The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | M - Th 11p / 10c | |||
Republicans: The Lost Party | ||||
You know what I think is the biggest problem with Republicans (the few left)?
Besides being corrupt and incompetent. Besides being mean-spirited, bigoted, closed-minded and ignorant? Besides the whole economic collapse, torture, suspension of habeas corpus and launching a stupid war thing.
They're dicks.
Seriously, I think it's time for them to admit defeat. Break up. Let the Hannity/Cheney/Limbaugh/Palin/O'Reilly/Boehner ignorant and unlikable dicks have the remnants of the old GOP. And let the moderate, libertarian, open-minded and progressive Republicans form a new party. Out of the ashes hopefully comes something good.
Something has to be done soon. Otherwise we'll have Pelosi and Reid running out of control. And that's even scarier than Republicans.
Every time I hear one of those pricks talk, I feel the need to shower.
So let me get this straight. If Republicans were more like Democrats (Pelosi, Reid, Frank, Dodd, et al.), then they'd be A-OK, and as a country we would be better off than what we have now?
Makes no sense Keith. Try this instead: How about we decide to live up to our founding ideals, use the Constitution as a guide for governance, and start electing men and women to high office who are worthy for the role?
The GOP is indeed dead. Unfortunately so is the Dem party. The political insiders of both parties will conspire to do US in. To wit, Arlen Spector, Jane Harmon, Harry Reid, Eric Cantor, Pelosi, Lieberman. Political parties are meaningless.
If the GOP were truly clever they'd switch en masse to Dem party and work from the inside. hahahaha!
Our political system is toothless. Face it.
the Libertarian Paradox, Keith.
how can Libertarians govern a country like ours? we require constant handouts just to prevent rioting.
left to our own devices... famine, seccession, a sustainable pop around 50 million.
It takes a dick to know one, and Jon Stewart is a shining example. Since Stewart and Comedy Central have their heads so far up Obama's ass, does that make them gay as well?
Funny but I had been thinking to give you that very advice Keith. Watch more Jon Stewart.
Notice his civil tone while in a jestful manner, pointing out matters of truth. Try that some time.
"And let the moderate, libertarian, open-minded and progressive Republicans form a new party. Out of the ashes hopefully comes something good."
If that happens, which I believe it will by 2012, the Democrats will be crushed much like the Republicans have recently. It's time for two NEW parties, not an abandonment of the two party system.
Oh yeah, Jeb F*cking Bush. What the hell is he doing now, anyway? Is he a realtor?
Yeah, and none of the above apply to those angels in the Democrat party...
Besides being corrupt and incompetent. Besides being mean-spirited, bigoted, closed-minded and ignorant? Besides the whole economic collapse, torture, suspension of habeas corpus and launching a stupid war thing..
The Dems rubber stamped and were instrumental in all of the above. Just because that is not the general public impression at the moment is irrelevant. As we can see Obama is simply a puppet controlled by the same corporate interests and lobbyists that have corrupted the Repugnic*nts.
For God's sake Keith! Let's get beyond this Dems vs Repubs BS and understand that the Federal government is completely corrupted to the core by a system that ignores the Constitution, passes massive bills that contradict the Constitution WITHOUT EVEN READING THE DAMN BILLS, redistributes wealth, micromanages the economy and creates these massive distortions in the economy through pie in the sky government programs like "The Ownership Society".
Yes, a lot of Republicans are dicks but so are a lot of Democrats.
Can we please:
The problem is we have an illegitimate Federal government that serves corporate lobbyists and is utterly criminal in the way it runs it's operations. It does not have the authority via the Constitution to do the majority of what it does today. Bailing out banks, bailing out auto industries, firing CEOs!! NO AUTHORITY and yet it does it anyway.
The Federal government is completely LAWLESS and until we get over this pathetic RED vs BLUE bickering we will never seriously address the root of the problems in America today.
Grow up.
Pelosi & Reid are two of the biggest progressives in the country... look where that has gotten us!!!
"Besides being corrupt and incompetent. Besides being mean-spirited, bigoted, closed-minded and ignorant? Besides the whole economic collapse, torture, suspension of habeas corpus and launching a stupid war thing.
They're dicks."
How right you are Keith. The wheels have really come off the Libertarian New World Order that the Bushies were promoting.
And it makes me happy.
All the Republicans need to do is become the party of freedom. Legalize Drugs and stop going after gays. Those two things would show that they aren't interested in policing are private lives and make the Dems seem like the Nazis. The Republicans should simply offer no opinion on gay marriage. Really. Just say that it isn't a government issue. Legalize drugs for economic reasons and again, to get out of people's private lives. Make the Dems seem like nannies.
Young people are pragmatic, tolerant and smart. The GOP needs to drop the churchies ASAP.
Best GOP laugh of all:
Everything was okay Jan. 19th; said with maudlin, plaintive face.
The fallback fantasy is Clinton, ACORN, hell; even Community Reinvestment Act.
Which means they expect you to believe it was nearly 30 years until it caused the disaster.
Really. It must be easy to imagine other people as mean and stupid. That's known as projection in clinical settings.
