January 16, 2009

What good things will come out of the global housing ponzi scheme crash? Here's ten for starters

1) People are disgusted by debt, over-consumption and materialism

2) Realtors and mortgage brokers go away in droves

3) The broke and classless British stop destroying the beautiful cities of old Europe with their "stag and hen" drunkenness

4) Housing porn shows are taken off the air

5) Houses are homes again, not lottery tickets

6) Millions of bankers are broke, unemployed or dead, never to find work in banking again

7) David Lereah, Lawrence Yun, Kendra Todd, Nicholas Retsinas, Leslie Appleton-Young, Greg Swann, Connie De Groot, Mike Norman, Tom Adkins and Catherine Reagor are forever discredited and humiliated

8) Barack Obama was elected, George W. Bush is seen as The Worst President Ever, Sarah Palin is a worldwide laughingstock, and John McCain is forgotten

9) Circuit City is bankrupt, and their crappy stores and horrific employees are gone

10) Angelo Mozilo is finally arrested, and imprisoned for the rest of his natural life


Anonymous said...

Sheep get sheared and are thankful they didn't come for the chops.

Here's another, Ron Paul gets a window to educated the now sheared imbeciles.

>The goal of a healthy economy is productivity. Jobs are a positive outcome of that. A "job" could be to dig a hole one day, and fill it back up the next, or perhaps the equivalent at a desk. This does no one any good.


Anonymous said...

11) The neoliberal "Capitalism++" as such falls under greater scrutiny, with US/EU experience being no longer blindly copied by governments elsewhere.

Captain Anarchy said...

#3 reminds me of a joke back in Holland...

"The British! They come over here, they get stinking drunk, they curse, they make lewd gestures, they throw up, piss in the streets, fight with the bouncer, grope every woman in the bar.....

And don't even get me started about the men...."

Anonymous said...

How long are we talking here? I'm going on 65 and I figure for the rest of my life we will be shifting our views.

People will learn they could have gotten along with less and still been reasonably content, all along.

That without credit, money, and whatever they bought with it, they are still themselves. Something core remains.

That those who were dismissed as poor,old, useless dregs of society may be the very ones who will show many how to survive.

Life has a way of wearing off our sharp edges if you live long enough. I expect to see a lot of roly-poly people when all is said in done.

All our labels for each other, and for ourselves, will at some point in the near future, become completely meaningless. Labels are a luxury. Attitude is a luxury. Judgement is a luxury. There aren't going to be any luxuries.Yes, I think it's going to be that stark.
A time when food will be hard to find, hard to come by, and hard to grow. That's for starters.

Grandma PKK

Anonymous said...

banksters roasting on an open fire...

blogger said...

#3 is my greatest hope.

The Brits are ruining Europe, one country at a time. First they brought their housing ponzi scheme. Then they brought their drunks.

And yes, the women are getting worse than the men.

It's gotta stop.

Anonymous said...

11.) The college industrial complex will be exposed as the scam that it is - a financial debt-trap that provides very little return on investment for most college majors.

12.) Dogs will no longer be treated like humans. Buh Bye to the doggie day cares, pet spas, gourmet foods, jeweled leashes, high fashion and doggie and me vacations.

Anonymous said...

We will be happily employed for the next 8 years building a pyramid for the great Obama, after he declares himself a God at the inauguration next week.

Hey it'll be a tourist site for a couple-of thousand years and generating income, it can't loose!

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with Circuit City employees?

Unknown said...

11.) The college industrial complex will be exposed as the scam that it is - a financial debt-trap that provides very little return on investment for most college majors.

Depends on your degree, mine is engineering.

I make 5 times more than I would have had I not gone to college. MY college was fully loan financed. But for the most part you're right. Kids get degrees in anthropology not understanding that you'd make as much money working at Best Buy and would be saddled down with all the debt.

Anonymous said...

You know what really makes me laugh? All the articles you read constantly now about ways to cut back, save money, be frugal, etc. I have always lived like this for the most part. My spending habits have not changed one bit since the "economic downturn"-because I have always been careful about how I spend my money.

