accept that in the global context of the last 150 years, the global revolutionary left has had elements of violence that can be as bad as the fascist right."LOL
McVeih killed 168 people, Pol Pot killed 2+ million, Mao's death toll was 100+ million, and Stalin managed over 50 million.
Yep, looks like the "right wing" death toll sure is comparable to the people offed by the leftists. God you people are stupid.
sean hannity and rush limbaugh, are the modern day tokyo roses of this country. they will be hung along with the rest of the neocon conservative radio talk show hosts, who have lied to the american people for so long. the rope will be put around their necks and they will take the ride for what they have done.
Funny how these same taxpayers didn't utter a word of protest when Bush(R) was losing tractor trailer loads of cash in Iraq.What Bush spent wasn't even close to what your Messiah is doing to this country.
Have you forgotten that Biden, Clinton, and every other crooked democrat in Congress voted along with GWB for the Iraq war? Funny how liberals avoid that detail.
I have never voted republican in my life. I just find hypocritical that the democratic party sells this BS of "change", while transferring trillions to Wall Street (and European banksters), hires Goldman Sachs lobbyists to work at Treasury, and Raytheon lobbyists to run the Pentagon. Oh and never mind that the guy running the Treasury didn't pay his taxes for years, meanwhile his boss keeps selling tax increases.
Another hilarious thing is how idiots think that the democrats are selling amnesty because they really care about illegals. Democrats only care about votes to stay in power, from people who are easily manipulated, as they have been doing to blacks for decades.
As Sir Charles Barkley said: "Blacks have been voting democrat all their lives...and they're still poor."
I am surprised someone hasn't knocked of Helicopter for giving all our money away to his buddies.
Your rhetoric here is simply sick.
If there's an attack, it will be a false false attack by the shadow gov. Too bad most of you are too domesticated to know how the puppet masters operate. You're the fools who find totally normal that both Kennedys were assassinated by a couple of nobodys. Hilarious!
I agree Keith when this blows up the rich corporate f*cks will be the first to die—the same folks Fox is trying to serve. All the talk about security and guns is stupid—your gun and dog won’t stop a mob of thousands. If you’re rich and got your money raping others you might want to trade in the mansion and Bentley for single-wide and a Festiva—hint they won’t look for you in a trailer park—you might even get an invite from your neighbors to join them when they go kill your former co-workers.
It's ALREADY happening...
I just saw a show recently about how McVeigh's bombing was in reaction to Ruby Ridge and Waco.
And I think I saw something where a guy already did some heinous murder and admitted "Glenn Beck told me to." (Am I mistaken about this? Olbermann was talking about it I think. It's all running together in my mind now...)
But, regardless, Keith---aren't you PROUD to be one of the GENERATORS of all the rage that's currently out there?
I didn't get a stimulus check in 2002.
I didn't get a tax cut for the rich in 2003.
I didn't get a stimulus check in 2008.
I didn't get a stimulus credit in my tax return today.
And so far as I know, I won't see a dime of the 2009 tax cut.
I'm either not poor enough, or not rich enough, for each of these.
I also got no bonuses over the past few years by working for one of the companies that was RAPING the financial system, consumers, or government budgets (military, bridges to nowhere, etc).
Meanwhile, I pay into soc sec right at the witholding cap--so I pay the maximum amount per year of anyone, without the advantage of any income free of this tax.
And in the next couple of years, probably, I'll pay tens of thousands of dollars in extra estate tax because my dad is in a state that will enact a new 8% estate tax, and I'll pay hundreds of thousands extra in taxes because the federal estate tax cut will expire.
Was I out protesting today? No. I went to work and DID MY JOB, so I could continue to pay taxes that apparently only about 10% of us are any longer morally obliged to pay.
Just like Phil Gramm said after years of DESTROYING what little taxpayer protections there were, like the Glass Steagall act: "everyone is JUST A BUNCH OF WHINERS"
If these whiners don't want to pay taxes, they should just ALL quit their $80/hour jobs on the GM assembly line, or their 20/hour a week CEO jobs, and STAY HOME. Then they won't pay ANY income tax.
