April 30, 2009

Someone had to call it. So here you go. The Republican Party has died. 1854 - 2009. And it will never, ever come back. It hath been foretold.

The GOP is dead.

The Republican Party will never, ever win another national election, and it will wither away.

I think it's pretty evident that George Bush and Dick Cheney killed it. But they had plenty of help too, as they rotted from the inside.

The remnants of the dead party will eventually splinter, with the far right wing Sarah Palin ignorant fundamentalist wing nuts going one way, and the Ron Paul limited government low taxes pro-business pro-constitution libertarians going another way.

America will become a three-party nation. The death of the GOP will shake up the political landscape. And in 2016, it'll be game-on.

But rest assured, the party of George Bush, Dick Cheney, Sarah Palin, Phil Graham, Newt Gingrich, Karl Rove, Fox News, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Alberto Gonzales, Bill O'Reilly, John Boehner, Elizabeth Dole, Mark Foley, Ted Stevens, Pat Robertson and Mike Huckabee is now dead.

D. E. A. D.



Ding Dong.


Anonymous said...

As long as there are Nielsen ratings for "news" shows, there will be politically extreme commentators, given a venue only because they can help sell advertising and eroding the spirit of commonality and compromise that this country was built upon.

Anonymous said...

To make sure, Drive a wooden spike through the heart, then run the corpse through an industrial wood chipper at full throttle. Then burn the chippings in an incinerator, like Dachou and then capture the smoke and bury at sea.

Start with the beginning of the alphabet, A, B, C, for example, B for Bush, C for Cheney... you get the picture...

R.I.P., GOP.

Anonymous said...

Let's hope it never returns. The rats are abandoning ship but where will they go? To the Democrat party to join the other rats? They are already trying to hijack the independence/anti-government/liberty movement via the tea parties.

I hope your right, Keith, but knowing how power works via the media monopolies, military industrial complex and the growing national security state I doubt this will change anything.


blogger said...

It's nice to see the Democrat numbers dropping like a rock too, and those Independent numbers rising.

Maybe we're finally getting somewhere?

Maybe people have figured it out?

Thomas Jefferson said...

1776 - 2001

Think about it.

2007 SUV for sale,14 MPG said...

The first official Republican meeting took place on July 6th, 1854 in Jackson, Michigan.

Now in 2009, they're offices are closing at a record pace.

Anonymous said...

The largest group - independents. They're the ones who've figured out the 2 party system is a joke - 2 sets of mouthpieces whoring for the same elites. The country is ripe for a 3rd party, one that doesn't whore for a living.

Anonymous said...

Long live the party of Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Dodd, Frank, Rangle and Spechter! N. O. T.

Anonymous said...

I would like to see something along the lines of a "Leave Me Alone" party. Stay out of people's bedrooms. Abortion, fine, its your decision. Gay Marriage, fine, I don't care. Not bothering me. Want to do drugs, that's ok, but don't look for support when you bottom out.
On the other hand, I do want the Federal and State governments to uphold the Constitution and Bill of Rights. The rights of the people should be protected from any government infringement. Do not "permit" around those rights.
The only problem is that unions love the current government and will fight tooth and nail to keep it going and growing.

Bukko Boomeranger said...

Keith, the "Republican Party" might have died, but the corporate forces it represents have merely abandoned the shell of its body like a cicada sheds its skin and leaves it hanging on a tree. (Oddly enough, I've seen a few shells from cicada-like insects here.) The voracious insect that is the Corporate Party is now infesting the "Democratic Party."

The Arlen Specter party-switch is an example. Specter has voted against all sorts of things the "Democratic Party" supposedly stands for. He's been in favour of Bush's wars, electronic eavesdropping on every American, against unions... all sorts of things liberals like me hate. But the Dems have been eager to take him into their fold just so they'll have 60 votes on the roll of their faction in the Senate. I don't know why they think that, because in the sound clip I heard of Specter's press conference, he said twice that he would not be "an automatic 60th vote."

The fact that the Dem power structure would accept someone who's 180 degrees opposite their supposed principles shows it's all about faction, not positions. "My team is stronger than your team!" But their team doesn't stand for anything other than the colours of the guernsey they wear to the game.

