"And here's the list of Republican obsessions since President Obama took office: that his birth certificate is supposedly fake, he uses a teleprompter too much, he bowed to a Saudi guy, Europeans like him, he gives inappropriate gifts, his wife shamelessly flaunts her upper arms, and he shook hands with Hugo Chavez and slipped him the nuclear launch codes. Do these sound like the concerns of a healthy, vibrant political party?"
- Bill Maher, April 2009, listing the anti-Obama talking points idiots use because they don't have the intelligence to come up with legitimate ones, or think for themselves
(now think how many times on this blog instead of legit criticism of Obama and intelligent debate on issues like government bank intervention, unwillingnesss to name a special prosecutor, wiretapping, overspending, etc, we suffer through the birth certificate stuff, or the teleprompter nonsense. Hint - if you're that guy, don't be an idiot. Everyone is laughing at you.)
My only complaint is that Obama is a politician and that makes him no better or no worse than Bush; in my book, Obama should have gone after terrorists wherever they live, even those within the CIA who are fond of torture.
Liberals can dish it out but they can't take it when it's dished right back at them.
Maher and the Left made sport of every little thing Bush did. So did the newspapers, MSM, late night shows, bumper stickers, etc.
Now, the shoe is on the other foot. The conservatives are making fun and picking on every little thing about BO and the Leftists whine, howl, protest, and carry-on about how immature and stupid the Right is. They are so indignant at the Right for doing the same exact thing they did!
Give me a break, man...
What the past 100 days has shown is that there is not a spit of difference between the Democrat and Republican parties. They have just changed hats now.
Most true conservatives and true liberals have long since left these bickering fools.
Where have all the war protesters gone?
Good one Fannny. I still smirk when I hear what is called "left" in the U.S.
"The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism—ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power."
Where have all the war protesters gone?
they are still there it is just that the Lame Stream Media doesn't report on them any more because that would make the messiah look bad as he ramps up the troop levels in afghanistan.
Maher and the Left made sport of every little thing Bush did. So did the newspapers, MSM, late night shows, bumper stickers, etc.
true, very true. I keep waiting for david letterman to show some of obama's speaking flubs like he used to do for bush.
'...he gives inappropriate gifts...'
Couldn't the invasion/occupation of Iraq be classified as an 'inappropriate gift' to KBR/Halliburton?
A no-bid, tax-free, cost-plus *gift* that keeps on giving...
Does Cheney's generosity know no bounds?
Deficits don't matter, my ass!
I couldn't agree more with this post. I have serious substantitive issues with how Obama has handled the Presidency so far, but I hate to voice that opinion for fear of being lumped in with the Rush Limdick listening, teabagging nutballs.
Hey I've had it: the Left made fun of the BIG things Bushie-boy did -- like invading Iraq on false pretences, stuffing up the war in Afghanistan, giving tax cuts to the rich and screwing over the working class, torturing people, destroying the economy... We also made fun of the little things he did, like being so stupid.
Now the Right is making fun of the LITTLE stuff Obama does, like what Keith mentioned. The Right can't go after the BIG dumb stuff Obama does, like protecting the torturers and giving trillions to the bank maggots, because those are programs of the Right. That faction can't criticise what the alleged "leftist" is doing to help the Right's masters.
Obama is catching plenty of flack from the Left. Read Glenn Greenwald in Salon.com if you want to see what it looks like when one faction criticises its supposed champion. It's something the leader-cultists on the Right never did to realPresident Cheney.
As far as the paranoid, repetitive, nothing-to-say anonymous, HE'S not laughing at himself. And his voice is the only one that matters to him. His, and the ones inside his head...
big fan of the right to imprison without trial and torture suspects but for the first rule of coppering that everyone is a suspect
"Maher and the Left made sport of every little thing Bush did."
Are you f'ing kidding?
Every little thing?
Starting a war on false pretenses and then botching the occupation and costing tens of thousands of lives is a "little thing"?
Green-lighting sickening torture and costing the U.S. its international image is a "little thing"?
Letting the bankers & oilmen run rampant, stealing everything not nailed down, giving $3 trillion in taxpayer dollars to Big Pharma, and disembowling the SEC are "little things"?
Dude. Whatever Obama's doing or not doing to try to clean up the mess are legitimate topics.
But all you clowns can come up with is the equivalent of farting into the microphone when asked for a comment.
The GOP is not doing its job. It's really not. And it should. America needs an opposition to check the homework.
We will get one eventually, once you and your non-serious, anti-intellectual ilk are purged.
Obama is catching plenty of flack from the Left. Read Glenn Greenwald in Salon.com if you want to see what it looks like when one faction criticises its supposed champion. It's something the leader-cultists on the Right never did to realPresident Cheney.
Only Bukko the wack job male nurse could believe the media is is anything but Obbaaammmyy cultists (left wing.)
"Maher and the Left made sport of every little thing Bush did. So did the newspapers, MSM, late night shows, bumper stickers, etc."
Every little thing? That's exactly the dumbass Americano that doesn't seem to understand no matter how obvious. But the good news is that you have coming to you exactly what you deserve.
The biggest problem with Obama is that he continues the policies of Bush. He's more eloquent, better looking and a better politician, kind of like Bill Clinton. But that's all window dressing. The policies started under Reagan, Bush senior, expanded under Clinton and kicked into overdrive under GWB are still very much alive and well. Now bow to your corporate masters, bitch! Never in history have so many been fooled by so few.
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