You choose Phoenix - bulldoze the exurban homes, or have stucco ghettos ringing your city forever. Oh, after you tear down the homes, I'd recommend the old Circuit City's, the grocery stores, the strip malls, the endless pavement, and the "lifestyle centers" get leveled too.
And then put the desert back where it belongs. It was better before. MUCH better.
They are still building warehouses and mini strip malls out here in SoCal. There is at least a 25% vacancy in the warehouse market. There are warehouses built two years ago that still haven't seen one tenant. Same can be said about mini-strip malls.
I can't wait for the day that the US govt will buy up toxic commercial mortgage securities.
What a gaggle of babbling morons. Not one idea of merit among the 4 of them.
There are not too many houses.
There are millions of renters who would love to own at a fair price. I am one of them.
Bulldozing existing homes is morally reprehensible. It is a big 'f**k you' to anyone who doesn't already own.
Prices need to come down. I am glad that prices are crashing and that these scum-bags are losing their shirts when I see how spiteful and shameless they are.
If we're going to bulldoze stuff (and I think we should)...give a look & listen to James Howard Kunstler talking about "places not worth caring about."
Hey bitches
Make sure you call up wallstreet and thank them for Screwing you.Also thank them for the 5 dollar gas they f@cked us with too.
I'm surprised they didn't have a bulldozer out ther with the excavator.I guess it was cheaper to level them.Shows you how wasteful this country is.
Next stop is temecula.Caveat emptor.
Time to demolish all of these homes and Get Prices back up! You renters will pay just like everyone else , there are no cheap prices!
So the banks are holding forclosures and getting bailouts, then they bulldoze unwanted sh*t-boxes, so this is the strategy to keep us buying over-priced houses, with a downturn in employment and consumer activity, hmmmmmm?
And Bank of America needs 34 more billion? I also saw something, but may be wrong, that the the fed wants to buy(finance) another 1.2 trillion in treasuries and 800 billion in mortgage backed securities by the end of the year.
It doesn't take a college-grad to figure-out this isn't "good". In fact, it looks like total collapse, but like every spoiled rotten brat, it doesn't mean anything. Could it be we are ruled by such adult/children, or they're just scaring/stealing us blind?
Got fear?
Damn the bankers!
Why not give some of these homes away for pennies as
‘handyman specials’
There are hundreds of thousands Americans that would jump on the opportunity to get an affordable home.
Also; the group of people worst then Realtwhores and banksters are the local building and zoning boards, they are thee most damaging power hungry a-holes.
I do not agree with Keefer on violent riots as a mean to achieve things, but would totally support rage against these most destructive people = zoning and building code enforcers.
A little off the point here Keith but you may have to get HousingPANIC out of mothballs soon given the recent FHA news. I think it might be time to go make a new bowl of popcorn because Act II might be getting underway right now. See the WSJ article labeled - The Next Housing Bust.
Smug Bastard
Just the beginning, of the End.
"Inflation is coming, inflation is coming!"
Yeah right, good luck with that. Inflation is not coming unless the banks start giving away free credit again or employers start increasing hiring and wages.
And do you see either of those two things happening anytime soon? Ben and Hank can try and manipulate, fix and extort all the markets and people they want, its not going to stop the DEFLATION. Americans can't afford the shit people are selling on the wages they are being paid! Somethings got to give.
Bulldozing houses was a prediction made by many way back in 2005 .They built houses in places without demand or jobs ,so tear downs is what will happen . What a waste ,yet the taxpayers will pay for it .
Yes, the next stop is Temecula to bulldoze 20 houses. Over on the Piggington site there is a lively debate with several residents of Temecula calling a bottom in the RE market.
Bulldoze 20 houses, massive new wave of foreclosures adding to the current huge inventory = bottom :)
Good start. Now take that heavy equipment up to Sacramento and bulldoze the capital buildings. Let the representatives work out of the trunks of their cars...
"Inflation is coming, inflation is coming!"
It's here. It's the in the form of Treasury Department debt bought by the Federal Reserve. And it's in the trillions of dollars, money made from thin air. If that's not inflation, I don't know what is.
yet there are stocks that have quadruptled over the last 2 months...and that usualy takes 15 years of compoundings....while my saving account pays 1.5 percent for the year and all the business seed money is depleating agaIN I MISSED THE DOUBLE DOWN GAINS TWICE IN TEN YEARS
That bald guy is obnoxious....
The woman actually hit the nail on the head.....the banks should have been allowed to fail. Instead of giving the money to banks where it just disappears into big bonuses and such, let them fail.
Instead, give the bailout $$$ to the FDIC who can pay it to the people who have accounts at the failed banks.
But we all know this country is run by bankster crooks and until that changes, the crooks like Paulson will continue to pay themselves and their cronies.
why those houses were not donated to the families of soldiers coming back to the USA from overseas I'll never know. what a shame. a perfect way to say "thank you" to someone deserving, a good marketing campaign, a way to drum up some good will, a chance to do the right thing and maybe get some slack cut to them on their corporate taxes, all rolled into one perfect opportunity and what do they do? bulldoze it down.
pure genius
If that is the plan, they had better hurry. Inflation is coming and the FDR-is-God party will be over. Read They have been right all along.
"Anonymous said...
why those houses were not donated to the families of soldiers coming back to the USA from overseas I'll never know. what a shame."
Ever been to Victorville, CA?
Baghdad is like a vacation destination compared....
Maricopa, AZ - the town that never really existed.
Did anyone commenting actually watch the video? Those aren't "houses" that people can move into. They are partially completed.
It would cost more to fix the damage from the squatters and from being abandoned in the elements; and then to complete the abandoned original construction than they could hope to recover when trying to sell them.
It was an economic decision, and it sounds like the right one. This business of giving them to returning veterans etc. would not work since they aren't completed or livable.
Inflation is coming.
FHA is still writing loans with 3% down. Half the loans written since the credit collapse are delinquent, or in default.
Little has changed
That blond female commentator was such a twit. Her insistence that tearing down the houses will decrease local property values is nonsense.
Think about it. First of all by removing the units the housing inventory is decreased, thus increasing prices on remaining homes.
Also how does tearing down partially completed, abandoned, foreclosed, vandalized, squatter'ed units harm the adjacent property values? That's preposterous. Removing these dangerous eyesores will increase adjacent prices, not decrease them. What a dolt.
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