This man did.

It may be convenient to blame the janitor for cleaning up the puke on the bathroom floor, but it would be stupid.
The "Ownership Society", corrupt deregulation and unchecked speculation and greed got us here. When we needed adults in charge, we got children. And of course, you're to blame too. You knew you couldn't afford that mortgage. And you should have known the home's P/E was out of whack.
Be angry, be upset. But look in the mirror, and look who was in charge when the problems could have been averted. To do otherwise is delusional.
That's right Doucherino, it was all "The Retard's" fault. "The Retarded Negro" had nothing to do with it. No mention of Bawney Fag (D-bagger) or Chris Dodd (D-bagger) either. Those bankers are making out like the bandits they are though. How many arrests?
"Um, what is ZERO Alex?"
You know, having been lucky enough to have found hp back in the day, my eyes were opened and I feel fortunate that I knew the truth and was not suckered in, not suckered into the housing bubble, not suckered into believing republicans were 'strong on terror' and dems were not, or that republicans were 'good for the economy' and that democrats were merely socialists trying to take this great country down slowly by incrementally wrecking the economy with their 'feel good, people first' policies. Alot of the bs i finally recognized that so many other people out their had not. Therefore, I am still surprised, but I shouldn't be, when people look back on the GWB days as a good time. Think about it, their houses (plural) they bought kept going up and up. The job market was tight, everyone thought the party would never end. Never mind it did end during the last year of W, but remember then we were given those stimulus checks in his last year of office? Those checks were only enough to stimulate the economy till November mind you, but it kept the party going late enough for the gwb admin to skip town leaving obama holding the bag. Now, to the simple minds of the public, it looks as if the economy only went down in flames under BO, they easily forget it actually went down on gwb's watch.
Good post Keith.
To add to this, the issue with the individuals promoting this hate against our president is that they will blame all the presidents, Bush and Clinton too. This way they can say, you see I'm not biased.
But where were they when the country was being destroyed in 2000-2006? To me, this is not coincidence, and you "tea baggers" should be asking your leaders the same question. Where were you back when our country was destroyed? Why didn't you start this movement when this was happening and when it would have really mattered. You can probably guess why they were not mad, or blaming our president back then, but I will leave it up to you to make that call.
And as I've said before, Obama has made his fare number of mistakes and I will not defend him for them, but this issue we are in is not his fault.
It was fun while it lasted and it will hurt now tea baggers/Republicans.
Someone has to take the blame right?Does anyone really care anyway?The govt is commited to bailing out everyone so all this bs does not matter.the party is back on.
Keith your analogy might make sense - IF the new boss was doing anything different than the old boss. So tell us again, who is being deluded?
Getting ass-raped by a guy named Obama isn't any more pleasant because a guy named Bush did it first.
Yes, Bush caused a lot of problems but...... before him was Reagan and Clinton. I think you can trace the 'problem' back to Woodrow Wilson and the corrupt Congress of 1913.
And to be fair to Obama, he didn't cause the problem...he just perpetuates it.
They're both to blame. Bush started it and OoooooBammmy is doubling down on stupid. But he speaks so well! I guess its all good though since he at least doesn't sound like an idiot while doing all the same dumb things.
All those freeloading deadbeat Nick doppelgangers in my neighborhood get to squat in their homes for free, keep their HELOCed Escalades, as well as all the other toys they can't afford. I get to pay for them with tax money while i pay rent and drive a sensible car. Where's my bailout? Oh, that's right, I don't get one because I was responsible and played by the rules. Who's the asshole again?
We Obama's making it worse and he hasn't fix a thing
Well that may be true but now Step-n-fetchit is destroying business and any wealth
4.5 million jobs have been lost since Obama took office. When Obama was selling the porkulus, unemployment was at 8%. He said if the porkulus wasn't passed, that unemployment could reach 10%. It did anyways. He said that it would "save or create" 4-5 million jobs.
Obama's porkulus has been a failure. It didn't live up to its promises. It's another failed attempt at central planning.
Your lucky
It's always Bush's fault
Are you kidding me, Keith?
Your premise that people will be honest is truly laughable.
They think what they are told to think, and happily repeat "Things were just great January 19, 2009."
I do not accord deranged, dishonest, partisans yammering on about how bad the other guys are ANY presumption of honest discourse.
The truth is not in them.
They now substitute an earnest "Yes, Bush was bad, BUT..." in yet another attempt to obfuscate the origins of this disaster.
AAA-rated liar loan pools were fraudulently conveyed; the ill-gotten proceeds of which were used to inflate the bubble. WHEN did that occur?
Answer that TRUTHFULLY, and the truth shall set you free.