Oopps, but they can't do that, can they? Because they need the money to pay for their addictions to drugs, prescription or otherwise, cars, gasoline, junk food, McMansions, and plastic toxic junk from China.
Teabagging IDIOTS, start SAVING and LIVING BELOW YOUR MEANS and stop electing FASCIST REPUBLICAN EXECS from War-for-Oil Inc, and maybe someday this country won't be so bankrupt it has to steal your retirement to pay for the congressional hookers and cocaine.
"If Timothy McVeigh could have waited and parked his Ryder in front of ACORN or Goldman Sachs, we could be celebrating his birthday."
Shit, in 20 years he would have is own national holiday.
"liberal's violent acts against doctors and scientists who are involved in animal research?"
Why use innocent animals when there're plenty of asshole humans we could use for research? Scientifically animal research doesn't translate well to human applications anyway.
Anjon said...
Dear 7:45
There is no equivalent on the "left" of people who bomb buildings, lynch minorities / gays, bomb abortion clinics.
Umm.. what about the Bohsheviks and Maoists?
Is George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin evil?
Do you know why we have a 2nd Amendment?
Our forefathers knew a day like this will come.
God forbid I stand up for Limbaugh and Co., but the real problem is that people really are pissed and it is not being taken seriously. Too much of this is being dismissed as "populist rage", a dismissive term if I have ever heard it, and something that truly shows the left's elitist roots.
Better for the government to hear this anger and deal with it head on, than to have people feel shut out of the process.
Hang all the corrupt politicans and crooks in power!!!!!
And start all over...
Unfortantly wont never happen because Americans are just a bunch of dumb, big fat pussies...
I'm one of those right wing extremists
Never had any or been in any trouble in my life.
Gun owner, registered and not.
Love my neighbors and will do anything to help anyone!
Protect my home, family, neighbors, neighborhood, town, country.
I am someone you want as a neighbor in good times and bad
Let's start a death pool here on s&a. I give obama 2, 3 years. Tops.
Put a sock in the DemoRAT talking points, Keith.
Let me guess...Gee, with the safety of the Messiah in question, don't we really need to round up those returning Iraq Vets?
I agree hatred produces more hatred and Bush-Co pushed fear into all the citizens so Both parties could rape America and injure millions with 2 clusterfvck war failures and reckless management of our great country.
Cause and effect.
I hope the bashing stops and we find solutions that bring us back to the normal days.
Lets NOT buy into their eviliness ways. War, bombs, air-raids and mass murder does not work very well. Think positive thoughts people. Lets rebuild our foundation of liberty, truth, prosperty, freedom and justice for all in a peacefull way!
Remember the good ol'USA before they destroyed it? Well, not all of it... Disney Land is still open!! (if you have $150)
Many people on the right can be easily manipulated to do the work of zealots. Controlled by a few because they don't know what rational thought or critical thinking is about, thats why so many are religious fanatics. If you were only open to real enlightenment?
The propaganda machine is encouraging both sides to struggle against each other when the real problem is the oligarchs.
The left is not the enemy! I repeat, the left is not the enemy!!!! The left is trying to bring out the truth. The real people who caused this mess are not our next door neighbors, it is a few thousand people in government and corporations.
What we should really be doing is realizing we are in this together and we need to support each other and lend our neighbors our extra pitch forks and march to Washington and stick them up some arses.
Keith said:
"But my gut feeling is there's something dangerous ahead. The Summer of Rage might be more than we were expecting. And that should worry you all."
Keith, I dunno...
The overwhelming feeling I get after reading your stuff lately is:
You want nothing more than lots of bad shit to go down, including violence, and
You want to be able to say
"See? I was right!"
My head is not in the sand, and,
I'm getting disturbed at the atmosphere and message that
you work so hard to nurture here.
Say/do what you will, but it's time to rise up a couple rungs on a few different ladders, IMO.
Nano Thermitic Material Found in WTC DustGo read it. It includes photos of the samples and the red/grey chips and detailed scientific analysis of the composition. I see nobody commented on my post about the thermite traces found in the dust from the World Trade Center. Why is that? How about you Keith? You're always on about "science" and how you are soooo "scientific". Well there's your damn scientific proof of 9/11 being an inside job and not a single freaking comment!!