See if this makes sense: the Debacle occurred because the largest financial organizations in the world committed securities fraud in bad faith/with malice aforethought by representing no-doc mortgages as AAA.
As our law-and-order government applauded; with an FBI warning paper trail.
WHEN did it happen and on whose watch?
Gimme Cheese.
For real;
I only watch Fox news.
And you Mr. Queef are blinded by the BBC and Al-Jazzera.
Tricky Dick said...
So let me get this straight. If Republicans were more like Democrats (Pelosi, Reid, Frank, Dodd, et al.), then they'd be A-OK, and as a country we would be better off than what we have now?
Ah, no DICK, that is not what Keith wrote if you actually read all his comments. Read them again and then get back to us.
Randy said...
For real;
I only watch Fox news.
Thank you Randy for admitting to your closed-mindedness and ignorance. Takes a real man to stand up and do that.
For me, I like watching cnn, fox news, msnbc, cnbc, comedy central, c-span, abc, nbc, cbs, pbs, bbc and a few more.
I like reading tons of blogs. I like reading a few newspapers a day. I like reading tons of books.
But hey, if all you do is watch fox news, then obviously you'll go into this world open-minded and informed.
I don't think Randy was forreal. PS, you left out CNBC - best entertainment value for us dorks.
Our political system is a false dichotomy. This is why independents are on the rise. The Republicans are on the wrong side of social and biologic evolution. Free speech protects their right to continue to speak and think in ignorance. However, as society advances, politcal parties that refuse to change by default refuse to win. Independents realize that no one political party holds all the best answers. Independents realize that political majorities can make self serving, poor political choices. Our two party system encourages people to pigeonhole their thoughts inline with their party instead of oncouraging critical, rational thought. To many independents, the GOP was increasingly becoming the much greater of two evils. And remember, as individuals, don't fight the FED! Only the market can bring down that behemoth and perhaps at best only injure it.
First let me say I write this as someone who has voted republican for over 20 years. I finally left the part (or rather it left me) last election and voted for my beliefs (libertarian) verses the lesser of two evils.
The problem with the Republican Party is that the people who are left are the very people that drove everyone else away. I voted republican because I am a fiscal conservative and held my nose when I had to listen to all the social conservative crap. Then under Bush it became apparent that the republicans were no more fiscally conservative than the Democrats. Tax cuts only work if spending and the size of government is reduced.
So now the people left in the party are saying they are not conservative enough, which I agree with fiscally, but they believe it is still about social issues. I don’t know if this can be fixed because a majority of those that remain in the party are pretty hard headed about their beliefs. Until the party gets rid of the anti-gay, anti-abortion, anti-drug zealots I believe the only solution is for more and more people to migrate to the Libertarian party. As Obama, Pelosi and Reed continues to thoroughly screw up what’s left of the economy and the Republican aren’t smart enough to dump the zealots the 2012 election may finally be an opportunity for the Libertarian party to replace the Republicans.
Subsidizing medical/science majors is actually a great idea IF you go after students that are capable and willing versus those just looking for a free ride. But of course that would be discrimination. Discrimination against the lazy and incompetent. Can't have that in the US.
Ah, Keith, my little sock puppet. Your Sisyphean quest will only end in disappointment. Right now you are in DENIAL. The government will put on a show of prosecutorial investigation, a few skillfully selected perp walks, and some feckless legislation. All medicine to placate the masses and other weak minded fools like all your disciples. When you see me continuing to enjoy the fruits of my labor then comes ANGER. It is clear (to me) that your blog is simply a distraction to your real obsession, me. Eventually, you will begin to BARGAIN. You will be willing to vote for anyone, even a fundamentalist Republican, if they promise to incarcerate me. All other concerns in your life will fall to the wayside. Don't even fantasize about challenging me personally as I have made arrangements with that foolishness in mind. Eventually, in time, you will realize the futility of your desires. Then inevitably DEPRESSION will set in. In some strange way it saddens me to know this. But there is hope, and with it comes ACCEPTANCE. Acceptance that you and I are but two travelers on the same road of life. One, seeing things clearly for what they are, the other, seeing things as they wish them to be. Tonight I will celebrate a toast in the wish that you will awaken from your slumber to a happier place.
"How right you are Keith. The wheels have really come off the Libertarian New World Order that the Bushies were promoting."
Are you being sarcastic or do you not have a clue what Libertarianism stands for?
The core point of this post is pretty simple:
The GOP leaders, their mouthpieces, their frontmen, are dicks.
Would most of you agree with me on that, regardless of your politics?
If I was gonna create a political party, the first thing I'd want to do is, uh, well, win elections. So I'd want some likable folks. You know, like how George W. was presented to the world. Good guys. Regular folks. Didn't turn out too good in his case, since he was a fool, but I hope you understand what I mean.
But now we have the now-dead GOP, putting Hannity, Rush and Cheney out front and center. Dicks. No better word to describe them. As*holes. Jerks. Sons of bitches. Dicks.
And America has rejected them. Big time.
So who are the "nice" Republicans that people could stomach? Who could revive this now-dead party?