"AAA-rated liar loan pools were fraudulently conveyed; the ill-gotten proceeds of which were used to inflate the bubble. WHEN did that occur?"
Part of Soetoro's responsibility as president is to see to it "that the Laws be faithfully executed."
Where are the arrests of banksters that committed fraud???? If Obama doesn't enforce the law, just like Bush, how is he any better than Bush????? If Obama gives the criminal bankster bailouts, how does that make him better than Bush who did the same thing?
Denniger makes a good point here.
"Over 100 banks have failed thus far. The FDIC continues to record insane loss rates on the alleged "assets" they are holding, proof positive that these institutions are "cooking their books" and holding so-called "assets" at dramatically above their actual values. Yet nobody has gone to jail or even been indicted for certifying a balance sheet that is later proved to be dramatically off actual valuations."
JUST LIKE BUSH!!! Obama is Bush on steroids.
allweeweedup said...
Keith your analogy might make sense - IF the new boss was doing anything different than the old boss. So tell us again, who is being deluded?
Again, keith's post was that the whole mess started with gwb, the w depression (or great recession, whatever u wanna call it) started under the gwb admin. Read the post again, it is to point out who caused the problems to the tea baggers who are all of a sudden upset at out of control govt spending when they weren't before.
Still, I have to give allweeweedup credit in that here is a person who doesn't agree with our pres or Keith, but yet can make an intelligent argument, saying the new pres is doing nothing different from the old pres. While that is entirely a whole new argument, it is nonetheless WAY more intelligent than the first poster we see on this thread. There is a person so pissed off at keith, the pres, "the liberals and democrats", etc., yet can not formulate a coherent set of reasons as to why he hates; therefore he just stamps his feet and lashes out with childish nicknames he, or rush, or somebody, made up. Within these nicknames that people like rush make up often you will find a thread of the main disagreement the conjurer of these names has with the person having the nickname attached. In the case of anonymous April 13, 2010 1:51 PM, his nickname for the pres goes to race, for barney frank, his sexuality and manner of speaking. In other words, he doesn;t have a whole lot. Maybe he is onto something with the "retarded" label for both gwb and bo, and i would tend to agree in the case of gwb, but i doubt he could intellectually defend the retard label against bo. This poster is just a frustrated white guy with deep seated anger that he really cant even explain and its sad...
Wow, freedom of speech is a wonderful thing. Because it lets you know who the real assholes are.
This man didn't cause your problems.
Perhaps not, but when you are given the controls of the plane heading for the ground, the last thing you should do is firewall the throttle and keep the nose pointed at the ground...
But then again, if you're going to leave a hole it might as well be a big one.
keith, do you really think the financial bust would have turned out any different if obama had been in office from 2000-2008?
well i think it would have been different. it would have been even worse.
stop being such an obama fanboi.
obama is wrecking america at a rate far greater than bush.
my worrying is that obama's incompetence is going to lead to total republican control in 2012 (well, jan 2013).
i don't think either party should have complete control of congress and the white house.
The teabaggers were around before Obama was even elected - but regardless, you can't clean up puke with substantially more puke. You need a paper towel, and our current president has his finger down his throat.
Dead on RobertM.
Dead on.
the two photos remind me of Tweedledee and Tweedledum.
obama is an idiot too. did you listen to his recent 16 minute answer to a simple question during his now aborted "pitching healthcare tour"?
i think after that disaster they canceled the rest of his tour to promote HCR.
obama is a disaster when he goes off teleprompter.
"AAA-rated liar loan pools were fraudulently conveyed; the ill-gotten proceeds of which were used to inflate the bubble. WHEN did that occur?"
That occured at the same time Obama was takingh heaps of money from Fannie and Freddie as I remeber, cheerleading at their efforts to give everyone the chance to purchase a home.
Here I toned it down for you ok. Post it, or are you too
HMMMMMM! I guess you forget Obama's ties currently to the banks and his former and current ties to Fannie and Freddie. Not to mention he was a huge cheerleader for the whole debacle. Not to mention it was his same ideology of everyone deserves a home bullshit. He is just as responsible.
Now he is taking up the reigns where Bush left off with these bullshit tax incentives for purchasing new homes.
Bush is not in office anymore you fucking twit. Time to look at the PROBLEM you have right in front of your eyes that you are too stupid to realize HE IS NO DIFFERENT.
You are a hypocrite Keith. I hate Bush, but the bottom line is if Bush pulled the shit Obama has over the last year you would be all over his ass for it. SO WHY IS IT OK FOR OABAM? OBAMA DOES NOT ALIGN WITH ANYTHING FROM THE HP DAYS. YOUR CREDIBILITY FROM HP IS GONE.
