February 1, 2009

Khomeini returned 30 years ago today. And you know what happened next.

This is what happens when a corrupt few get a hold of a nation's treasure, and steal the wealth of the people.

This is what happens when kleptocracies rule the day.

Khomeini's takeover wasn't the product of religion. It was the result of economics.

And the world is not going back to normal after the magnitude of what they have done.

WorldPANIC political upheavals, because of economics, will now commence.

What countries go first?


Anonymous said...

Lots of people start the outrage clock in 1979.

1954 was an interesting year as well.

Anonymous said...

Um, ever heard of SAVAK and the CIA sponsored overthrow of Premier Mossaddeq, Keith?

Khomeini wasn't a result of economics he was a result of the grand old Great Game of divide and conquer imperialist foreign policy.

Anonymous said...

The west has to admit being the root cause of rage in the muslim world. In each and every one of these significant events, the west has taken a stance that is devoid of any ideals or morals, a stance they would dare not take with respect to their own countries
- Deposition of an elected leader in Iran in 1953
- Maintaining relations with a repressive tyrant and savage murderer like the Shah
-Failing to reach out to and mend fences with Iran after the dust of the revolution settled
- Funding and abetting Saddam in his war against Iran
- Unconditionally supporting Israeli atrocities against the Palestinian people
- Supporting tyrant regimes in Saudi, UAE & other Gulf state lackeys
- Supporting the repressive regime of Zia-ul-Haq in Pakistan during the Afghan war that is the root cause of all the terrorism emanating in the world today
- Belittling and antagonizing Muslim beliefs under false pretexts for no other reason than to provoke & insult
- Killing millions of common Muslims in the name of promoting democracy, freedom and liberty.

Anonymous said...

The people of Iran have stood against the Bankers for 30 years. America? Where is your pride?

Anonymous said...

Well, the USA did just pop off the lily white faces that were the nominal rulers here. Now we have black people heading up the G.O.P. and another sitting as President in the White House.

In some parts of the USA, that is the equivalent of toppling the Shah and replacing him with Khomeini......


Mac10 said...

I would gladly venture a prediction (i.e. "which country is next"), however I would violate one of my central theses about this period, which is that in geopolitical anarchy we will find the half-life of predictions to become shorter and shorter...

Anonymous said...

Oh, gimme a break, Anon@6:55! The moslem world never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity -- plays the victim every time and can never seem to take responsibility for itself. Its so easy to blame the West for Islam's failures -- kleptocracy, indeed. What about all the billions of $$ the West pumped into the PA??? How else could Mme. Arafag live in such splendor in Paris??? Israel pulls out of Gaza and what's the first thing those pigs do? Destroy the multi-million $$ greenhouse industry Isreal established. The Gaza, right on the Mediterrean, should be a #1 tourist attraction (and was, years ago) -- look at the waste the Palestinians have laid to it. The moslem world will never get ahead as long as it seeks to remain in the 13th century. I suppose you think the Taliban is progressive? DOPE.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 7.34am....

I am talking about Western meddling in the Middle East. Do not bring in Islam. This has nothing to do with Christianity or Islam. That is how your diseased and prejudiced mind views things... like George Bush. It is always "Them and us".

First, get your facts and terminology right, the word is not Moslem, but Muslim. Idiot...

The US and western Europe need to let the Islamic world decide what they want to do as long as they do not mess with us! Do you poke your nose in your neighbor's or coworkers affairs ? Try doing it by citing that you are just being friendly and you will be slapped, abused and cursed till you are out of sight.

What the Islamic world does is none of our business as long as they do not mess with us. Get that right ? We messed with them and that is why 9/11 happened.... They did not attack Sweden or Canada.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 7.34am....

I am talking about Western meddling in the Middle East. Do not bring in Islam. This has nothing to do with Christianity or Islam. That is how your diseased and prejudiced mind views things... like George Bush. It is always "Them and us".

First, get your facts and terminology right, the word is not Moslem, but Muslim. Idiot...

The US and western Europe need to let the Islamic world decide what they want to do as long as they do not mess with us! Do you poke your nose in your neighbor's or coworkers affairs ? Try doing it by citing that you are just being friendly and you will be slapped, abused and cursed till you are out of sight.

What the Islamic world does is none of our business as long as they do not mess with us. Get that right ? We messed with them and that is why 9/11 happened.... They did not attack Sweden or Canada.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 7.34am....

I am talking about Western meddling in the Middle East. Do not bring in Islam. This has nothing to do with Christianity or Islam. That is how your diseased and prejudiced mind views things... like George Bush. It is always "Them and us".

First, get your facts and terminology right, the word is not Moslem, but Muslim. Idiot...

The US and western Europe need to let the Islamic world decide what they want to do as long as they do not mess with us! Do you poke your nose in your neighbor's or coworkers affairs ? Try doing it by citing that you are just being friendly and you will be slapped, abused and cursed till you are out of sight.

What the Islamic world does is none of our business as long as they do not mess with us. Get that right ? We messed with them and that is why 9/11 happened.... They did not attack Sweden or Canada.

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