Joe Scarborough comes to mind. Olympia Snowe seems nice. I'm having a tough time thinking of more, but there has to be a few. Oh, Ron Paul, he seems like a good guy. Arnold is agreeable (too bad he can't run).
Who will lead this now-dead party out of the wilderness? All I see is a parade of dicks. There's gotta be a few that aren't. Help me find one.
"Something has to be done soon. Otherwise we'll have Pelosi and Reid running out of control. And that's even scarier than Republicans."
To late Keith and your chosen savior is right with them.
Traditional Republicans should reorganize and renounce the objectives of the treasonous PNAC and its henchmen; the neoCONS.
A 'throw the bums out' campaign to cleanse the GOP of the insidious neocon scumbags would be embraced by a grateful nation.
They've bottomed out, now it's time to reaffirm/reinstate their core ideals.
They owe it to themselves and the country to admit that the neocon influence was corrupting and disastrous.
Great we have been talking about this for weeks. You have been proven time and time again that the Dems are no different. It has been proven time and time that when you make a comment about Pelosi, you may as well be making it about Obama also. You stand here and call other people "ignorant" and the more you argue this shit you lose credibility Keith.
Pelosi is the mentality that has CA in the toilet. Your buddy Obama is cheering her on.
One last thing. If your answer to this mess is Obama then you have gotten it really fucking wrong.
I don't see how the republican party will purge it self of the neo-cons. It looks like that's pretty much all that's left.
Both parties are the best that money can buy. Really hard to find anyone of principle in either one and with most Americans fat dumb and lazy I don't see any revolution in the cards. Our only hope is Obama and co. make such a hash of the economy we vote all the bums out. Hate to wish for the worst, but anything that the mainstream media can spin as any kind of success likens the chance we'll just get more of the same Regan-Clinton-Obama-Bush economic policies.
I think the right wing neocon fringe fundamentalist ignorant idiot side of the GOP will keep the Republican brand.
I think the libertarian, centrist, realist, competent side will break off.
The two can no longer co-exist. Sarah Palin and Ron Paul cannot be in the same party.
Do me a favor. If you jump on the Ron Paul bandwagon again, show some respect like the unearned huge amount of respect you give Obama.
And post up my other comment. Be a man. You wanted to agrue this. Put it up.
I hate both parties... I would like to be a libertarian, but at the same time i feel that a third part will never succeed here, our government has been bought and paid for, and we don't get a choice anymore.
That trio of re-treads is absolutely pathetic. They shoulda been sitting around a pot belly stove at the Cracker Barrel.
Where was Bobby "Count Chocula" Jindal? These guys are all as gray and bland as nursing home food.
The GOP is fish poop on the bottom of the ocean.
Sooo many bought-off liars and dishonest greedy people in both parties. That's what's gotta stop. But, who will replace them? Sooo many in the society at large. Quite a problem.
God gives us the leaders we deserve . We are in for treat indeed with our current high moral compass . Got popcorn ... You ain't seen nothing yet.
The Libertarian New World Order is on fire. Poppy Bush and the Wall Street Bankers are really pissed with George Junior.
Burn baby, burn.
Re: al-Jazeera -- at a few of the better hotels we stayed at in Europe last year, they had al-Jazz's English version on their in-room tellys. It was surprisingly good. Less repetitious than BBC's endless loop and less hype rah-rah than CNN Europe has become. (It used to be so much better than American CNN, like it was aimed at grown-ups.)
Admittedly, a-J is tilted toward a Third-World view of things, based on the issues it chose to cover. Poverty stories instead of what Britney was up to. Brown faces being interviewed as much as white ones. There was a bit of Muslim slant, but I was amazed at how down-the-middle its coverage was. Not quite the "he says the sky is blue; she says the sky is green. You decide!" like U.S. TV.
From what I've read, al-Jazeera in Arabic is more like the Islamic propaganda arm that most Americans perceive it to be. That's where they have the shows with the imam telling you how to be a good religious zealot. But I wish more American cable operations had the balls to offer a-J as part of their news packages. Unfortunately, American businesses and people are as freaked out about hearing for the other side as communist apparatchiks and Soviet proles were in the USSR.
The Libertarian New World Order is on fire.
Are you completely retarded Mr Anonymous? I see your posts frequently pop up here referencing a "Libertarian New World Order". What on Earth are you on about?
Do you even understand what libertarian means? The New World Order we are seeing is the Anglo-American financial elite ruling over the globe with a fascist-socialist world order of globalist organizations like the UN, the Trilateral Commission, the World Bank and IMF etc etc...
There is absolutely nothing "libertarian" about it and if it were libertarian it would be a good thing!!
Angry Leprecaun admonished :-
And post up my other comment. Be a man. You wanted to agrue this. Put it up.
Yeah, Keef has a habit of using his "comment moderation" selectively. It's OK to say Fuck, but NOT OK to present a talking point which tends to undermine one of Keef's fondly held beliefs.
I for one would like to see Angry's comment/argument whatever.
How bout it, keef? U man enuf, or what?
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