Obama 2005, I repeat 2005 taking money from Fannie and Freddie. 2005Where was Obama, oh there he was.
Bush was a disaster. Obama is a disaster on the same level. You endorse either, even one slightly over the other you are wrong. You are the most blatant hypocrite I have seen Keith.
Ron Paul says Obama isn't a socialist, he's a corporatist. So he is perpetuating the problem. But you are right, as Pogo said "We have met the enemy, and he is us."
Perhaps I haven't realized the power that Fox News and Roger Ailes have had over Americans.
It truly is amazing.
Guy comes into a bar, shoots up the place, swags down a few bottles of Jack before he hits the road, and the people want to blame the Sheriff for getting there too late.
The best news out of America these past few months is that there's an adult in charge of the joint again. A pragmatic, educated, balanced, intelligent and passionate leader of men. A man celebrated around the world.
And because of the power of Roger Ailes and Fox News, by a certain and significant share of the American population, he is hated at home. Even though the destruction that has befallen the land is in no way his doing.
I visited the Lincoln museum in Illinois not too long ago. Lincoln was hated and eviscerated during his tenure, and of course eventually killed. This may be Obama's fate as well. And now, most Americans view Lincoln as our greatest president. One willing to make the hardest decisions. One knowing the right thing to do. And he was hated, and he was killed.
Enjoy your Glenn Beck. Enjoy your Roger Ailes news channel. Enjoy your Dick Armey tea parties. Enjoy your near-billionaire Rush Limbaugh's hate rants. Enjoy your underemployment. Enjoy your crashed house prices. Enjoy your decaying infrastructure and destroyed manufacturing base. Enjoy your generation of kids addicted to shallow consumerism. Enjoy the America you have enabled.
History will not be kind.
Peace out.
So who planted the seeds of them green shoots you're touting?
Could it be they were planted during the Bush years and began sprouting during the Empty suit years?
Kwitrh said,
"Guy comes into a bar, shoots up the place, swags down a few bottles of Jack before he hits the road, and the people want to blame the Sheriff for getting there too late."
I say,
The only problem is the Sheriff was in on it the whole time. Then the Sherriff proceeded to the next bar and shoots it up as well, blaming it all on the first shooter.
Keith said
"The best news out of America these past few months is that there's an adult in charge of the joint again. A pragmatic, educated, balanced, intelligent and passionate leader of men. A man celebrated around the world."
I say,
All worthless if you are bought and paid for by the same people as the other idiot.
Keith says,
"And because of the power of Roger Ailes and Fox News, by a certain and significant share of the American population, he is hated at home. Even though the destruction that has befallen the land is in no way his doing."
I say,
Special interest are laughing because they got you to buy their scheme. Pretty fucking funny if you ask me.
Keith said,
"I visited the Lincoln museum in Illinois not too long ago. Lincoln was hated and eviscerated during his tenure, and of course eventually killed. This may be Obama's fate as well. And now, most Americans view Lincoln as our greatest president. One willing to make the hardest decisions. One knowing the right thing to do. And he was hated, and he was killed."
I say,
Lincoln could have purchased and freed the slaves for a fraction of the cost of the Civil War. It was not the purpose for the Civil War either. Lincoln's interest in forcing the Southern States to remian part of the Union was the main interest. Lincoln was no Jefferson.
Keith said,
"Enjoy your Glenn Beck. Enjoy your Roger Ailes news channel. Enjoy your Dick Armey tea parties. Enjoy your near-billionaire Rush Limbaugh's hate rants."
I say,
Can't stand any of them, and your hate filled rants are no better.
Keith said,
"Enjoy your underemployment. Enjoy your crashed house prices. Enjoy your decaying infrastructure and destroyed manufacturing base. Enjoy your generation of kids addicted to shallow consumerism. Enjoy the America you have enabled."
I say,
Underemployment of the workforce could have been fixed earlier if the crash had taken place as you preached for years Keith. Housing prices needed to come down. As for the rest for the items, to blame that on one man is just plain stupid. Obama's policies will make it all that much worse.
Keith said,
"History will not be kind."
I say,
Correct, you are an epic failure today for endorsing Obama who is the same epic failure as Bush.
Keith said,
"Peace Out"
I say,
Oh please not that shit again.
Enjoy your underemployment. Enjoy your crashed house prices. Enjoy your decaying infrastructure and destroyed manufacturing base. Enjoy your generation of kids addicted to shallow consumerism. Enjoy the America you have enabled.
And the messiah has done what exactly to correct any of this....continue to enable??