As time goes on, the corporate powers that run America will cement their takeover of the Dems. It should take another decade before people realise that the alleged "liberal" party is NOT. But fun 'n' games for the Big Boys fooling the sheeple until then.

eric in vegas said...

The only ones left will be the evangelists. The rest will try to latch on to the next up and coming party (probably Libertarian of some kind) and try to make it their own.

Duarte said...

Or... just as the President and the Democrats who held the purse strings in Congress for the past two years say they are finally clearing the "economic wreckage" of the last administration with yet MORE and greater spending, the Spring Bounce ended abruptly and the second wave of economic collapse commenced. Whole new waves of foreclosures began to sweep across the United States with more and more of them in the Alt-A, prime and commercial loan categories. The stock market equities get their butts kicked AGAIN and foreign faith in US Dollars begins to dissolve completely. This time Obama can't dodge the bullet by blaming Bush, because he was talking credit for the Spring Time Dead Cat Bounce like it was Socialist Salvation. The wishy-washy masses are too fed up to continue blaming Bush et al, so they finally turn on BO and the Democrats. The Republicans feed off of the impeccable logic of Ron Paul and true Fiscal Conservatism rises again - transforming the Republican Party for the better. Their first act is to begin discussions overseas about new commodity-backed currencies. Then it is the Democrats who sound old and decrepit as they wave flags calling the Republicans "unpatriotic" for even considering support of a new reserve currency.

"Nothing is written"
T.E. Lawrence

i've had it said...

Actually, the Dems and "Liberals should be scared shitless that the Repubs are going to split. Why? Because the new parties that arise will get a jump on the American electorate well before the Dem @arty splits. Yes, the Dems will split but long after the Repubs split. They will then be laggards and their remnant will have no impact on the American landscape, while the already established new parties lead the way.

Dem supremacy will be short-lived, but they will manage to fuck up this country considerably in the short time they will rule over us.

I hope the tea parties are the first to the political market and will lead the way going forward. I am proud to say I was at the first one in NYC in Feb 2009 when we had 150 people, and the second one on tax day when we got twelve to fifteen thousand!

Keith, time for you to drink your four-o-clock tea!

Now, "This" hath been foretold.

Anonymous said...

I see a bitter, rant-filled road ahead for some of those people. And I expect increasingly more Chuck Norris-like death wailing as time goes on.

brenda smithers said...

it's amazing that only 55% of us are dems or republicans; that kid should have told Barney Frank that americans were leaving organized politics in droves since both parties sucked and, before long, the congress is going to be as unlikeable as the vatican.

NihilistZerO said...

The same shit was said about the dems in 2002. I goes in cycles and once the libertarian wing of the party starts primarying the religotards and then the Dems can't throw social issues up anymore people will look at the proliferate spending (as they already have stated 2, teabagging and all) Republicans will resurface.

Of course the party will look very different than it does today. The bounce back will be around 2014 if I had 2 guess. When people start realizing almost 50% of there pay is going to all levels of taxation.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, Ed Rogers, a staffer under Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, has words of advice for Republicans:

Notice to Republicans: Arlen Specter changing parties is good for the Democrats and President Obama and bad for us. If you think otherwise, put down the Ann Coulter book and go get some fresh air.

Anonymous said...

This post is in no way supportive of Dubya Bush but it does show some astounding hypocrisy on behalf of the "Environmentalist" Al Gore:

Who Owns These Two Houses?

les said...

Recession is over.

The Govt and FED buying that MBS garbage for top dollar is creating another bubble.

Much of that money is in the hands of Goldman. The stock market should go to 10,000.

The second wave of defaults are coming. But the FED and the govt seem confident in buying up all this MBS crap at our expense.

The average American is simply too stupid to care. Majority of Americans support what Obama and Congress is doing.

The great crash will come in after 2012. Then the Republicans might have a chance again.

blogger said...

Which faction do you think Fox News will end up supporting? Ron Paul's side, or Sarah Palin's?

I'll be on the ignorant faction. More money to be made selling products to fools.

Anonymous said...

Greg Swann is a Republican and quotes Ayn Rand

Anonymous said...

anything that breaks that green line out?

i have (unofficially) left the republican party for the libertarian party.

Lady Di said...