I am not cheap--I just have never spent money wastefully. For example, I have never been in the habit of getting a Starbucks coffee every day-I think I have had a Starbucks maybe once. Why? Because I can buy a 2 pound bag of fresh coffee beans and grind them myself fresh every day, and have my automatic coffeepot set to have my coffee ready when I wake up. We make a full pot every morning. We make extra so we can put some in a travel mug for the trip to work. It would never occur to me to buy coffee out unless I ran out of coffee or my coffee machine was broken. Cost of our coffee? About $10.00 a month.

And trust me-you won't find me as the subject of a stupid newspaper article crying about how "deprived" I feel.

Anonymous said...

The world jumped on the housing bandwaggon without too much help from the Brits, and as for the Brits reputation abroad, at least we don't have to say we're Canadian like you Keith.

I'd also like to add, if Britain is so bad, and the US so great now that the messiah Obama is in charge, why don't you do us all a favour and fuck off back there!!

Anonymous said...

The Brits are destroying the free world with their tracking and surveillance society. The millions of cameras, gps in vehicles, license plate tracking, dna database, eco-police checking your garbage, etc...these people have become George Orwell's nightmare.

What the hell happened to the nation that gave the world the Magna Carta?

The Brits have only a short time to reverse course. Only God will be able to help them if they don't. And for a people who have come to hate the idea of a supreme being and religion, there's probably little hope of that happening.

The Brits are doomed.

Anonymous said...


No doubt Obama was a much better choice vs McCain/Palin and sure, he is more clever than idiot Bush. However Obama is pushing throwing 350 billion to pay down principle of select homedebtors... how come your outrage of this is so muted or even non-existant?

You need to fight this injustice!


Anonymous said...

Keith, care to explain the "women are getting worse than the men" for us on the other side of the pond?

Noprogram said...

#3: I lived in London for three years, and while like anywhere you can find good people, I was stunned by how trashy the Brits are in general. It's especially bad when they're out of the country spend'n up large, getting pissed, puking, and buying property in Spain and Greece and thinking they were Lords of Europe. Arrogant and inebriated assholes. These guys should throw this pollution out their countries if they had any sense...I guess they saw money and decided they could put up with them? They were just low class trash, flashing the cash from their ponzi scheme economy.

Anonymous said...

but... if deflation is as demand destruction, loss and is total to equal the 500 million of derivitives, or 10 years of the total worlds production, as is said, a 500 , trillion bailout would not create inflation, and thus tho, the only thing to raise interest rates would be over heated boom?. or caused by demand destruction .....of bogus assets?

Anonymous said...

sorry...no boom fpr you....your an aging society.....damn

blogger said...

The employees at Circuit City couldn't hold the employees at Best Buy's jock strap

Capitalism is cruel, but it is also efficient.

blogger said...

On the Brit women, I'm talking about the drunks. The women are getting more pissed than the men these days. Passed out in the street (literally, passed out in the street) drunk.

And the worse thing is they're not keeping it in the UK - they're taking their show on the road, ruining cities all over Europe on weekends.

They're not hard to find. They all have their matching t-shirts, their superhero costumes, and they're yelling and drawing attention to themselves.

You know, like Americans used to do.

Just much worse.

It has to stop.

Anonymous said...

Passed out in the street (literally, passed out in the street) drunk

Anonymous said...

thanks for your post Grandma PKK

Anonymous said...

Item #1 - disagree, human nature doesn't change....greed is inherent, it will cool down...but "Keeping up with the Jones" won't die..

I find nothing wrong w/ Circuit City ee's....ouch...management maybe. I used to shop there and was happy with it.

Bankers - look we need bankers. I am not a banker....we need good ones. New and improved ones. How about putting the criminal ones in jail? Angelo? Bernie (not exactly a banker per se)...the criminal ones will most likely stay free and live to run another criminal enterprise. Don't hold your breath.

