January 16, 2009

And then, right on schedule, LithuaniaPANIC

It hath been foretold.

Memo to rioters - Don't fight the cops, they're not your enemies. Fight the real criminals.

The bankers.

Memo to governments around the world - if you want to contain this and save your butts, you're going to have to go after the guilty, and get them in jail cells ASAP. And no, that's not the rioters.

It's the bankers. And it's you too.

Baltic Protests Erupt as EU’s Worst Economies Shake

The Baltic countries of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia are facing unrest and street protests over government austerity measures that may make political leaders casualties of the worst economic collapse in the European Union.

Protesters hurled stones and broke windows at the Parliament building during an anti-government demonstration in the capital of Vilnius today, leading to at least 86 arrests. It followed a larger riot on Jan. 13 in Riga, Latvia’s biggest city, in which 106 people were detained. Lithuanian Prime Minister Andrius Kubilius held an emergency Cabinet meeting as police pushed protesters back with rubber bullets and tear gas.

Disruptions in the former communist nations just west of Russia contrast with 2006, when the economies of the three grew faster than any others in the 27-member EU. Now, leaders are facing calls to step down over painful spending and wage cuts, enacted more than a year after the International Monetary Fund warned that an economic meltdown was looming.


ApleAnee said...

With all of the Euro bashing that goes on here, you have to really give these people credit for organizing and taking to the streets when their money is stolen. We could use some of those people here to kick ass and take names.

Anonymous said...

On my last visit to Lithuania three years ago they were in a midst of a spectacular RE bubble financed by Nordic banks setting their foot in the Baltics. Huts that bore a "for sale" sign the previous year were now offered "for rent", and the airline serving the flights to Moscow attentively packed every passenger seat with a catalogue of "investment properties" starting at 35K EUR. Needless to say, housing prices were all in six-figures a few months later (with median monthly wage still well below 1000 EUR), and then - POP! - you know the rest of the story.
This was a convincing anti-globalist (in the sense of anti-EU, anti-WTO) case for me. The entire country appears to be mutilated by eurobureaucratic "harmonization" efforts against the backdrop of predatory foreign involvement in the economy - which is a disappointing record given Lithuania's memorable struggle for independence from the USSR.

Anonymous said...

Coming to America. Grab your tickets and popcorn!

Anonymous said...

Americans are too scared to protest like that.they are afraid of losing their overpried mcmansion to the crooks in govt.

blogger said...

I want to see a violent protest outside of the NAR headquarters in Chicago

How can we make that happen?

The problem with the USA is it's so big, so spread out, so many major cities.

Latvia has a problem, everyone knows where to go.

Ireland has a problem, everyone knows where to go.

The US has a problem, where do you start?

So, we've predicted the start of riots in Lithuania, Latvia and Russia. Greece caught me off guard.

Next up? I'd say Ireland, Hungary, Iceland and Bulgaria.

Oh, what a tangled web the housing bubble wove.

Anonymous said...

"Rubber bullets and tear gas"

Sounds like it could be a new Blog!

Anonymous said...

It will happen here. May not be at NAR headquarters in Chicago, but I think evey major US city will see major civil unrest in the next few years. I doubt it will be LA riots bad in every city, but it will get bad. No other way it can go.

The "economic stimulus package" will not work and the crash will be of EPIC proportions.

And BTW, we still haven't hit desperation. Everyone I talk to thinks Obama can fix everything and "we are going to bounce back soon". Fools and monkeys!

Anonymous said...

"The Baltic countries of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia"

I live in Texas, I don't care, really........

Maybe it'll work-out for them, but, really, does anyone care?

blogger said...

I'm thinking of doing a Soot & Ashes swing through Vilnius, Riga and Estonia in a few weeks.

I'll let you know how it looks.

Anyone who's been give me your tips now...

Anonymous said...

hungary will follow

blogger said...

For longtime readers, picture housingpanic three years ago.

If I could have skipped forward 3 years and shown you what we've seen, would you have been surprised? At all?

The banks have failed

Fannie and Freddie have failed
Riots are breaking out

The stock market has crashed

Trillions and trillions have been lost

Housing is down 30% to 50% nationwide

Obama was elected

I'm telling you, it's spooky. And it was all in Manias, Panics and Crashes.

The only things that don't make sense right now are gold and the US dollar.

Anonymous said...


That’s right I can’t see any other way to achieve success either.
Don’t ya think if we do the things the Lithuanians are doing we’ll end up just like them?

Can you please share an example where someone reached their dreams by reacting to life’s challenges with anger and riots?

blogger said...

"Can you please share an example where someone reached their dreams by reacting to life’s challenges with anger and riots?"

Let me take that one.


Americans in 1776?

The French in 1789?

The Russians in 1912?

Democrats in 1968?

Shall I go on?

Sometimes, when the situation warrants, and the leaders are corrupt and entrenched, the people need to take to the streets. Non-violence is best (MLK, Gandhi). But if power won't relent, then violence is called for.

"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

Anonymous said...

Cant these Eurotards resolve this with Dialogue?

Don’t the barbarians across the pond understand an alternative to violence?