"it's amazing that only 55% of us are dems or republicans; that kid should have told Barney Frank that americans were leaving organized politics in droves since both parties sucked."


Exactly. The fastest growing group today is the "political atheist" party - those that believe both parties suck equally.

Jasen said...

The Republican party is changing yes, but it isn't going anywhere. The Indy number rises every year except election years, when the Indy's realize they need to go vote in a primary and change back to a party to do so. Party ID is a good indicator but it isn't a rule. Every state has different rules about party affiliation, and many states don't require any party affiliation (like Virginia). The same stink about third parties was made in 92'. Our government is DESIGNED to have two parties.

Anonymous said...

The GOP is now the POOP (People Out Of Power). They may be reduced in number, but those numbers are still out there and dangerous. If not politically, then socially. They are extremists of the nastiest kind. They will unite around Palin, et al. and continue to spew their anti-Obama bile wherever and however they can. Mostly on Fox TV. They still scare me. Way too irrational and reactionary. With enough desperate incendiary prodding by Hannity/Limbaugh/Beck etc. they could become homegrown terrorists like Tim McVeigh.

Anonymous said...

"The remnants of the dead party will eventually splinter, with the far right wing Sarah Palin ignorant fundamentalist wing nuts going one way, and the Ron Paul limited government low taxes pro-business pro-constitution libertarians going another way."

Around here, the Far Right & The Libertarians are the same people. Or did you mean the secular Libertarians would go one way, and the religious nut cases go a different way?

gutless and lazy said...

Where's the GOP's grave?

I want to return a favor to the GOP and take a dump on it.

Anonymous said...

No way. Democrats will do something stupid like all admimistrations do. Voters will swing to the right again, then back to the left. The party in power gets high on power and makes stupid decisions. No one party will forever dominate. Ever. The GOP will make a comeback.

Prisoner No. 6 said...

Which faction do you think Fox News will end up supporting? Ron Paul's side, or Sarah Palin's?Keith, all that Fox is doing is a recapitulation of what other Murdoch properties do. The Daily Mail, News of the World, NY Post, etc. Lots of flag-waving and triumphal hooting for the frustrated pencildicks who need to feel like they're part of something-anything- that's #1. Jingoism to an extreme.

Meanwhile, the word count in the stories goes down, down, down. No deep analyses. You get a couple of talking points, and you get your shills to bray them over and over again ... like the sheep in Animal Farm. The readership can't really read Foreign Affairs Quarterly or The Economist because they use words that are 8th Grade Reading Level or higher, so no real danger of them defecting or figuring out that they're being played like fools.

And yeah, advertisers love a large, gullible audience. You can sell them schlock - like the ShamWow. Or the My Snoring Solution headband. Or the connection between Saddam Hussein and 9/11, and the fact that no WMDs were ever found somehow proves that the invasion was justified...

And Rupert sits back and counts his money.

Daphne64 said...

You are forgetting that gridlock is a good thing, be very afraid when one party can get everything it wants.

blogger said...

I didn't say the Democratic Party will survive.

I doubt that it will.

You'll see the disintermediation of political parties. You'll see Political Athiests (as another poster here brilliantly noted).

The internet is a game changer - no longer are candidates beholden to a party. They can go direct to voter now - look at Ron Paul's money bombs, and what Obama did direct. You ain't seen nothin' yet.

Mammoth said...

Anon 6:36 said, "The GOP will make a comeback."
So will housing!


Anonymous said...

Which faction do you think Fox News will end up supporting? Ron Paul's side, or Sarah Palin's?

I'll be on the ignorant faction. More money to be made selling products to fools.
From what I've seen they are trying to co-opt Ron Paul's movement BUT only in the most superficial way.

They WILL NOT touch the Federal Reserve or mention the US Constitution or liberty.

Take Judge Napolitano's Freedom Watch show which they only show on the INTERNET!!! They won't even stick it on TV.

The GOP will come back I have no doubt. This country is too f*cking dumbed down to see the big picture.


ApleAnee said...

The internet is a game changer - no longer are candidates beholden to a party. They can go direct to voter now - look at Ron Paul's money bombs, and what Obama did direct. You ain't seen nothin' yet.

That will not be allowed to happen. Anything that threatens the status quo will be eliminated as a Homeland Security Threat Code Red.