Keith -
Another interesting bit for you in the LA Times today on WaMu, and how they basically knowingly created the financial Instruments of Mass Destruction: "The investigation uncovered an April 2008 memo from an internal WaMu corporate-fraud investigator that said a sales associate admitted some associates would "manufacture" statements about a potential borrower's assets "because the pressure was 'tremendous,' and they had been told to get the loans funded, 'whatever it took.' "
It's like a blueprint for the consequences of unbridled greed and Ayn Randian "I got mine, Jack" philosophy. The worst part is that due to the gutting of regulations, it was not, technically, illegal at the time. Fraudulent? Sure. Unethical? Damn Skippy.
But due to that whole "Getting the government off the backs of the people" movement, STILL espoused by know-nothing parrots here on this board, there were no checks & balances in the system.
Even now, GOP Senators are meeting privately (READ: accepting huge checks into their re-election slush funds) with bankers who are dictating to them their talking points to forestall any real re-regulation of this criminal industry.
But at least some investigators are on the case. Check it out ... if this gets any traction, we may yet see some charges against Mozilo...
Ya sure Keith keep dreaming.
Uhhh, Fox, Lincoln, Teabaggers... wut?
US citizens robbed of Trillions to make international bankers whole: CHECK.
Propaganda campaign ratcheted up in preparation for the expansion of middle east wars: CHECK CHECK.
Keith pretending the it aint the same as the old boss: CHECK CHECK CHECK.
Hey I appreciate that the guy can actually speak and think, but that makes it worse in way as he is the perfect guy to placate people after Bush while the same old same old accelerates the decline in the American standard of living and the forever war goes on and on.
keith, the sheriff isn't doing anything about anything.
the thing is, obama is not the sheriff.
obama is changing very little.
How is that gitmo closing going?
escalating war in Afghanistan?
out of iraq?
wall street reform?
health care reform is not really reform.
illegal wire tapping? he still reserves the right to do so.
patriot act? still in place.
lower taxes for the average joe? well, under bush fewer average joes paid federal income tax than under obama.
it is you that is being brainwashed by the left stream media (any outlet other than fox, though cnn has been slowly drifting back to center, much to the consternation of the "progressives")
A man celebrated around the world.
celebrated around the world is so 2008 keith. this is 2010 and the world view of obama is changing. they see that he is no different than bush.
Indonesia recently tore down the obama statue the erected in 2009.
obama is a disaster.
dude can't go off teleprompter for any length of time (another thing he has in common with bush, the two are really alike in many ways)
when did obama last host a press conference? hmmm? july 2009.
obama has held fewer press conf and played more golf than bush did in his first 16 months in office.
Keith, you're awesome. I don't want you to publish this. I just want you to know.
You know that your statement is not true.
Way to bait 'em.
Jealous of Beck's $30 million?
Who knowingly sold their bubble priced house, screwed over their fellow man and then started a blog ranting about how bad American's priorities are all fucked up.
Look in the mirror and enjoy the America YOU helped to create, Kieth.
Why do you always go here? These posts lower the intellect level of you blog by at least 20 points every time you start one. Posts like this are so dumb they cause my head to hurt. Did it happen under Bush or Obama? "My guy is smart and its not his fault, your guy was a complete tool." Obama is just left with Bushes mess to clean up etc, etc, etc.
All of these arguments sound just like a political campaign. Get the people fired up and debating "hot button" issues (gun control, abortion, health care, etc) so they don't see the truth. Same thing as "Obama is better than Bush", same damn thing Keith.
Sure, there are a large number of rednecks in this country who hate Obama because he is black. They hate him because he is a dem. They would love nothing more than to see him fail. Sure, there is still a lot of ignorance in the world today. But I doubt this represents the majority of your readers here. So why argue with the few idiots on here?
You posted once that you felt within the next 10-20 years someone would get elected who was unaffiliated. They would campaign virally, over the web. Allowing them to compete with the two parties and their corruption and money. That people were finally seeking the truth and this person that truly was different would get elected. This was one of the most insightful and well thought out posts I have read anywhere on the net in quite awhile. And then you follow it up with this?
BTW, I agree with you that people are slowly opening their eyes to the truth. The "willful blindness" is wearing off. I also hope that it will happen within the next 20 years.
So on that note, enough with these silly arguments. Fact is, Obama and Bush are leaves of the same tree. So lets stop talking about the idiots and ethically bankrupt. Lets instead discuss guys like Gov. Christie in New Jersey who is attempting to take down the union vampires in his state. Lets talk about guys like BJ Lawson who is running for congress in SC on a platform of the constitution and ridding DC of the lobbyists and special interests. Lets talk more about Ron Paul since he, you know, has been talking about all this stuff since before many of us were even born. Maybe we should give him some props once in awhile for being the only voice of reason for over 30 years, being unpopular and unheard for all that time but continuing to fight the good fight every day. Maybe we should thank him once in awhile, you think?
