Three months into one of the greatest stock market rallies ever and you STILL don't see green shoots? You STILL think 0% interest rates, trillions in government spending and a tax cut don't matter?
Things are improving folks. The free-fall is over. Millions more will lose their jobs, GM will finally go bankrupt, California will need a bail-out, home prices will keep falling, and we've got one hell of a bill to pay (or inflate away).
But now, the numbers will get 'less ugly'. And then one day, they'll actually level off, and then they'll improve.
So it's time to come out of the shelter.
It was brilliant that you built the shelter, stocked it with supplies, and stayed there for the past two years. Congrats. You survived (I hope).
But really, come out. Take a peek. Everyone else is in the shelter. Takes a brave man to come out and take a peek. Be one of the first. Again.
Of course, get ready to head back down there one day again. Maybe at a moment's notice. There'll still be many (bad) surprises to come, it may be a WWWWW kind of chaotic recovery, there'll be fits and starts. But we've kicked the can down the road.
So really, come on out. Take a peek.
And remember - this blog is "Soot and Ashes - The World After the Crash". It's not "The End of the World is Here and Things Will Never Ever Get Better". Business runs in cycles. This one was a doozy.
But Hope is here. And so is the recovery.
It hath been foretold.