Anonymous said...

"The internet is a game changer - no longer are candidates beholden to a party. They can go direct to voter now - look at Ron Paul's money bombs, and what Obama did direct. You ain't seen nothin' yet."Sure, and you think the party in power will let that happen? Microsoft and Cisco developed tools that allow China, Australia, Saudi Arabia, etc. to sniff, censor, and limit IP traffic. Those tools will be deployed here in the USA soon. When IPv6 is mandatory, anonymous web browsing will become illegal. Congress will pass the laws, and Obama will sign them. The days of free expression on the web are numbered. enjoy them while you can, comrades.

check it out now, funksoulrubber said...


Dry drunk terrorists who spew evilness to rape the american taxpayers.

Criminals that go to church to look good.

Anonymous said...

"...Dem supremacy will be short-lived, but they will manage to fuck up this country considerably..."Considering how high the last crew set the bar, that's saying something.

They'll hit the mark.

Went2puke said...

We should all stand up and cheer Fox News, Rush, Hannity, O'Reily, Glen, Savage... for they are driving the last nail in the GOP coffin. After Bush and Cheney, one would think that those bigots have learned something! But God! I enjoy listening to them. They never stop to amaze me. In their eagerness to re-invent themselves, it seems that their rage and their non-sense are taking them to the abyss. They sound so pathetic! And the problem is that they still have no clue that eight years of Bush helped change America for good. There's no way in hell they can drive the populace again by fear. But they are still trying, even when most Americans don't believe them anymore..LOL!

Anonymous said...

You silly people! You talk of the gop going down in gleeful hopes of a new party coming out. And waaay in the backof your little minds you even have a glimmer of hope that this party will give us, "the people", a shot at a better, more representative government, that things will change for the better. And this as you have just seen the rate of change for BOTH existing parties plummet! What are you smoking, or are you really that dumb? There is no number of parties that will help the situation the US is in, silly rabbit!
See, The parties you DO have you have to work for, and with. Any political party, like any business, needs $$ to survive. Both the dem and rep parties found a source of funds in the corporations, but why? Their members were not out there with signs and bullhorns, they were watching idol. How much money have you guys given to your party of choice? No, just sit back, let the country goto sh@t, and keep hoping for some knight in shining armor to save your sorry ass, whether it be Obama, a third party, Ron Paul, whatever, just so long as YOU don't get out there and pound the pavement, get involved or anything. No just sit there and dream, fools...

Unknown said...

The funny thing is that people like Palin and Jindal actually think they will be the big deal in 2012. I guess they don't mind being captain of the Titanic.

Anonymous said...

Keith, I thought that you were smart enough to know that both parties are like a snake with two heads. These two party illusion is a mind game, a duality to keep the citizens divided while the thugs loot the country.

Anonymous said...

The GOP became 'possessed' by neocon demons.

It needs to undergo an exorcism and intensive de-programming to reclaim any credibility.

In their present state, they are a danger to themselves and the rest of the world.

Maybe some kind of intervention can be arranged...

weiner said...

Actually, for the second time in 5 years, a generic Republican beats a generic Democrat in Rasmussen's generic congressional ballot.


Anonymous said...

yeah, yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah Keith.

That's what they said when Nixon resigned and after Ford pardoned him of any wrong doing. Stick to making predictions about real estate and the economy (and pre-paid debit cards). You're going to really dig that 50% income tax in U.K. my friend.

The Dem's now have more than an adequate length of rope to go out and hang themselves with and if their past is any indicator of what they will do in the future, that is exactly what they will do. Carter Part II - Revenge of the Asshats - now playing. Take one look at Pelosi, Biden, Frank, Dodd and tell me that the Dem's are going to come out of this shitstorm smelling like a rose. As for Obama's charms and public speaking skills - I doubt that the wildcard in the coming years (Islamist extremists) are very impressed by his happy talk or what his old lady wears while planting vegetables with kiddies.

Smug Bastard

Anonymous said...

"Republicans will never win another election..."

