January 15, 2009

Here's a Congressman asking Fed Gov Kohn how he blew $1.2 trillion of our money. And of course, he didn't get an answer.

I asked the Fed for this information over a year ago, and they of course declined.

Nice to see a Congressman do his f*cking job and ask the same question.

Now, it's time to get some subpoenas, get to the courts, and get this f*cking information. Now. They've blown trillions, buying up debt worth nothing, and they're lying to the US taxpayers and they're lying to the world.

F*ck the Fed. F*ck Ben Bernanke. F*ck Barney Frank. F*ck Donald Kohn.

It's time to overthrow this system, shut down the Fed, and get control over taxpayer dollars.

Or just go back to watching American Idol, and hope against hope that everything works out.

1 comment:

Captain Anarchy said...


Is the representative asking the questions.

Write a letter of support or donate to the campaign fund. We all sit around complaining about the incompetents and crooks who don't do their jobs. Let's support politicians like reps Grayson and Paul who stand up and do the right thing.

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