Anonymous said...


Huge distinction between fighting for a greater cause, willing to do whatever it takes to achieve it, including the risk of getting physically harmed.

An example today would be the Jewish people fighting to share a piece of our planet in peace, and in this case I would say no mercy to anything or anyone in the way of achieving this noble goal.

Vs going out there and blaming others for the dumb and greedy financial choices they have made.

Not everyone in America is soo mad, those of us who live within our means are doing just fine.

I just don’t see the nobility of hurting other people for the purpose of greed.

Anonymous said...

Can you please share an example where someone reached their dreams by reacting to life’s challenges with anger and riots?

The American Revolution?

Anonymous said...

Folks, it was not to long ago when the greatest human minds, thinkers, inventors, philosophers, artist, and innovators lived in the Baltic states.

Until one day the violent riots began and the greedy citizens killed their neighbors stole all their property and belongings.

But what they really killed was the creative spirit - the spirit of life and renewal.

The Baltic states never recovered and likely never will.

Anonymous said...

Americano said...
‘An example today would be the Jewish people fighting to share a piece of our planet in peace, and in this case I would say no mercy to anything or anyone in the way of achieving this noble goal.’

Well said..

I would like to add, that no people, country or nation has a right to their own borders, and call a piece of this planet their home.

Until the ancient Jewish tribe has a viable place to call their own.

Anonymous said...

Buh buh I thought Eurotrash liked New World Order, as they are so in love with their EU mandate and single currency. Soon enough they'll all be wearing Mao style canvas uniforms with EU emblem on the chest and fur heat. Now go pose as intellectuals on Cafés, while the New World Order f*cks you in a$$.

The latest Ponzi from the New World Order to control the sheep: GLOBAL WARMING.

Anonymous said...

It won't happen here because the retards believe their Messiah will make everything tip-top with the wave of his magic teleprompter, and including stimulus consisting of free rims and iPhones.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of doing a Soot & Ashes swing through Vilnius, Riga and Estonia in a few weeks.
I'll let you know how it looks.
Anyone who's been give me your tips now...

That corner of EU appears Eurostandardized to the extent of becoming dull but here are some tips on Lithuania in particular.

1. Apart from hotels there are "guest houses", "vacation houses" etc. at half the price. They are not advertised as hotels but appear just as secure. This has something to do with certification or taxes, I guess.
2. The ever-necessary amenities are marked with "M" for ladies and "V" for gents (moteris/vyras as in maternity/virility). And beer is "alus" (as in ale). You may learn a lot of Lithuanian by just browsing the etymology entries in Webster's and OED.
3. (As of 2006) Urban youth understands English, almost nobody else does.
4. Lithuania was ranked as the EU's most alcoholic country, with attendant cases of petty crime and misdemeanor. Thus the same precautions as in Russia apply.
5. Almost everything for sale is made either in Poland or in China. You can win some respect by supporting the local manufacturer. :)

Anonymous said...

>Democrats in 1968?

That one puzzles me.

Anonymous said...

"I just don’t see the nobility of hurting other people for the purpose of greed."

we'll only hurt the ones who've hurt us and continue to loot the national treasury.

turning the other cheek just got old.

Anonymous said...

I agree, don't fight the cops, try to educate them, that way the cops can point their guns in the proper direction.

ApleAnee said...

Americano said...


Can you please share an example where someone reached their dreams by reacting to life’s challenges with anger and riots?

The American Revolution. The Civil War. The Boston Tea Party. All countries eventually have to face a crisis such as this, but I believe this is the first time that it was needed, and had to compete with Grand Theft Auto, World of Warcraft,American Idol, and MasterCard/VISA.

ooooo what to do, what to do.... the riot is at 8pm and so is Idol. what to do, what to do.....

Anonymous said...

when is this coming here? perhaps detroit first?

Anonymous said...

"Can you please share an example where someone reached their dreams by reacting to life’s challenges with anger and riots?"

Sure thing. First we gave a huge party, which became our Woodstock so to speak, the largest concert venue in the world. Then, right after, we started kicking the military dictatorship out of power. During this venue we told the military dictatorship to no even think about getting in, so they left us alone. It was a great party that last 10 days, and I'm not sure how I survived. A couple years later democracy was installed, after decades of vicious tyranny. Here's a youtube video of it:


And here's info about the venue:


Anonymous said...

much the sporty riot suit the old guy has on. i should hope tyo look as well.. hopew the slave does not spend to much time and effort to keep his homestead farm, fish, m ine prodfuce lands , thst he has n o time or energy to work it........

Anonymous said...

An example today would be the Jewish people fighting to share a piece of our planet in peace, and in this case I would say no mercy to anything or anyone in the way of achieving this noble goal.

To reiterate:

"Fighting to share...in peace."

"No mercy to...anyone in the way of achieving this noble goal."

Fighting for peace. No mercy to anyone who would oppose peace. You ARE being ironic, right? You can't be that clueless as to actually MEAN "no mercy in the cause of peace." Because sometimes people who are making a sly jest are impossible to differentiate from people who are just farking stupid.

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