What's wrong with you people? Did you even bother to read it? Talk about COGNITIVE DISSONANCE!!
BTW - Here's an article that boils down the findings of the journal paper in language Joe Sixpack can understand:
MWC News : Is US Responsible for 9/11 Atrocity?If you are so dedicated to science as you say you are Keith then you'll put this on your front page.
It's no longer a "conspiracy theory" - it is CONSPIRACY FACT.
Sheeeez, so much HATE from you Murrikans, huh?
Eye thought you were the DREAM country, now all we see (from the outside) is HATRED and CHAOS!
You Murrikans, FUNNY people, man!
You make me LARF!
Ill be damned. That article is actually not insane. It may be wrong, it may be bullshit, but if what they are presenting is true, it really needs some explaining.
Before, I used to think it was around 50%, but after reading the responses to posts like these, I'm convinced that 75% of your readers are certified 'possum eating hillbillies.
We see who has swallowed the Napolitano party line.
Well, she has certainly pissed veterans off.
Read the comments at bottom on this article.
Much to say about the left here, too.
Why don't we all just lie down and let the state tell us when we can use the privy.
I believe I put this post up before ol' Janet came out with her "right wing groups" thing. Or at least I put it up before I saw that one.
It's true though - the odds are the next domestic terrorist event will be a Sarah Palin / Fox News inspired anti-government libertarian right wing type. You know, many of the folks here.
Don't do it.
Egg a Senator if you must. I'm all for that.
But don't go blowing stuff (or people) up.
No mention of extreme left terrorism and violence?
It's true though - the odds are the next domestic terrorist event will be a Sarah Palin / Fox News inspired anti-government libertarian right wing type. You know, many of the folks here.LOL. You're too funny.
Maybe we are due for another "lone gunman" shocker.
Before, I used to think it was around 50%, but after reading the responses to posts like these, I'm convinced that 75% of your readers are certified 'possum eating hillbillies.We get your MO, too.
At least the hillbillies can take care of themselves when the SHTF. Your kind, on the other hand, will be begging the Nanny State for a handout, while giving them a reach around.
Yeah, you are so intelligent.
Funny how these same taxpayers didn't utter a word of protest when Bush(R) was losing tractor trailer loads of cash in Iraq.The Libertarian Party, and old-party mavericks like Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul, were screaming their lungs out over Iraq and the waste of money it represented.
Two of those three groups also supported the Tea Party thing.
When we screamed our lungs out over Iraq, 2/3 of Democrats rushed to vote for and support the damn thing. Obama is going to continue the Iraq War for at least another 24 months while opening up new wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Don't even TRY to claim otherwise. We were there the whole time, while most "liberals" happily looked the other way and whistled while their party leadership happily voted to fund and increase the war.
At least the hillbillies can take care of themselves when the SHTF. Your kind, on the other hand, will be begging the Nanny State for a handout, while giving them a reach around.
Yeah, you are so intelligent.
Yes, you're right, I am intelligent. Now go finish your 'possum pie.
I love these faux "left - right " comparisons by some of the absurd retarded wingers on this page.
As i said before, i'm leaving out murderers like Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Pinochet, Franco, and other extremists for the fascist right or stalinist left, as NEITHER have any relavancy to the current AMERICAN context
However, there is definately an violent, pro militia, Tim Mcveigh style extremism coming from the US right in this country at this time, that has no eqaivalancy on the US left. It is undoubtedly a potential danger as of now. I didn't say definate, i said potential, especially with the massive megaphone like Fox and Talk (hate) radio egging it on even further. In fact, that's what happened with the guy in Tennesse a few months ago that went into a Unitarian Univ Church (that's my church) and started shooting and Killing people because he said he "wanted to kill liberals". It's what happened with the guy that shot those police officers last week.
These modern US right wing extremists have NO parallel in the modern US left. They have no equivalent to the hypie, pinko, organic food eating lefties that watch Rachel Maddow and Keith Olberman on MSNBC in terms of violence. If you think there is an equivalence of violence, you are COMPLETELY RETARDED. You are a worse caricature of yourself than even your critics! GET A LIFE! READ A BOOK. OPEN YOUR EYES!!LOOOOSER!!!!!!!!!!!
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