Incidentally, that Madoff scheme is going to be much bigger and far reaching than reported....yep, all the way down to regular people/401k investors etc. .... 401k's will be dead..."retired" will be a nice way of saying "unemployed til I have to off myself".

Anonymous said...

I have found Circuit City AND Best Buy employee's to be equally courteous, attentive, informed and helpful.

I have always found that CC had much better pricing and selection than BB. I feel that poor management (as always) is taking down CC, not the economy.

What I can't understand is that the business news articles say that CC's biggest competitor is the electronics sections of the new SuperWal-Marts, not BB, and that’s what is putting them under. Good grief. I have heard NOTHING positive about Wal-Mart’s electronics section, from anyone who has dealt with them!


JAWS said...

Smaller houses.
Smaller vehicles.

Little bitty men not breaking their necks climbing in & out of gigantic pickups.

Anonymous said...

Only morons shop at Circuit City or Best Buy. Helloooooo? Have you heard of sales tax free and free shipping Amazon and Newegg?

Captain Anarchy said...


I don't think it's all British. But a certain segment of the society has gotten quite loud. And yes, it's the segment that tends to get carpet-burn on its collective knuckles. A whole demographic cohort of Amy Winehouses.

I don't know exactly how to describe it - and it's not just the chav(ette)s. But I've noticed the same thing that others are describing. And the women are (proportional to our social expectations) acting worse than the men.

There are clubs on the mainland where you might get turned away because you're speaking English. And it's not because you're American - but because they think you're British and they have informal policies not to let too many in or things get out of hand. (BTW - wear nice shoes, not sneakers or anything sporty. It makes a huge difference).

You'll find a lot of British women down in the Cyclades; on holiday to get "serviced". There's a whole subculture of Greek men who head down for the season. There's some word they use for it having to do with fishing or hooks or something. My Greek is pretty rusty so I didn't understand the nuance of the conversation. I got goosed three times passing through a gaggle of drunk Brit women.

That sort of thing has a place. But it's really out of control. And when the French think you're outrageous and the Germans are encouraging you to put your clothes back on.... Well there's something to be said for that.

The kind of Brits who can correct your Latin and who have mastered the art of understatement (i.e. the kind of British women I'd like to meet) are still out there. But there's a whole other group out there overcompensating for them.

Captain Anarchy said...

Whilst we're on the subject - maybe someone here can fill out a joke/cultural observation I've been working on:

"You can tell a lot about the essential character of a country by where they sell condoms.

The Dutch sell them next to the baby food. Dutch pragmatism at work. Most everyone needs to go down the aisle, and it serves as a fair reminder of what your options are. (I don't know about the Catholic South - where cigarette vending machines get emptied out on Sundays).

The Germans sell them next to the band-aids. Very efficient for some folks...

The French and Italians sell them at the tobacconist's shop. I can't characterize it but it fits.

The Greeks put them wherever there was shelf space."

Contributions I haven't experienced myself include:
"The Russians sell them next to the snow tires. In Soviet days they were made out of the same kind of rubber..." (complete joke/bs)

"The Belgians sell them next to the batteries" (from a Belgian guy) - doesn't exactly imply high praise for Belgian men, does it?

So what's the story with the British?

I assume the Japanese sell them in vending machines?

Americans are fair game as well. I suspect our trait would be a schizophrenic attitude towards their being any. But as a native I don't think I'm in a position to interpret.

Bukko Boomeranger said...

The drinking is almost as bad Down Under. Not everyone, but a substantial number of the younger Anglo-stock Aussies are way too pissed for their own good. I'm no wowser -- I've drunk more than my share of hard liquor, been blacked out, etc. -- but that was years ago, and I didn't do it every night. And I was a humourous drunk. The boozers here ae more into shouting an fighting. Plus, the young Aussie girls I work with, who ae registered nurses and ought to know better, seem to get pissed worse than the men. The immigrants don't seem to make as big a deal of it as the ridgy-didge people. I blame the Poms. It's the curse of the prison class, I tell ya.

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