May 8, 2009

Eliot Spitzer on how the financial disaster could have been avoided. AND SHOWING US WHY HE SHOULD BE NAMED AS THE INDEPENDENT SPECIAL PROSECUTOR NOW!

Come on folks, forget about the damn hookers. Eliot Spitzer could get to the bottom of this mess. His personal life is his personal life.



yoski said...

Marcy Kaptur, D-Ohio 9th district

Listen to what she has to say. We need more politicians like her and less like Dodd, Schumer and all the other crooks stealing our mojney. She knows exactly what's going on, but see for yourselves:

If the link doesn't work search youtube for "When Will The Wall Street Wrongdoers Be Brought To Justice? Congresswoman Kaptur"

Jayman01844 said...

Amen Brother!!!! Hallelujah !!!

Anonymous said...

This crusade against libertarians is getting very old. The very existence of a Federal Reserve System is anti-libertarian. Eliot Spitzer is a small-minded liberal who doesn't understand the first thing bout free-market economics. We haven't been living in a free-market for a long time.

You can get up off your knees now Keith, Eliot likes young female hookers.

Anonymous said...

Of the choices available, this is the best man for the job at hand. He's far from perfect, but he could be of great use in bringing some overdue justice to some of the humps who helped bring this crisis about. Personally, I would find it hugely entertaining. hahahaha!

Smug Bastard

borkafatty aka the pig said...

Eliot Spitzer would make the perfect special prosecutor for the Great Housing Ponzi Scheme. He should also be the co-chair of the new Pecora Comission along with Elizabeth Warren. He thouroughly understands the root causes of the problem, who is responsible, and what needs to be done to rectify the situation and make sure it doesn't happen again. Well, at least for another 80 years when all of us that remember are dead and our pols forget the lessons of history again.

Spitzer was an excellent prosecutor, possibly the best ever. He is fearless, tenacious, and articulate. He sees injustice clearly and once that injustice becomes his opponent, he makes it personal and he destroys it. Prosecution is where he belongs.

Governing was a different story. He was an awful governor, largely for the same reasons that make him such a great prosecutor. His tenacity and desire to thoroughly destroy opponents are the same qualities such famous tyrants as Stalin and Hitler and he governed as such. That he said such wonderful things about the 2 hands down worst governors in the entire country (Corzine and Schwarzenegger) is testament to how awful an idea it is to have him as governor of anything. Hopefully he will be given the opportunity to redeem himself through special prosecution but at the same time i really hope he can't parlay that into another chance at governor.

Randy said...

I am Fox news watcher and fiscal conservative but agree that it’s nobody’s business what one does in their bedroom,

That said: the problem I have is that Mr. Spitzer way over paid for a short session with a smelly bottom, then again as long as men are willing to cough up this kinda cash there will always be lady takers.

I hope Mr. Spitzer learned that you can get the same amount of pleasure for a lot lot less, perhaps he aught to start frequenting Craigslist.

gutless and lazy sees fat people said...

Won't happen. Too many Americans won't put down the happy meals while watching American Idol:

Yeah, just what we need to do, protect the Swine Flu / pork industry! (I believe a poster told me bacon and pork rinds were not bad for them in 'small' amounts).

Anonymous said...

I remember what used to be important to America; 10 years ago.

ONE WHOLE YEAR of nothing but Blow Job TV; 24/7.

NOTHING more important was going on.

Enron, Commodities Futures Modernization/Enron Loophole, Gramm Leach Bliley gutting Glass-Steagall...

How'd it work out for us?

Anonymous said...

A re-post...

Fellows, Spitzer could have gone to the Bunny Ranch in Nevada and then all of this stuff will be pure gossip and innuendo, since I believe, even Gov Ventura's been there and no one's made a stink about it.

All and all, in America, if you want to do the nasty, you've got to know the rules. This isn't Holland, you know. I clearly know of successful businessmen who only do this stuff in the Caribbean.

So I agree with Anon 5:42, he overpaid for indiscreet trash whereas he could have been with a top tier professional.

Anonymous said...

Turn Spitzer loose with unlimited executive powers.

Watch the Fuckiin Rats scramble over the side to their deaths...

Friends of Angelo first, for practice, then The Rest.

Have the hearings in CT. Bring hair dye to keep it white...

Dodd, your time of exposure and reckoning I think is coming.

Prepare for a New Career. Maybe a porta-potty attendant?

Paul E. Math said...

The problem was that what Spitzer did with the prostitute was illegal. But it shouldn't be illegal.

I'm not going to criticize someone for breaking a law that I don't believe in.

The guy would be an awesome special prosecutor.

This is a time in our country's history when we need the absolutely best people in the right positions, regardless of their compromised backgrounds.

We need to grow up and be mature and pragmatic about government officials.

Spitzer is a lot cleaner than Tim Geithner who not only cheated on his taxes (which I don't believe in) but he also laundered taxpayer money to Goldman Sach (among others) through AIG in a less than open and honest manner.

Steve said...

I agree with most of the above and think highly of Eliot. I said from the beginning of the scandle (all it was) that it was an assination. The boys at the top pushed hard to get the hit.
The main point that I want to make is... When he says "Bad judgement is not illegal" It is the "cop the plee out" defense. There will be no frog march. He is right, most of these guys will get away with believeing the "Models". Who clould see it coming? I know, I also heard the "where have they been for the last 10 years" but that would be up to congress...

Anonymous said...

Perhaps he can redeem himself by really going after this corrupted mafia in government!

Anonymous said...

LOS ANGELES, May 7 (Reuters) - Homeowners brought a federal racketeering lawsuit on Thursday against KB Home (KBH.N), the former Countrywide Financial Corp and appraiser LandSafe Inc, accusing the companies of operating a scheme to fraudulently inflate sales prices of KB homes in Arizona and Nevada.

Anonymous said...

Spitzer is actually compromised now because he made a bad judgement that was actually illegal and he avoided jail by stepping down .You need a prosecutor that will see the actions of these crooks as a deliberate crime .

Eliot Spitzer is a real smart dude and it's to bad that he can't really be the one that nails
these clowns .

Anonymous said...

Spitzer could have gone to the Bunny Ranch in Nevada and then all of this stuff will be pure gossip and innuendo, since I believe, even Gov Ventura's been there and no one's made a stink about it.

All and all, in America, if you want to do the nasty, you've got to know the rules. This isn't Holland, you know. I clearly know of successful businessmen who only do this stuff in the Caribbean.

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