There are two HUGE problems with THAT particular fantasy:

1. The Republidiot party has solidly "branded" itself as the party of uneducated, thought-hating, logic-hating, intellect-hating DUMMIES. And there will never be a shortage of those. In fact, their numbers are growing by rabbit-like red-state breeding, and the brain-drain exodus of smart professionals to countries THAT VALUE INTELLECT.

2. The republicans said "the Dems will never win another election" -- they said that after 1988. And they said it again after 2004. Were they right?

Anonymous said...

Do you really think the Republican Party will never win a national election ever again???... That's ridiculouse!

Anonymous said...

"1. The Republidiot party has solidly "branded" itself as the party of uneducated, thought-hating, logic-hating, intellect-hating DUMMIES..."

What a bag of wind. You're painting with a mighty broad brush there sonny. hahahaha....

Smug Bastard

Anonymous said...

"In fact, their numbers are growing by rabbit-like red-state breeding....."



I have a one word rebuttal to this argument... California. Wait, second word rebuttal.... Idaho. Wait, third word rebuttal... North Dakota (actually I suppose that's four words total) North Dakota - population 650,000 (total) - yep a real power house - 650,000 people and it has been that way for the past 10 years. Better tell those guys to start popping the viagra and start breeding like rabbits. hahaha.... see you in hell Junior.

Smug Bastard

Anonymous said...

"....brain-drain exodus of smart professionals to countries THAT VALUE INTELLECT...."

Well do tell Professor, where will you go where you will be fanned with palm fronds and fed grapes by virgins whilst you impart your wisdom upon the unwashed masses? Do tell in the present state of world wide affairs of where your intellect will be held in high regard and your wisdom as unquestionable?


Smug Bastard

Anonymous said...

LOL wiener,

How convenient that you picked one of the most conservative-biased pollsters, one of the two pollsters that are considered the MOST SKEWED or inaccurate, to put forth a "republican resurrection". That's hilarious.

Go look at the polls of ACCURATE, NON-PARTISAN pollsters, and see what answer you get LOL!!!!

Anonymous said...

To the clueless ignorant idiot who signs all his posts as "smug bastard":

I noticed you didn't actually DISPUTE the observed fact that republicans are logic-hating, intellect-hating. You simply feebly tried to attack me personally.

You CANNOT dispute it. McCain/Palin/Limbaugh/O'Reilly/Bush/Coulter have made WHOLE CAMPAIGNS out of calling people "elitist", etc, because calling them SMARTER and BETTER EDUCATED didn't seem like enough of an insult.

That's why your whole chance at national power, and you whole ideology, is NOW IN THE DESERT, hopefully for a DECADE.


Anonymous said...

Oh and by the way, Smug Bastard, go try to prove me wrong and nominate a prez candidate who is NOT a FAKE cowboy/rancher (like Bush, Bush, or Reagan) or a FAILED OR FAKE MILITARY DUMB JOCK (like "crash" McCain, or "Mission Accomp-oops" Bush) or one that can actually speak coherently, unlike the "much misunderestimated, food-on-your-family, practice-their-love" Bush, or one that can actually direct an ECONOMY instead of just drink beer with.

Go ahead, just TRY to find one with more than one brain cell that all you redneck idiots will actually all vote for at the same time.

Here's a strong hint: IT'S NOT NOT NOT PALIN!!!!

If you EVER EVER do find one, I might have a little more respect for you. Until then---DUH, NOPE!!!

Anonymous said...

Do tell in the present state of world wide affairs of where your intellect will be held in high regard and your wisdom as unquestionable?Well, let's see, Norway gives out Nobel Prizes, while we give out sports trophies.

There are TWENTY SEVEN countries with higher math skills scores than the U.S. All of the countries mentioned elsewhere in this post, plus places like Latvia, Poland, Greece, Turkey, Thailand. 17 countries have better reading skills. Frankly, I'm SICK of being among all you DOPES.

China and India are well on their way to EATING OUR LUNCH with their big populations of people willing to endure the "shame" of BEING SMARTER.

Thinking that the country of McJobs, Realtwhores, and Hummer-driving mullet-wearers is going to stay on top for even our lifetimes is the PINNACLE of dangerous ignorant arrogance.

Sweden, Denmark and lots of other countries give college educations FOR FREE, because they VALUE INTELLECT and know it's the way to bring the WHOLE COUNTRY up, rather than hatefully divide and conquer.