Bottom line is, time would be much better spent discussing things like that instead of this drivel you started here. JMTC.
thank you for talking sense.
here is how your hope and change clown handles the press.
you have become a little cry baby.
A Commie is running America and instead of embracement you hoped and dream for, you see a back lash that will lead to never again.
So you cry and you cry and you cry
Bull Keith, the man after Bush did! Clinton!
The Glass–Steagall Act was killed by the Clinton Administration in order to make housing affordable to the under privilege, "THOSE WHO CAN'T AFFORD HOUSING". This ignited the Greatest Housing Bubble since the Great Depression!
Wake up dude, don't lie to the people in this blog, we are to smart for that.
I will say one thing, Bush did not help the cause but the truth of the matter is we would not be in this situation had the Glass-Steagall law remain in place. It was put in during the Great Depression to prevent another one!
"Guy comes into a bar, shoots up the place, swags down a few bottles of Jack before he hits the road, and the people want to blame the Sheriff for getting there too late."
In the case of Soetoro, he's swagging down a few bottles of Jack as well and not arresting the prior guy either.
"The best news out of America these past few months is that there's an adult in charge of the joint again."
A community organizer who constantly lies and needs a teleprompter for every word he says.
"A pragmatic, educated, balanced, intelligent and passionate leader of men."
Where's Soetoro's education records? Where's the pragmatism in blowing $7 trillion since he took office? Where's the intelligence in spending like Greece? Where's the intelligence of attempting further central planning debacles after EVERY SINGLE attempt to central plan throughout history has failed.
"I visited the Lincoln museum in Illinois not too long ago. Lincoln was hated and eviscerated during his tenure, and of course eventually killed."
That's because he shit and pissed all over the constitution and federalism, just like Bush and Soetoro. He was a warmonger, starting and fighting an completely unnecessary war, just like Bush and Soetoro.
Bush, Soetoro, Lincoln, and Wilson are the worst presidents ever. One could debate all day as to who is the worst.
"Enjoy your underemployment. Enjoy your crashed house prices. Enjoy your decaying infrastructure and destroyed manufacturing base. "
Aren't crashed home prices a good thing? Who celebrates when food at the grocery store goes up? Who celebrates when health care or gas goes up?
As for underemployment, decaying infrastructure, and destroyed manufacturing base, what are Soetoro and the marxist congress doing about that? How's that stimulus plan working out for ya?
Chill out dude.
Remember, Life is short. Don't waste it discussing who is worst. You could as well be bungee jumping.
Keith Dubaya was an idiot, but Obongo is in the chair now and has been for the last 15 mths. The Dems have had a majority in the house since 06 so you can't lay all the blame at Dubs door. You're begining to sound like our fucktards who continue to blame the Torys for everything but they haven't been in power for 14 years.
"Lincoln's interest in forcing the Southern States to remain part of the Union was the main interest. Lincoln was no Jefferson."
Yes, I think Lincoln's party was ear marked to prevent *the expansion* of slavery into the territories and thus, the already pre-existing internal competition between northern and southern farmers/land developers erupted into a full fledged war since at that point, the whole federalist system was in jeopardy due to the secession. Realize, the territories were not in the Confederacy and thus, no northerners had any incentive to fight Dixie for their own gain.
I hope some of you, especially those with kids, get out to the presidential museums.
Lincoln's was fantastic, a bit disneyesque, but great. Clinton's what good (just OK). LBJ's was the best - like a time capsule not just in content but in presentation. And Bush Sr.'s was excellent - I have a greater appreciation for him especially vs. his idiot, after visiting that museum.
I'd like to hit Reagan and Nixon next swing through Cali.
Ron Paul and Obama in a dead heat if elections were held today.
Bring that shit on.
Your boyfriend will be a one termer Keith.
Gramm-Leech-Bliley; who was that Gramm fellow again?
Enron loophole, diamonds-in-toothpaste tax dodger helper senior UBS executive.
McCain's financial advisor. ;^D
Bush's fault
Gramm-Leech-Bliley; who was that Gramm fellow again?
Enron loophole, diamonds-in-toothpaste tax dodger helper senior UBS executive.
McCain's financial advisor. ;^D
Who sign the bill? Clinton! End of Story!
Obama's popularity is plummeting because he has gone back on every promise he made and this blogger one of the few that still likes him LOL.
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