I know people in my field who have moved to the Netherlands to teach, where college is also state-paid, and the students actually want to LEARN, not DRINK AND CHEAT for four years.

Here, the Republidiots like to kill the Pell Grants so that the thieving college loan companies can enslave every student not born into wealth with half a lifetime's exhorbitant interest rates, in order to make a buck.

Which is one reason why no one born here wants to go into medicine any more.

Which is one reason why no one can afford health care in this country anymore. (And also why all the doctors you see nowadays are from India or Asia---because they are the only ones willing to STUDY instead of WATCHING SPORTS for the first 9 nears of their adult lives.)

And now, because of our BAD education values, we have a whole generation of dopes who are now PARENTS, instilling their anti-learning values into their children and not able to help them with basic homework or learn how to learn to they can someday get a DECENT job. And so the problem is metasticized, permanent.

For an example of this societal ignorance, lots of idiot repubs proudly cite the GOP as the "party of Lincoln" because Lincoln was a "great Republican". Only problem is, most of you are TOO STUPID to realize that Lincoln and other republicans of his day were HUGE LIBERALS!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and another sign that the U.S. is getting DUMMER every day, and falling behind other countries:

U.S. newspaper circulation per capita is PLUNGING and papers are shutting down.

Meanwhile, in the rest of the world, circulation per capita in INCREASING.

I guess here we don't WANT to know facts, trends, research, background history, etc. TOO CONFUSING! Too hard to read all the fancy words!

Better just to watch O'Reilly on FAUX News.

Well, here's some interestng reading for ya...





Anonymous said...

"Frankly, I'm SICK of being among all you DOPES."

How can I start missing you if you won't leave?

Much Love,
Smug Bastard


Anonymous said...

"Sweden, Denmark and lots of other countries give college educations FOR FREE, because they VALUE INTELLECT and know it's the way to bring the WHOLE COUNTRY up, rather than hatefully divide and conquer"

sounds fantastic - enjoy and do write back when you have a chance.

I'll miss you..

big kiss

Smug Bastard

Anonymous said...

"And now, because of our BAD education values, we have a whole generation of dopes who are now PARENTS, instilling their anti-learning values into their children and not able to help them with basic homework or learn how to learn to they can someday get a DECENT job."

Don't worry - the Democratic party will solve this crisis for thier constituents, world peace will result, being a Republican will become a capital crime and Obama tears will cure swine flu.

Hugs and kisses,
Smug Bastard

Anonymous said...

"If you EVER EVER do find one, I might have a little more respect for you. Until then---DUH, NOPE!!!"

I'm hurt....

Smug Bastard tears are rolling down my cheeks...

Smug Bastard

Anonymous said...

"I guess here we don't WANT to know facts, trends, research, background history, etc. TOO CONFUSING! Too hard to read all the fancy words!"

Well, you should be in heaven right now because Republicans do NOT control the Senate, the Congress (haven't for over two years now) or the Oval Office. Soon, a non-Republican will appoint a Supreme Court Justice. A non-Republican holds the keys to the nation's treasury, and a non-Republican is in control of appointing the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank. The leader of the Justice Department was selected by a non-Republican and the Secretary of Education with a $100 billion dollar budget was selected by a non-Republican. I don't know if you are going to have a hard time believing this or not Junior, but even if you move to China or India or Norway or Sweden (say hi to the bikini team for me if you go) - there will be a group of people (probably a large group) who have a differing opinion and who have a differing intelect (plus or minus) than your own. Good luck on that Nobel Prize...

Smug Bastard

Anonymous said...

"much love"
"big kisses"
"hugs and kisses"

Wow, great comebacks and counterarguments. You have about the intellectual capacity of my goldfish.

And YES I'm in heaven, or at least very relieved, that non-war criminals are now in power, the destruction of the constitution to make a buck may have been halted, that logical arguments will predominate over fascist fear mongering and treasonous population-dividing, and that the party that admits they ONLY want to help the RICH, WHITE AND "NORMAL" has lost to the party OF THE PEOPLE.

And 95% of my friends agree WITH ME. And about 70% of the country. And about 90% of the world. Mainly because we aren't so cowardly as to be afraid of skin color or funny middle names.

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